what is a typical course of study at west point?

by Bart Orn III 4 min read

Full Answer

What degrees are offered at West Point?

West Point Degrees Offered

  • United States Military Academy at West Point Majors - Niche. ...
  • USMA Academic Program. ...
  • United States Military Academy, Majors & Degree Programs. ...
  • West point degrees offered? ...
  • Top Ten Academics – Army West Point. ...
  • Course Catalog - United States Military Academy West Point. ...
  • Academic Catalog for West Point and Off-Site Programs. ...

What do you learn at West Point?

  • You will attend many of your college degree courses and military courses on the same days throughout the school year. ...
  • You will be busy attending military training during the summers.
  • You will be required to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs.

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What is the tuition at West Point?

There is no tuition to attend. Students (Cadets) accepted into West Point are members of the U.S Army, and each Cadet receives an annual salary, room, board, medical and dental care. Related Question for How Is Tuition Paid At West Point?

What do you study at West Point Academy?

West Point wants graduates to have a well-rounded education in the humanities as well as science and technology. They want to stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving. West Point says that they strive to bring together a diversity of students, so cadets learn from each other as well as from the instructors.

What do you study at West Point?

Over the course of four years West Point Academy Cadets will learn military courtesies and standards that will help them transition from civilian life into a military environment. The training Cadets receive will help build a solid foundation of leadership that will be essential for them as an officer in the Army.

What do West Point cadets study?

Freshman English, Chemistry, Math, Psychology or Introduction to Computers/Information technology, and History. There are also courses in Military Science and Physical education.

What is the most popular major at West Point?

Most Popular MajorsEngineering. 94 Graduates.Mechanical Engineering. 77 Graduates.Business. 72 Graduates.72 Graduates.Systems Engineering. 69 Graduates.Geography. 62 Graduates.Legal Studies. 62 Graduates.Information Science. 53 Graduates.More items...

What is West Point academy known for?

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point's mission is "to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United ...

What is a West Point grad called?

Upon graduation, you will be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army. You must serve a minimum of eight years after you graduate in a combination of Active Duty and Reserve Component Service. During your senior year, you'll find out which specialized field, or “branch,” you will enter.

What percentage of West Point graduates stay in the military?

At West Point, the proportion of graduates choosing to stay in the military after four years has dropped from more than 80 percent for the classes graduating in the 1980s to 67 percent for the class of 1994. West Point expects the percentage to be even lower for the class of 1995. At the Naval Academy, Capt.

What is West Point best at?

West Point Institutional RankingsPrinceton Review #1 Most Accessible Professors in the Nation #2 Best Classroom Experience in the Nation #3 Best College Library in the Nation.Forbes #3 Public College in the Nation #9 Liberal Arts College in the Nation.More items...

How hard is West Point academically?

What GPA Do I Need to Get Into West Point? West Point is very competitive to get accepted to. West Point only accepts 10 students out of every 100 applicants, which means that you need to have a stellar application to be considered. One of the most important factors on your application is your GPA.

Is West Point considered an Ivy League school?

Its members are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University.

How much do cadets get paid at West Point?

Fully Funded Education: West Point offers its cadets a fully funded education valued at over $240,000 This includes tuition, books, room and board, and medical and dental insurance. Cadets also receive a monthly stipend (between $200-$525) to pay for their other school and personal expenses.

What is the most prestigious military academy?

7 Most Prestigious Military Academies in the WorldUnited States Military Academy (USMA) ... United States Naval Academy (USNA) ... Royal Air Force College Cranwell. ... Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. ... National Defense Academy of Japan. ... The Special Military School of Saint-Cyr. ... PLA National Defense University.

What percentage of Army officers come from West Point?

The United States Military Academy at West Point graduates approximately 1,000 new officers annually, which represents approximately 25 percent of 2nd lieutenants required by the Army each year. The student body numbers approximately 4,300.

How long is West Point?

West Point is a 47 month experience. You will graduate from West Point with a Bachelors of Science, regardless of the major you choose due to the required course load you take while here.

What is the military program?

The Military Program. Not only will you take classes from the academic departments, but your education will also consist of instruction to prepare you for your commission in the Army as a Second Lieutenant. The following table is a brief overview of the training you will receive.

What degree does West Point offer?

Rod Powers. Updated June 03, 2019. The United States Military Academy (West Point) offers more than 40 academic majors. While they will all complete a degree as a Bachelor of Science, the fields of study are not limited to technical areas of knowledge.

What are the academic majors at West Point?

Academic Majors at the United States Military Academy (West Point) Cadets choose their major in the fall term of their sophomore year. Until the end of their sophomore year, all cadets are taking the same basic core classes. These 31 courses give a balanced education in the arts, sciences, and the humanities.

Why is West Point important?

They want to stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving. West Point says that they strive to bring together a diversity of students, so cadets learn from each other as well as from the instructors. The learning experience is often team-based.

What is the West Point Writing Program?

The West Point Writing Program sets, assesses, and supports writing standards that prepare Cadets to develop writing proficiency across the curriculum. Accordingly, it describes a pedagogical model and curricular principles that inform courses in the core and in individual majors, designated as First-Year Composition (FYC), Writing-in-the- Core (WiC), Writing-in-the-Major (WiM), and Writing-in-the-Profession (WiP). The overarching goal of the Writing Program is to provide Cadets with continuity and coherence in their education so that all graduates are agile, clear, and thoughtful communicators. Particularly through Signature Writing Events, as well as the Writer ePortfolios that all Cadets maintain, the Program encourages Cadets to take ownership of their study and understand that writing effectively is integral to their professional development as officers and their lifelong learning.

What class do cadets study?

Most cadets will begin their study of a foreign language in Third Class year. If a cadet expresses an interest, however, the sequence may be started in Fourth Class year (contingent on seat availability and discretion of the Registrar). All cadets will take at least two semesters of one of the eight foreign languages offered. Course work will present perspectives from another culture, develop the ability to learn another language, provide an introductory level of proficiency in the language selected, and provide a firm foundation for further language study.

What is the USMA major?

Computer Science. Information Technology. The USMA major, Geospatial Information Science , is accredited by the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF). The Chemistry Major with Honors track is approved by the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

What is the MSE curriculum?

Within the core curriculum, there is a strong emphasis on mathematics, science and engineering. The MSE sequence provides each cadet with a fundamental knowledge of the experimental and analytic techniques of the basic sciences. This sequence begins in Fourth Class year with two semesters of mathematics, one semester of chemistry, one semester of physical geography and one semester of calculus-based physics. Physical geography or physics may be delayed until Third Class year depending on faculty resources and cadet preferences. The coursework continues in Third Class year with one semester of statistics and an additional science depth course that cadets select based on their major and their interests.

How many courses are required for the US Military Academy?

The United States Military Academy’s curriculum requires cadets to complete at least one disciplinary depth component consisting of an academic major with a minimum of 13 courses. (Part 4 of the Redbook describes each academic major in detail.)

What is the WPLDS?

WPLDS: The West Point Leader Development System (WPLDS) ...

How many semesters are in 4th class?

This sequence begins in Fourth Class year with two semesters of mathematics, one semester of chemistry, one semester of physical geography and one semester of calculus-based physics. Physical geography or physics may be delayed until Third Class year depending on faculty resources and cadet preferences.

How many majors does West Point have?

Students have access to a full array of 36 academic majors, including business, political science, and engineering, and 15 minors.

Where was West Point built?

Corp of Engineers, reports Britannica. Built near the Hudson River 50 miles north of New York City, West Point has grown from its first 5-officer, 10-cadet class to be the country's #2 public university, per US News and World Report.

How old do you have to be to go to West Point?

West Point is under the direct supervision of the Department of the Army. All cadets must be at least 17 years old when they are accepted, finish by age 23, and may not marry while in school. West Point is an Elite Federal Service Academy (FSA) which, according to College Factual, means that its education is 100 percent subsidized.

How many people can fit in the mess hall at West Point?

The capacity of West Point is about 4,500 (all of whom can fit in the mess hall at one time, which kind of looks like Hogwarts). At present, West Point ranks higher than the national diversity average, except when it comes to gender; about 20 percent of its students are women, though 44 percent of its faculty are women.
