what is an dual credit course

by Rollin Davis 3 min read

Dual Credit

  • About. Dual credit is a process by which a high school student enrolls in a college course and receives simultaneous academic credit for the course from both the college and ...
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The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) defines dual credit as a system in which an eligible high school student enrolls in college course(s) and receives credit for the course(s) from both the college and high school.

Full Answer

What colleges accept dual credit?

You must have prior permission from your high school to utilize these four options:

  • Estacado High School: Dual Credit
  • Estacado High School: Early College High School
  • OnRamps

How do you obtain college credit with dual credit courses?

Participating in dual credit programs helps students to:

  • complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma
  • make a successful transition to college or an apprenticeship program
  • increase their awareness of the various college and apprenticeship pathways available to them
  • gain greater insight into education and career planning decisions.

Are dual credit classes worth it?

Educators and policymakers have argued that dual-credit courses can promote college completion, especially among low-income students, by reducing the amount of time and money needed for a degree.

What is the difference between AP and dual credit?

Advanced Placement. Defined. Dual Credit refers to the process by which a high school student enrolls in a college course and receives academic credit for the course, from both the college and the high school. Advanced Placement (AP) allows students to take courses and exams that might potentially earn college credit or placement.

What is a dual class credit?

Dual enrollment, also referred to as dual credit, allows current high school students to take college-level classes. If the student passes the class, it will count for both high school and college credit. The types of dual credit classes offered varies by school district.

Are dual credit courses harder than AP?

Is Dual Enrollment Harder Than AP? Unlike AP classes, dual enrollment courses do not have standardization. This means that the same class can be difficult at one community college and easy at another. As a result, some dual enrollment courses may be harder than some AP classes.

Does dual credit or AP look better?

The Bottom Line. If both AP and dual enrollment options are available to you, APs are usually the safer choice. Not only could you potentially earn college credit, but you'll also be exposed to rigorous coursework. This will demonstrate to admissions committees that you're willing to take a challenging curriculum.

Is dual credit the same as AP?

AP prepares students to pass an exam to prove their mastery of college-level curriculum. Dual credit in effect enrolls students in college courses while they are still in high school, allowing them to earn credit for both.

Do colleges like dual credit or AP?

Many students believe that colleges prefer AP courses over dual enrollment courses or vice versa. However, this is generally false. Both kinds of courses provide students college-level rigor for a low cost.

Does Harvard accept dual credit?

Harvard does not grant credit for college coursework that you have completed before you matriculate at the school. In other words, if you have credit from your AP tests, IB exams, or dual credit classes in high school, you will not be granted credit at Harvard.

Do Ivy Leagues accept dual enrollment?

The majority of Ivy League schools do NOT accept dual enrollment credits under any circumstances.

What is the difference between an AP course and a dual enrollment course?

In short, dual enrollment means that a student takes a college course to earn both high school and college credit. AP classes, on the other hand, are high classes with college-level curricula created by the College Board.

What are the easiest AP classes to take in high school?

The Three Easiest AP ClassesAP Psychology. With a reputation as one of the easiest AP classes, it comes as no surprise that AP Psychology is also one of the most popular—288,511 students took the exam in 2021. ... AP Comparative Government and Politics. ... AP Environmental Science.

Are high school AP classes worth it?

A 2015 College Board report found a positive correlation between students' success in AP classes and their ability to graduate within four years once enrolled at a college or university. Taking AP classes and receiving scores of 3 or better on AP exams can also allow you to skip lower-level courses in college.

Is dual credit English 3 hard?

Because these classes are college level, they are usually pretty difficult. The content is extremely different and more challenging than the normal English class content.

Does Harvard accept AP credits?

Harvard only accepts AP® scores of 5 for course credit. If you have 4 scores of 5, you can opt to obtain Advanced Standing. You can use AP® credits to opt-out of lower-level classes. Harvard has general academic requirements that all students must take.

What is dual credit?

Dual credit is a process by which an eligible high school student enrolls in a college course and receives academic credit for the course from both the college and the high school. Students earn college and high school credits (dual credit) in an approved college course by attending SFA class (es) taught at their high school, ...

Do you get college credits at SFA?

You receive both high school and college credits for every class you complete successfully — and your college credits will be accepted at SFA. That means you’ll enter college with a head start! Note: If a student is a minor, a parental consent form may be required to access certain services.

What is dual credit in Texas?

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) defines dual credit as a system in which an eligible high school student enrolls in college course (s) and receives credit for the course (s) from both the college and high school.

Where can I teach dual credit courses?

Dual credit courses may be taught on the high school campus by an approved instructor or on the college campus. Dual credit courses include both academic and technical courses.

What is dual credit?

Dual Credit offers motivated high school students the opportunity to earn college and high school credit simultaneously. As a Dual Credit student, you can: Save money on college tuition. Finish college faster. Enjoy an easier transition to college-level coursework and college life.

Where are dual credit courses taught?

Dual Credit courses are taught either at the college or at the high school . Courses are taught by college faculty or by qualified high school instructors who meet the same criteria as college faculty.

Does Dallas College offer dual credit?

The Dual Credit program at Dallas College offers qualified high school students an opportunity to earn college credit while completing high school requirements. Many Dallas County public and private high schools* have agreements with Dallas College that provide scholarships to cover the cost of tuition for Dual Credit students.

What do dual credit courses allow you to do?

While you may not know just yet what your college major will be, taking a dual credit course can allow you to explore classes in your areas of interest in a low-risk environment. Sometimes, regular high school courses can be limited in their offerings. If you have even the faintest idea of what you’d like to pursue in college, seek out dual credit courses that would support that. Spend time in those classes identifying whether or not this focus area is the right fit for you. Pinpointing areas of interest could save you time and money down the road.

What is dual credit?

As the name suggests, dual credit courses allow you to earn credits accepted by both high schools and colleges. Knowing if dual credit courses are the right choice for you is dependent on many factors. To ensure you’re making an educated decision, it’s key to understand the pros and cons of dual credit courses, ...

What is dual credit in college?

Dual credit courses introduce you to the expected workload of a college class. They give you an idea of what college-level courses will require of you, such as project and exam expectations. You’ll also be able to get a head start on developing college study habits well before your freshman year. Note participation requirements and the lengths of required readings in an effort to prepare yourself for what classes will look like in college.

Do dual credit courses have their own transcript?

Unlike regular high school courses, grades from a dual credit course—because they’re also college courses—will have their own college transcript. If you’re concerned about succeeding in a particular dual credit course, be honest with yourself before enrolling.

Do all colleges accept dual credit?

Dual credit con #1: not all colleges accept dual credits. This is one of the most important factors to consider when examining dual credit courses. Even if you do all of the work and perform well in the course, your intended college may not accept dual credit due to specific policies.

Can you take dual credit while taking AP?

For example, if you take a dual credit course while your school offers and is known for rigorous AP courses, the dual credit class may not give you the competitive edge that you’re looking for. Keep in mind that it’s about what works best for you, though.

Is dual credit good for college?

First, dual credit courses are often significantly more affordable per credit hour than taking the equivalent class while in college. Second, these credits may count toward general requirements, and they may allow you to graduate early or to have more time in your schedule to take major-related or elective courses.

What is dual credit?

Dual credit courses are college courses taken for both high school and college credit by students who have not yet completed their HS Diploma or GED. The courses need to be approved by both the high school and the college where you want to take courses, so check with your high school counselor or administrator first.

How long does it take to get a college degree with dual credit?

Research studies on dual credit participation have shown that students who take dual credit courses perform well in their courses, graduate from high school at a higher rate than their peers, require less first-semester remediation in college, and are more likely to obtain a college degree within four years.

What happens if you drop a dual credit class?

But remember, if you drop, withdraw from, or fail a dual credit course, you still have to make up the high school graduation credit or requirement. If you think the class is too difficult, talk with your high school counselor as soon as possible.

Can dual credit courses be taken in high school?

Dual credit courses also guarantee both high school and college credit upon successful completion. Concurrent enrollment, by contrast, may result in a student earning college credit while in high school, but does not result in a student earning high school credits.

Can you take PE classes with dual credit?

PE activity classes are specifically not eligible for dual credit. However, there may be classes taught by the college or university that are in the Physical Education department that are not considered activity classes like Nutrition or Sports Management.

Do all high schools have dual credit?

Ask your high school counselor or administrator. Almost all high schools have at least one dual credit Master Agreement with a public college, university, or tribal college. Approved course lists are included in the Master Agreement between your school district and one or more postsecondary institutions.

About dual credit programs

Dual credit programs allow eligible students in high school to take college or apprenticeship courses that count towards:


The school board or the school principal or guidance department oversees which students can take a dual credit program, on a case-by-case basis.

Find a dual credit program

Search for dual credit programs at your local publicly funded college and talk to the high school principal or guidance counsellor to see if they are offered at the school.

Assessment and recording

Dual credits are assessed and recorded depending on how they are delivered and whether the student is a registered apprentice.

Additional Information

For more information about dual credit programs speak to your local high school principal or guidance department. You can also read the dual credit programs policy and program requirements and the pathways to apprenticeship resource.

How much is a dual credit class?

That means that one dual credit class, which usually is worth four credit hours, is worth $2,336. However, the cost of a credit hour varies widely from college to college. If you go to a four-year public school, a credit hour only costs $396 on average, making the dual enrollment course worth $1,584.

What is dual enrollment class?

Dual enrollment classes are college classes that are available to high school students. They may be offered at your high school, but they are often taught by college professors on campus or online. Advanced Placement classes are taught at high schools, by high school teachers. They’re intended to be taught at the college level ...

What are the benefits of dual enrollment?

Research shows that students who participate in dual enrollment programs are more likely to graduate from high school, enroll in college, enroll full-time in college, earn higher grades, and graduate from college.

What is dual enrollment vs advanced placement?

Advanced Placement Classes. Dual enrollment and Advanced Placement (AP) classes are both college-level courses that high school students can take for college credit. However, there are important differences to understand if you’re thinking about enrolling in either type of class.

How long does a dual enrollment class last?

Dual enrollment courses often only last for one semester, meaning students earn college credit by taking a class for half of a typical school year. Advanced Placement classes typically last for a full school year. In the time it takes to take a single AP class, a student could take two dual credit classes.

How does dual enrollment help students?

Dual Enrollment Helps Students Save on College Costs. Dual enrollment is a cost-effective way to earn college credit. Students who earn college credit during high school generally have to take fewer classes in college to earn a degree.

What is dual enrollment in high school?

Dual enrollment allows high school students to take college classes while they are still enrolled in high school. These classes count for both high school and college credit. High school students who complete dual enrollment classes generally take fewer classes in college and save money on total college costs.


What Are Dual Credit Courses?

  • Dual Credit courses are offered in a variety of subject areas including math, science, English, economics, history, government and a wide variety of technical courses. Dual Credit courses are taught either at the college or at the high school. Courses are taught by college faculty or by qualified high school instructors who meet the same criteria a...
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What Are The Benefits?

  • Dual Credit offers motivated high school students the opportunity to earn college and high school credit simultaneously. As a Dual Credit student, you can: 1. Save money on college tuition. 2. Finish college faster. 3. Enjoy an easier transition to college-level coursework and college life.
See more on dallascollege.edu

Who Can Enroll?

  • To participate in the Dual Credit program, you must: 1. Be enrolled in good standing in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade of a participating high school, private, charter or home school. 2. Have approval from a high school counselor. 3. Fulfill appropriate admissions criteria to the college. 4. Meet minimum test scores. 5. Submit required Dual Credit forms 6. Use the enrollment checklis…
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How Do I Enroll?

  • Deadline for Summer 2021 registration for general, comprehensive Dual Credit is one week before the start of classes. Deadline for Fall 2021 registration for general, comprehensive Dual Credit is one week before the start of classes. 1. For registration deadlines for ECHS and P-TECH, please contact the Educational Partnerships office. Complete the High School Student Dual Credit onlin…
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