what is a tutorial course at trinity college

by Jovan Schmitt PhD 3 min read

You can carry on with your job as an English teacher while earning your Ofqual level 6, Masters level Trinity CertPT certificate in your own time. The course duration is six weeks, you have 10 hours of tutorials with your tutor and your classmates, but the time for these tutorials is subject to the best time for all of you.

Full Answer

What are the different degree programmes at Trinity College?

At Trinity College, there are 27 different degree programmes across the Sciences, Maths, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. The information on each subject below gives you the course details, the information on the the director of studies and teaching staff within the College, and links for further information.

Why study at Trinity College Cambridge?

Trinity College Cambridge is a diverse community of scholars and students, in an energised intellectually-challenging environment for the study of the sciences, mathematics, arts and humanities.

What is tutor and tutorial side F?

All students at Trinity belong to a ‘Tutorial Side’ which is identified by a letter of the alphabet. Postgraduates who are joining Trinity for the first time are assigned to Side F. Members of the College who stay on at Cambridge to undertake postgraduate study remain with their undergraduate Tutor and Tutorial Side.

What is the role of a tutor?

All postgraduate students at Trinity are assigned a Tutor who is responsible for their general welfare and is the first port of call for help and advice relating to the College. All students at Trinity belong to a ‘Tutorial Side’ which is identified by a letter of the alphabet.

What is a tutorial course?

Tutorial (Tute) - Usually less formal than a lecture, tutorials are small classes in which material from lectures and readings can be discussed in more detail.

What is a tutorial course in college?

The tutorial system is a method of university education where the main teaching method is regular, very small group sessions. These are the core teaching sessions of a degree, and are supplemented by lectures, practicals and larger group classes.

What is the purpose of tutorials at university?

Why go to tutorials? Tutorials can help you clarify lecture materials. Tutors commonly review lecture material and readings for increased understanding. Tutorials provide a chance for you to meet other students, and are an opportunity to exchange resources with other students.

What are the purpose of tutorials?

A tutorial, in education, is a method of transferring knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. More interactive and specific than a book or a lecture, a tutorial seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete a certain task.

What is the difference between a tutorial and a practical?

Tutorials are usually the same length of time as a lecture, i.e., one period, or 45 minutes long. Practicals differ according to faculty, but in general, a practical is an opportunity for students to test and apply their understanding of the concepts and ideas introduced in lectures.

What is the difference between a seminar and a tutorial?

Seminars are usually conducted in groups of 10 or 20 in a classroom format and usually include group work, discussions or individual work around the topic introduced during the lecture. Tutorials tend to be conducted on a one-to-one basis between a student and a lecturer or tutor.

What happens in a tutorial?

Tutorials usually take place in classrooms and are less formal than lectures. Tutorials might be structured around particular activities or be more free-flowing, giving students the opportunity to raise topics, ask questions and explore ideas. Tutorials involve a much higher level of interaction than lectures do.

Do you have to go to tutorials?

They're facilitated by teaching staff who will engage you in activities such as analysis, problem solving, debate and discussion. If you miss a lecture or tutorial, check with your lecturer or tutor on what you should do. Most lectures and tutorials are not compulsory, however, it's highly recommended you attend.

What are university tutorials like?

Tutorials are much smaller than lectures and consist of a small group of students, led by an academic tutor. In these classes you will develop a better understanding of topics and integrate ideas from your reading and lectures.

Why is it important to attend tutorials?

Tutorials are important for your learning because you can: Prepare for and/or review midterms and exams. Clarify any concepts that you might not understand. Practice presentations (public speaking) Learn to respectfully present counterarguments and cope with conflict/constructive criticism.

What is Trinity College?

Trinity College is committed to outreach and ensuring that the most capable students, regardless of their school, geographical location or socioeconomic status, are able and encouraged to make competitive applications to the university. Our outreach team works with Primary, Secondary, Sixth Form schools & colleges and external organisations to develop and deliver a range of activities and events for under-represented groups who could benefit from higher education with the aim of developing skills and knowledge to support progression. We want to ensure that students aren’t discouraged from applying to Cambridge because of their background and we want to break down misconceptions that might put them off applying.

What is Trinity College Cambridge?

Trinity College Cambridge is a diverse community of scholars and students, in an energised intellectually-challenging environment for the study of the sciences, mathematics, arts and humanities.

What is the tutorial system?

appreciate that whilst the workload can be intimidating, most students are passionate about the subject, and the tutorial system gives students the chance to truly engage and succeed with their topics.

1. The Conscious Mind - A Philosophical Road Trip

While we're always thinking about one thing or anything, we're rarely conscious of the fact that we're doing so. In this course, you'll explore mindful awareness through demonstrations, illusions, brainteasers, thought experiments, riddles, and jokes - all of which are designed to make you think differently about the way consciousness works.

2. Data Visualization for All

Data visualizations are crucial for using data to tell your story. In this course, you'll learn to design interactive charts and customized maps for your website or other needs.

3. Mobile Computing with App Inventor – CS Principles

This course will teach you how to use the open development tool App Inventor to program on various Android devices.

4. The World History of Modern Wine

This course focuses on the growth of global wine production and trade over the last three centuries. In this course, you'll explore key themes in wine history and learn about the different methods and resources that historians use in order to understand the past.

5. Science in Art: The Chemistry of Art Materials and Conservation

Artists create visual effects using materials that allow image formation and that lend color, emphasis, shape, and size to the object created.

6. World Music, Culture, & You: Finding Music Within Your Community

In this course, you'll learn about some new ways of thinking about music, community, musicians, musical instruments, and how they all relate to your life. The course focuses on and introduces concepts in the study of music in a cultural context, or ethnomusicology. No prior musical knowledge is needed!

7. Sustainable Urban Environments

In order to strengthen sustainability, we must empower individuals and communities in order to transform and balance natural resources, economic prosperity, and healthy populations.

What is public humanities?

Scholars in the public humanities are able to facilitate conversations across multiple divides: between disciplines, over different institutional spaces, and in traditional and non-traditional sites of knowledge production. This seminar trains students how to curate such conversations. Through readings and discussion, students will learn a variety of critical theories and methodological approaches to develop their own public humanities projects. Along with key texts, students will learn to engage different forms of evidence such as expressive culture, social movement periodicals, oral histories, museum exhibitions, podcasts, and digital archives By the end of the semester, students will demonstrate a critical understanding of public humanities theories and practices; develop research, writing, and curating skills; and present a project to a panel of researchers, educators, and activists.

What is the purpose of the 300 level AMST seminar?

This 300-level AMST seminar explores how past and present representations and perceptions of disability and blackness overlap. In response to racism and discriminatory practices, Black Americans often seek distance from the added stigma of disability (the disabled, like other marginalized communities, have often been deemed unfit for citizenship, and threatening to the stability and health of mainstream U.S. society); this strategy reinforces the power of ableism and erases the value of diverse bodies and lived experiences. By examining how Black-disabled intersectionality informs a variety of representational sites, such as fiction, poetry, film, and performance, we will work toward a fuller understanding of the shared humanity and overlapping histories that bind us as citizens of the nation and of the world.

What is Trinity College?

Every year, Trinity College runs a number of residential programmes for students and teachers, keen to explore their subject outside of school and experience what it would be like to study at a top university. Students stay in college accommodation, meet current students and have taster lectures, seminars and supervisions in a variety of subjects. They also have the opportunity to explore the city, and take part in a number of social activities during the week. The residentials are entirely free, including accommodation and all food, and funds are available to cover transport costs to and from Cambridge if necessary.

What is Trinity Outreach?

Trinity Outreach will be launching a mentoring scheme for a small group of Year 12 students. This will consist of a blend of outreach-practitioner led sessions focused on informing and guiding students on the particulars of applying to university, whilst one-to-one sessions with carefully selected student mentors will boost their academic confidence and help to fill any gaps in their curriculum knowledge.

What is track to trin?

Track to Trin is an innovative, student-led pilot mentoring scheme for Black Year 12 students and set to launch in March. The programme will be run, virtually, from April to September 2021 with PhD students from Trinity’s postgraduate academic community selected to lead monthly online supervision-style sessions with Black Year 12 students, aiming to offer guidance and super-curricular support.

What is a women in maths residential?

Christ’s and Trinity Colleges run an annual Women in Maths residential, a unique event for talented young women who want to study Mathematics and related courses at a top university. You’ll attend lectures and classes taught by Cambridge academics and meet current students and staff. It’s a great opportunity to gain an insight into what it’s like to study at Maths at the University of Cambridge. Attendees will also have the chance to virtually explore Christ’s and Trinity Colleges, and take part in a range of social activities and other maths-related activities alongside the academic lectures and classes.

Is Trinity College linked to Milton Keynes?

For the upcoming academic year, Trinity College will be offering our link schools (Hampshire, Milton Keynes and Isle of Wight) a package of bookable online outreach sessions designed for students and teachers that can be delivered remotely in a safe and flexible manner at no cost to the schools.
