what is an optional course or subject in school

by Loy Friesen 4 min read

At most high schools, students get to take elective classes. These are classes outside the required curriculum that you get to choose. You may find elective classes in subjects such as art, music, journalism, computer programming and business.

What is an optional elective course?

CBSE Introduces Optional Skill Subjects For Middle School CBSE has decided to offer optional Skill subjects to students in class 6, 7, and 8 from the 2020-21 academic session.

What is an elective subject?

An elective subject (also referred to as an ‘optional subject ‘) is not compulsory (unlike core subjects ). You have a choice as to which elective subjects you can study. If your course requires you to choose electives, a list of options will be available in your Study Plan.

What are the different subjects in school?

Optional Subjects Online & Offline Course - October 2021. After clearing the Preliminary stage, the next step for a candidate is the Main examination. The mains exam consists of total nine papers; four General Studies papers, two papers of Optional subject (Paper VI and Paper VII), one paper on Essay and two qualifying papers of mother language ...

What is optional subject in Civil Services exam?

Aug 29, 2013 · A core course of study typically does not include electives—optional courses that students choose to take and that may or may not satisfy credit requirements for graduation.

What are the optional courses?

An optional course is a subject chosen freely from the study plan for a given semester and may have no relation to the core course. While choosing an optional course, the student must bear in mind that he or she needs to have passed the prerequisite subjects.

Is elective and optional are same?

As adjectives the difference between optional and elective is that optional is not compulsory; left to personal choice; elective while elective is of, or pertaining to voting or elections.

What is a course subject?

A subject is a broad category for different types of courses. A course is a specific class, with a specific teacher.Oct 9, 2009

What are optional classes called in college?

elective courseAn elective course, in contrast to both core courses and required courses in your major, is a variable component of your curriculum. You choose your electives from a number of optional subjects. Elective courses tend to be more specialized than required courses. They may also have fewer students than required courses.

What are the compulsory subjects?

A compulsory subject is one within your program structure that must be completed in order to fulfil the requirements of the program. You will not be eligible to graduate unless you meet all of the requirements for your program.

Which subject is elective subjects?

Elective Subjects are the ones that are optional, you can either take them or leave them. There's isn't any compulsion for everyone to choose them. In the context of SSC and HSSC, subjects other than the compulsory subjects like English, Urdu, Pak Studies, and Islamiyat, are elective.Jun 2, 2021

What does course mean in school?

A course is a series of classes. These classes are all in one area of study. Therefore, when choosing a major, you will take courses geared towards that major. Courses are assigned credits. Colleges dictate how many credits you need to take to graduate.

What does course mean in college?

countable noun. A course is a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject.

What's the difference between a course and a program?

A program is your degree (eg the Bachelor of Nursing). What is a course? A course is one building block (subject) of your program (eg NUR121 Health, Culture and Society).

What is the difference between course and subject?

Course: the degree or diploma program in which you are admitted. Subject: one unit of study which you enrol in as part of your course.Dec 10, 2021

What is the difference between course and module?

Think of Modules and Courses in the terms of books. Modules are the chapters within a book, whereas a Course is the book itself. Think of your favorite book.Jul 20, 2021

What is the difference between a class and a course?

Courses represent an area of study pertaining to a specific subject, grade level, and rigor. Classes differ from courses in that they represent sections of a course that are scheduled for a specific academic year, they are assigned to teachers, and they include a roster of students.

What is the scope of the syllabus for optional subject papers?

Regarding the syllabus UPSC has also mentioned that- “the scope of the syllabus for optional subject papers (Paper VI and Paper VII) for the examination is broadly of the honours degree level i.e. a level higher than the bachelors’ degree and lower than the masters’ degree. In the case of Engineering, Medical Science and law, the level corresponds to the bachelors’ degree”.

How many papers are in the mains exam?

The mains exam consists of total nine papers; four General Studies papers, two papers of Optional subject ( Paper VI and Paper VII), one paper on Essay and two qualifying papers of mother language and English paper.

Can optional papers be answered in English?

Optional papers can be answered in English or any of the languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India. The optional papers can be answered in English even if none of the other papers have been answered by the candidate in English language.

What are the core subjects in high school?

In high schools, a core course of study will typically include specified classes in the four “core” subject areas—English language arts, math, science, and social studies —during each of the four standard years of high school.

What is a core course of study?

Also called core curriculum, core course of study refers to a series or selection of courses that all students are required to complete before they can move on to the next level in their education or earn a diploma.

What are learning standards?

Learning standards describe knowledge and skill expectations, but those standards can be met either within or outside of a course.

What math classes do you need to take in high school?

Most states require three or four years of math coursework in high school. The main math classes in high school include: Algebra. Algebra II.

Why is it important to choose high school classes?

Choosing high school classes requires planning both as a student enters school and throughout their high school experience. The right classes are challenging and engaging, but not unrealistically rigorous or overwhelming. An ideal schedule can help a student succeed, enjoy learning, and have a good academic experience while preparing them for their future plans, whatever they may be.

What is the importance of studying English in high school?

In addition to studying important pieces of literature, English classes teach teens about writing and speaking.

Who is Denise Witmer?

Denise Witmer is a freelance writer and mother of three children, who has authored several books and countless articles on parenting teens since 1997. Emily is a fact checker, editor, and writer who has expertise in psychology, health and lifestyle content. While some high school subjects are required, others can be selected.

Who is Emily Swaim?

Emily is a fact checker, editor, and writer who has expertise in psychology, health and lifestyle content. Learn about our editorial process. Emily Swaim. on April 29, 2021. Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee. Table of Contents. View All. Table of Contents. Basic School Subjects.

What is physical education?

Physical Education and Health. Physical education and health classes can teach high schoolers how to care for their body's fitness and nutritional needs. Many states require at least one unit of P.E. to graduate. Other states have P.E. as an elective.

What are AP classes?

AP classes are more rigorous courses that teach subjects at an introductory college level. Some of the most common AP courses that are available include Calculus AB, U.S. History, English Literature, Biology, Statistics, Chemistry, and Psychology. 3

The Complete List of High School Classes

Are you wondering which classes to take in high school? Do you want to find out what courses may be offered for each subject?

How to Use This List

This list was created by researching the classes offered at numerous high schools, both public and private, across the country. Classes are alphabetically organized by subject.

What If Your School Doesn't Offer One of the Classes Listed Below?

It would be impossible for any single school to offer every course in this list; there are simply too many. Schools decide which classes to offer based on multiple factors, including student interest, school location, and teacher expertise.

What's Next?

Now that you know all the possible high school classes out there, which ones should you take? Read our guide to get expert advice on the classes you should take in high school.

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What is an elective course?

An elective course in school is one you take because you want to rather than to fill a particular requirement, although you still get credit for it. You can take elective classes in high school or college. In fact, the word elective is sometimes used as a noun, to mean "optional class.". Also, if someone has elective surgery, ...

What is an elective?

Definitions of elective. adjective. not compulsory. “ elective surgery”. “an elective course of study”. Synonyms: optional. possible but not necessary; left to personal choice. noun.



Elective and required courses

An elective course is one chosen by a student from a number of optional subjects or courses in a curriculum, as opposed to a required course which the student must take. While required courses (sometimes called "core courses" or "general education courses") are deemed essential for an academic degree, elective courses tend to be more specialized. Elective courses usually have fewer students than the required courses.

Types of courses

Courses are made up of individual sessions, typically on a fixed weekly schedule.
There are different formats of course in universities:
• the lecture course, where the instructor gives lectures with minimal interaction;
• the seminar, where students prepare and present their original written work for discussion and critique;

Course numbering system

In the United States, most universities implement a course numbering system where each course is identified by the name of the major (or an abbreviation thereof) followed by a 3- or 4-digit number − for example, CS 123. This common numbering system was designed to make transfer between colleges easier. In theory, any numbered course in one academic institution should bring a student to the same standard as a similarly numbered course at other institutions.

See also

• Course allocation
• Course credit

External links

• "Elective Courses" . New International Encyclopedia. 1905.
• "Elective Courses" . Encyclopedia Americana. 1920.