what is best cpa test review course

by Isadore Douglas 3 min read

Becker CPA Review is the gold standard in the CPA Review Course industry and is the most recommended CPA study program by the Big Four. Becker CPA review offers high quality video lectures, Skills Master Modules, and CPA exam questions and explanations.Jun 2, 2022

Full Answer

Which CPA review course is better?

These Are The Top Ranked 9+ Best CPA Exam Review Courses & CPA Study Materials in 2020 (Updated: November): Compare The Top 6 Best Rated CPA Review Courses Side-by-Side [Comparison Chart] Becker CPA Review Course (Rank: #1) Surgent CPA Review Course (Rank: #2) Gleim CPA Review Course (Rank: #3)

How to choose a CPA review course?

Try these if you’re really stumped:

  • Is there an instructor or teacher available if I have questions about homework or content? ...
  • How long from purchase do I have to access the material? ...
  • Are there any discounts available?
  • Am I limited to one format or can I have the flexibility of combining online/live courses?
  • What is the policy for students who fail a part? ...

More items...

Is Wiley a good CPA review course?

is an annual review of “was it a good year for the Jews ... The worst Jew-hating keyboard warrior this year, however, was Wiley, the godfather of both grime and tardiness. Over the summer he went on a tweeting spree in which he likened Jews to ...

What is the best CMA review course?

These Are The Top 5 Best CMA Prep Courses & Study Materials in December 2021:

  • Becker CMA Exam Review Course
  • Surgent CMA Review Course: Adaptive Learning
  • Wiley CMAexcel Review Course
  • Gleim CMA Exam Review Course: Best CMA Questions
  • CMA Exam Academy Review Course: 1-On-1 Coaching
  • Hock CMA Prep Course: Great Study Guides

Which CPA exam review course is the best?

Best Overall Becker CPA Review Historically, Becker has been the most popular and trusted CPA exam prep course on the market. Becker provides students with peace of mind knowing that the largest CPA firms in the world trust Becker to prepare their employees for the CPA Exam.

Which CPA Review course has the best pass rate?

Roger CPA – “Roger CPA Review's students have an 88% pass rate, the highest pass rate in the industry.”

How should I study for CPA exam effectively?

These are tried-and-true tips that have helped many on their journey toward becoming a Certified Public Accountant.Use the Right Study Tools. ... Be Prepared for Difficult Questions. ... Don't Memorize but Understand. ... Get Plenty of Sleep. ... Study in Short Study Sessions. ... Read the Material Before Practice Exams. ... Memorize Your Notes.More items...•

Which study material is best for us CPA?

Becker CPA Review Course: Best for Big4 Backed Credibility.Surgent CPA Review Courses: Best for Adaptive Learning Software.Wiley CPAexcel: Best for Mobile Connectivity.UWorld Roger CPA Review Courses: Best for Engagement and Motivation.Gleim CPA Review Courses: Best for Task-Based Simulations.More items...•

Is Roger CPA better than Becker?

In our team's opinion, these prep books are better than Roger's. Finally, Becker also offers a some very high-quality practice questions, both multiple-choice and simulations. And for those who like to keep score, Becker provides 9,000+ multiple-choice questions to Roger's 6,000, and 500+ simulations to Roger's 200.

Is Becker or surgent better?

The primary difference between Surgent and Becker is that Surgent's study plan focuses on efficiency gains through adaptive technology, while Becker provides a more vigorous and traditional curriculum.

How many hours a week should I study for CPA?

Recommended study time per testlet/CPA section is 15 to 20 hours per week, studying as consistently as possible. Plan to take a day off from your CPA study so you don't burn yourself out.

What is the Becker CPA pass rate?

94%Frequently asked questions Becker estimates the overall pass rate to be between 45-55% in any given year. What are the Becker CPA pass rate statistics? In 2020, Becker's Exam Day Ready students reported successfully passing 94% of the CPA Exam sections they attempted.

How can I pass the CPA Exam in 3 months?

Create a 3-Month CPA Study PlanCreate a study plan. ... Go through as many CPA multiple-choice questions as possible. ... Use CPA flashcards. ... Complete a set of 30 cumulative multiple-choice questions daily. ... Download a mobile app to do practice questions in your downtime.More items...

Is Becker the best CPA review?

Becker is currently the best option for a CPA student looking to become CPA certified on their first try. There are many appealing features available to enrollees presented in a variety of formats, with even more content provided if the base package still isn't enough.

How long is the Becker CPA Review course?

38 hoursIf you want to be as prepared as you can possibly be, this review covers all four parts of the CPA Exam in 38 hours of new video lectures, 800+ more multiple choice practice questions and 100 extra task-based simulations (with SkillMaster videos).

Which CPA review course is the best Reddit?

Best CPA Review Course230. Becker.Roger.Gleim.Wiley.Surgent.

How Do I Choose The Right CPA Review Course?

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How much does UWorld Roger CPA Review Elite Course Cost?

After discounts, UWorld Roger CPA Review's Elite Course Package will cost $1,699, which makes it one of the best deals in the CPA review course mar...

How Much Is Becker CPA Review Self-Study?

Becker CPA Review's Self-Study course is the most expensive CPA review course today (unless there is a discount available, check here). Expect to s...

How much does Wiley CPAexcel Platinum Review Course Cost?

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What CPA Review Course Should I Use If I Fail the CPA Exam?

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What Is The Cheapest CPA Review Course?

Fast Forward Academy is currently the most affordable CPA Review Course coming in at just under $1500 (not including physical textbooks). The least...

How Do I Study With My CPA Review Course?

Once you have made your decision to purchase the right CPA review course for your specific situation, the next step is to learn how to study the ri...

Which CPA Review Course Has The Best Video Lectures?

CPA video lectures are ideal for those that prefer to learn by watching a teacher go over the important accounting concepts. Since many students pr...

Which CPA Course Has The Most Multiple Choice Questions ?

Multiple choice questions are the core of any CPA review course, as these mirror the exam content and are the best way to practice for the test. Th...

Which CPA Course Has The Best Task-Based Simulations (TBS)?

Task-based simulations are increasingly important because of the changes made to the CPA Exam in 2017. Because of this new test that places more im...

CPA Prep Course Discounts & Financing Options Compared

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Additional Resources to Get You on The Right Track

Not sure which review course is right for you? Don’t worry, I’ve got your back! Check out my side by side comparison of Wiley CPAexcel vs. Becker....

What is Becker CPA review?

Becker CPA Review is one of the oldest and most respected companies in the CPA prep course industry. They have helped thousands and thousands of candidates all over the world pass the exam. Consequently, they are endorsed by all of the big CPA firms and major universities in the country.

What is a CPA cram course?

The UWorld Roger CPA cram course is meant to be used as a final study guide during the last two weeks leading up to your exam day. It covers all of the key topics on the exam and should refresh your memory on some things you may have forgotten along the way. It includes full length lectures and textbooks.

What is a surgent CPA?

Surgent CPA Review is the ideal exam prep course for a student who wants to learn as fast as possible with the most advanced technology. UWorld Roger CPA Review is the ideal exam prep course for a student who wants to learn with the most high-quality, engaging, and entertaining video content.

What is Gleim CPA?

Gleim CPA Review is one of the oldest review and test prep companies on the market. They have been trusted by tens of thousands of candidates to help pass the AICPA’s certification exam on the first try. There’s only one way a company can stay in business this long: they actually work!

What are some supplements to take for CPA?

The most popular supplements are test banks, mobile apps, flashcards, cram courses, and audio lectures.

Is Ninja CPA a good CPA?

There are a few reasons why Ninja CPA didn’t make it to the top 7 on our list of the best CPA review courses; they aren’t endorsed by major accounting firms like Becker is, and they don’t provide high-powered adaptive learning technology like Surgent. However, their unique price model and community-approved pedigree make them worth checking out for students on a very tight budget.

Is Roger Phillips a good CPA?

Roger Phillips is notorious for his flashy and flamboyant lecture style that keeps candidates’ attention and focus. Therefore, if you are bored with traditional accounting lectures and want something a little more entertaining and eye-catching, Roger is a good choice for you.

What Makes the Best CPA Review Course?

Plain and simple, the “leading” CPA Review course is charging top dollar for insufficient materials. For decades they’ve been able to get away with an ineffective learning model and a lackluster program simply because they’ve been around the longest. But you deserve better.

Real Students Compare Us to Other CPA Review Courses

I passed AUD all thanks to UWorld Roger CPA Review!! I failed with Becker and I hated audit. But Roger made auditing so easy to understand, he was really funny to help me stay alert during the videos and also motivated me. He is hands down the best for AUD! "

Quality Practice Questions

Working through high-quality practice questions is key to your success on the CPA Exam. However, the “other” course fails to use practice questions to actually teach their students, and instead provides answer explanations that are confusing and lack substance.

Extraordinary Instruction

In an online learning environment, it is especially critical for your CPA review to establish instructor presence, ensuring you are engaged and actively learning the material.

Smart Technology

While today’s learner consumes information differently, the “other” course is still attempting to fit the antiquated linear-learning model into an online platform. This results in an ineffective and disjointed learning experience. At a glance, aspects of their program may be perceived as “high-tech,” but this is just a façade.

Superior Support

We believe anyone who wants to further their career and obtain CPA licensure should have the opportunity to do so. However, with sky-high pricing and rigid policies, the “other” course does not seem to think the same.

Proven Results

Sure, the “other” course has been around for a long time, and you probably have a professor or mentor that has taken their program. But, is older better? Think about it—would you rather calculate with an abacus or an Excel spreadsheet? Pay at the grocery store with a checkbook or a smartwatch? You get the point.

What is Becker CPA review?

Currently, Becker CPA Review is the sole provider of TBS-specific instructional video content for the CPA exam. Since roughly half of the exam is made up of TBS, the 500-plus videos in their SkillMaster series will be extremely helpful to you.

What is a CPA video lecture?

CPA video lectures are great for people who miss the classroom setting and prefer to learn by watching a teacher go over the important accounting concepts. Video lectures are one of the most important parts of any CPA review course, as many students prefer this style of learning. UWorld Roger CPA Review has some of the best video materials in the industry with his engaging talks, while Surgent CPA Review has the most knowledgeable instructors.

Does Becker have a study planner?

Becker has a strong emphasis on flexibility when studying. It offers both Study Roadmap and Study Planner toolkits so you can fine tune a personalized study routine. They even emphasize flexible payments with their multiple financing options.

Does Roger CPA review have audio?

There are some students that want to learn while doing other things. If you’re a fan of multitasking, Roger CPA Review offers a fantastic audio-only component. This can free you up to do chores around the house or go for a long jog while you study for the CPA exam!

How much is Fast Forward Academy CPA?

Affordable: Fast Forward Academy CPA review is relatively affordable at $1,014 for the Online Bundle package, or $1,224 for the Smart Bundle package , which comes with physical textbooks. The course is designed for students who prefer not to use physical textbooks, but let’s be honest—there’s better options out there!

Does Yaeger have live instructors?

However, Yaeger provides direct access to instructors via their live Instructor Hotline, a feature most other courses do not offer. Live help comes from the instructors who teach the video lectures, including Phil Yaeger himself!

Is Lambers CPA review a cram course?

Although they’re not technically a cram course, Lambers CPA Review is set up in the perfect way for use in your final review. By enrolling in one of their Enhanced Test Prep courses, you can take advantage of adaptive learning to quickly run through your problem areas right before exam day.

Is CPA exam good?

While the CPA study materials listed above are really good, sometimes the course that is right for you is missing a couple helpful features that can enhance your studies. Don’t stress. There are a variety of different supplemental CPA study materials you can use to add on to your CPA exam study material to make sure it has everything you need to pass. Some popular CPA exam supplementals are mobile apps, test banks, flashcards, and cram courses.

Is Surgent free for CPA?

Surgent is offering a completely free Flashcard app for iPhone and Android giving you the chance to study 2,200+ CPA exam terms and definitions on your smartphone. Every candidate should be taking advantage of this offer while it lasts!

What is a CPA review course?

CPA review courses will offer different strategies and test taking tips that will help students become more comfortable when taking the CPA exam. Students who are more comfortable with the materials and concepts they will be tested on will receive higher scores on the CPA exam.

How much does a CPA review course cost?

Expensive – the best CPA review courses may be more than $2,000. Time Consuming – CPA prep courses often require significant study/prep time.

How to improve my CPA score?

Improvement needed – take a free CPA practice test to see where you stand. If your score needs improvement, a CPA review course may be a good option. Need for encouragement – if you need encouragement, feedback and motivation, a prep course with an instructor (either in-person or online) is a good option.

What is Becker CPA?

Becker is one of the most well known CPA prep companies out there. They have a couple of different options for their CPA prep courses. The pro version costs $3,499 (before discounts) and candidates get unlimited access. The premium version costs $2,999 (before discounts) and candidates also get unlimited access to this course. The advantage version costs $2,399 (before discounts) and candidates get access to this course for 24 months. All of these courses offer similar features, but for our purposes, we will take a look at the pro version.

What is Universal CPA?

Universal CPA is our choice for best value CPA review course. Universal is an up-and-coming CPA prep company that takes efficient studying to the next level. They utilize both visual learning and application-based learning – it is truly unique and will help save students a ton of time when studying.

Why is the CPA exam changing?

Latest information - the CPA exam is constantly changing due to changes in the accounting industry. The best CPA review courses are always on top of the latest changes. Quality instructors – courses that include live instructors will help you with efficient strategies, motivation, and one-on-one feedback.

Is CPA review expensive?

Budget CPA review courses are expensive. If money is tight, consider our overall best recommendation, or self-study with CPA prep books. Learning style – if you have a history of successfully studying with books, a self-study approach with a good CPA prep book may be your best plan.

How much does a CPA review cost?

Without considering sales and promos, CPA review courses typically cost anywhere from $1,000 up to $3,500. That said, most students spend somewhere between $2,000 and $3,000 on their course. Unfortunately, it is just part of the cost of doing business.

How to prepare for CPA exam?

Create and maintain a study schedule. In order to reduce anxiety and ease the stress that comes with CPA exam test prep, it is imperative that you develop a study routine. Once your schedule is set, make every effort not to deviate from the study routine you establish.

Is a surgent CPA review efficient?

Surgent CPA Review: Most Efficient Study Path. If you only have a few hours to study each week, around a busy schedule of work, school and personal commitments, you need to make the most of your limited time. Enter Surgent CPA Review.

Is CPA exam easy 2021?

By Dave PhillipsUpdated on June 21, 2021. Verified byJohn Ross, JD, CPA. Passing the CPA exam is not an easy feat. It is one of the lengthiest and most grueling professional exams on the planet, and you will almost assuredly need a review course to help you prep.

Does CPA review raise your score?

Yes. As compared to taking the exam with no prep work, a CPA review course will almost certainly raise your score. Relying on your knowledge from work experience and old undergrad classes alone is usually never enough to get you a 75 on each section of the exam.

What is a good CPA course?

A good CPA course covers the exam content, a great course features a variety of study materials, and the best course goes above and beyond to support you as you study. In reality, phenomenal customer service is a hidden gem of quality CPA review, and only a few courses truly provide it.

What is the best study planner for CPA?

The study planner in Surgent CPA Review is definitely one of the best because it is based entirely on your schedule and your daily learning progress. Your exam date and days when you're not available to study dictate your overall study schedule. Then, your daily study plan (daily surge) adapts according to how well you performed in previous lessons.

How many hours of video lectures are there in Yaeger CPA?

The complete Yaeger course comes with digital and physical textbooks, a quiz-generating and exam-simulating test bank, over 100 hours of video lectures, audio lectures, 1-on-1 instructor support, a cram course, flashcards, and more. With Yaeger CPA Review, you can pass the CPA Exam even when money’s tight.

Why do I need to cram for CPA exam?

There are two scenarios in which you may prefer to cram for the CPA Exam: when you want to pass super fast or when you want to feel super prepared. In either instance, a cram course can help you out. A cram course is a condensed review of critical exam topics with a limited period of access. They're basically a study insurance policy designed to ensure you have all the facts, definitions, dates, rates, and formulas memorized before exam day.

What is a CPA MCQ?

The majority of the CPA Exam is multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and these aren’t your typical MCQs. Rather, these questions test you for refined skills like application and analysis, as defined by the CPA Exam Blueprints.

Why do I need a CPA?

If you’re working full-time as an accountant, you need the CPA certification so you can tap into all of your career potential. Because the CPA will help you earn more money, more benefits, and more job opportunities, you can’t afford to put it off much longer. And when you use exam prep that covers all of the testable content in a clear, concise, and applicable way, you can pass the CPA Exam faster than you think.

What is a NINJA CPA review?

NINJA CPA Review is a popular CPA subscription service that allows you to access a variety of learning tools, one of which is a test bank. The NINJA CPA Review test bank includes thousands of questions. Plus, it utilizes an adaptive learning algorithm so that you can focus on your weak areas. This test bank is a great supplement to any course.
