what is an eli course how does it help

by Maria Gleichner 7 min read

Elder Leadership Institute (ELI) is a church leadership training program in the Reformed tradition


Calvinism (also called the Reformed tradition, Reformed Christianity, Reformed Protestantism or the Reformed faith) is a major branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice of John Calvin and other Reformation-era theologians.

. ELI develops and supports spiritual leadership for the church by training ruling elders (members of Session) together with their teaching elder (pastor). ELI’s goal is transformation, not simply information.

ELI is an English language program that is designed for ESL students who want to learn English as quickly as possible in order to satisfy College Reading and Writing Readiness requirements for college classes, transfer to universities or to practice a profession in the U.S. This program serves international students, ...

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Joining and Navigating Courses

You can join an Eli Review course using integration through your campus LMS (Blackboard, Brightspace D2L, Canvas, etc.) or by manually entering a course code.

Joining a Course with Integration

Click on the Eli Review link that your instructor has added to your LMS course (Blackboard, Brightspace D2L, Canvas, etc.).

Joining a Course Manually

Once you’ve created your account (if you haven’t done it already, signing up is really easy ), you’ll have access to the Student Dashboard. The dashboard will be empty until you join a course.

Course Homepage

Once you’ve selected a course from the dashboard, you’ll be taken to the homepage for that course. This is where writing, review, and revision tasks will be found once they’ve been assigned.

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New results from the University of California Santa Barbara’s Access to Practice (AtP) research group show that giving and receiving feedback on writing to learn activities contributes significantly to student […]

Professional Development Workshop Schedule

Instructors use Eli Review to assign online peer learning that increases students’ critical thinking and engagement. Seeing the app work helps instructors imagine how Eli can fit in their own […]


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