what is a theme for a liberal arts course of study

by Dortha Tillman 3 min read

A good theme for a capstone course should be broad enough to encompass interests from around the liberal arts, while being specific enough to have some bite. They should be sufficiently appealing that both faculty and students would look forward to them, rather than seeing them as exercises in box-checking.

Full Answer

What are the characteristics of liberal arts education?

The liberal studies major allows students to design their own plan of study. Students mix and match courses from any combination of disciplines in the College of Liberal Arts to design their own major organized around a theme. Designing your own Liberal Studies Plan Theme: Do you have a theme in mind already? If yes, skip to the plan. When you are trying to decide how to …

What are the core courses of a Liberal Studies degree?

Apr 29, 2019 · Published on April 29, 2019. Liberal arts is a field of study based on rational thinking, and it includes the areas of humanities, social and physical sciences, and mathematics. A liberal arts education emphasizes the development of critical thinking and analytical skills, the ability to solve complex problems, and an understanding of ethics and morality, as well as a …

Why should you study liberal arts&sciences?

Liberal arts is a broad term that covers a few different fields, but just what are liberal arts classes? This degree encompasses programs and classes that fall into different categories, like history, psychology, English, mathematics, economics, and more. It may seem like a very broad subject, however, these fields all have something in common.

What are the different fields of study in liberal arts?

The Liberal Arts Seminar explores aspects of the relationship between humanism, science and technology. Students apply knowledge and critical strategies developed in other courses to significant contemporary and historical issues.

What does a liberal arts major study?

A liberal arts degree includes the study of history, literature, writing, philosophy, sociology, psychology, creative arts and more. Liberal arts programs are designed to help you formulate compelling arguments, communicate well and solve problems.

What are examples of liberal arts?

Liberal Arts Majors and Examples These majors include English, Creative Writing, Linguistics, language acquisition (Spanish, Greek, Mandarin), History, Literature and Composition, and Geography. Social Sciences are focused specifically on human society and interpersonal relationships.Apr 29, 2019

What are the 3 liberal arts?

Liberal arts courses are divided into three categories: humanities; natural sciences and mathematics; and the social sciences.

What is liberal arts in simple terms?

Liberal arts is the term given to contemporary programmes of education which include areas of study across the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and the arts.

What is the purpose of liberal arts education?

A liberal arts education builds students into freethinkers, open communicators, knowledgeable citizens, and respectable individuals. Many liberal arts colleges are focused on creating critical, creative thinkers that transform into citizens devoted to service, education, and acceptance of others.

Why is it important to study liberal arts?

The broader knowledge and understanding of the world a liberal arts degree cultivates helps students engage in some of the most important issues of today: the environment, foreign policy, social justice, national and international security, ethics, indeed, all of the issues we face as humans in relationship to others.

What is a liberal education summary?

Liberal education is an approach to undergraduate education that promotes integration of learning across the curriculum and cocurriculum, and between academic and experiential learning, in order to develop specific learning outcomes that are essential for work, citizenship, and life.

Why is it called a liberal arts degree?

According to the late literary scholar and philologist Ernst Robert Curtius, the liberal arts are so named because they are “the studies whose purpose is not to make money.

What is the value of liberal arts education?

A 2021 AAC&U report on How College Contributes to Workforce Success highlighted a key takeaway: "A liberal education provides the knowledge and skills employers view as important for career success." The survey also reported an aptitude for teamwork along with critical thinking as very important to employers.Jul 7, 2021

How is a liberal arts college different from a university?

Educational advisers note that liberal arts colleges generally differ from National Universities by focusing solely on undergraduates – often offering few or no graduate programs – allowing more flexibility in the curriculum, and emphasizing teaching that prioritizes a broad base of knowledge over professional training ...Dec 7, 2018

What are the 4 liberal arts?

Modern usage. The modern use of the term liberal arts consists of four areas: the natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

What is liberal arts education?

A liberal arts education emphasizes rational thought and aims to develop robust critical thinking and analytical skills, problem solving abilities, and a strong moral compass. Fields of study include humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics. The key element in defining liberal arts is the intent to combine practical, ...

What are the majors in liberal arts?

There are several branches of liberal arts majors, including humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics. While attending higher education, students can select majors that fall under any of these categories. Humanities are academic subjects that focus on human culture.

What is liberal arts college?

Liberal Arts Colleges, as the name suggests, are institutions that focus heavily on providing a strong liberal arts education to all students in all fields. Usually, these are private, four-year colleges that tend to be more expensive than other institutions.

What majors include math and science?

Physical science and math majors include Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Geophysics, and Mathematics ( broadly, usually encompassing algebra, geometry, calculus, and so on).

Why is liberal arts important?

A liberal arts education emphasizes the development of critical thinking and analytical skills, the ability to solve complex problems, and an understanding of ethics and morality, as well as a desire to continue to learn. Liberal arts are increasingly important in the diversified job market, with employers choosing to hire liberal arts majors ...

What is a community college degree?

Community Colleges offer two-year programs that lead to an associate's degree. They are frequently used as stepping stones toward a bachelor's degree, so students will complete their general education (and liberal arts) studies before going on to a larger university.

Is math a liberal arts major?

Mathematics and science can also be considered liberal arts. The element that determines a liberal arts education is not necessarily the major, but rather the institution. Liberal arts colleges provide students with education in both intellectual and practical skills.

What is liberal arts?

Liberal arts is a broad term that covers a few different fields, but just what are liberal arts classes? This degree encompasses programs and classes that fall into different categories, like history, psychology, English, mathematics, economics, and more. It may seem like a very broad subject, however, these fields all have something in common.

Why do employers value liberal arts?

Many employers see the value in a liberal arts degree because of the transferable skills you learn , and this translates well into fitting into a new workplace.

How much do liberal arts majors make?

Finally, it’s worth noting that liberal arts students usually aren’t in it for the money. On average, liberal arts majors make around $40,000 annually. The specific field you work in might lead to a higher salary, but generally, liberal arts students are more passionate about their own personal interests and career fulfillment.

Can I get a job in the field of arts if I studied liberal arts?

It goes without saying that if you studied liberal arts, you can probably find a job in the field of arts. Whether you studied English and you want to become a writer, or you want to transition into visual arts, the skills you learned will surely take you far in this field.

Is liberal arts a good option?

If you really want to learn transferable skills and study a variety of topics that interest you, then liberal arts can be a fantastic option for you. However, if you are certain that you want to study a specific program or trade, then liberal arts may not be for you.

Why Major in Liberal Arts

Prepares you for transfer into many different majors at a 4-year college.

Design Your Own Degree

The Liberal Arts and Sciences Programs are designed for students who want to continue their education at senior colleges and to engage in studies leading to careers in the arts and sciences.

Liberal Arts Programs at LaGuardia

The Liberals Arts major has two broad majors, Liberal Arts Social Sciences and Humanities and Liberal Arts Mathematics and Science, as well as 10 Options students can add to their major (nine for Social Science and Humanities and one for Mathematics and Science).

Liberal Arts: Social Science and Humanities A.A

For students who want an early start in planning for a liberal arts-related career, the program offers a number of courses offered in such areas as art, music, media, literature, theater, film, philosophy, journalism, and Latin American studies, to choose from. View catalog. View Degree Map.

Liberal Arts: Math and Science A.S

For students interested in pursuing a career in mathematics, the sciences, engineering, medicine or allied health fields. The science and mathematics courses are designed specifically to meet the requirements of those students who wish to continue their education beyond the Associate degree. View catalog. View Degree Map.

First Year Seminar

During your first semester, your First-Year Seminar (LIF101 or LMF101) instructor will be your advisor. They will help you be sure that you are in the right major and help you plan your course of study at LaGuardia while preparing for transfer or a career.

Learning Communities

Along the way, you will have the opportunity to take learning communities (also called pairs and clusters). These combine your science, math, and humanities courses around a theme and help you make connections. For more information, ask your advisor or visit our website at www.laguardia.edu/clusters.

What is the beauty of Duke University?

The beauty of Duke’s liberal arts education is that you gain skills and ways of thinking you can take anywhere you want to go. You will develop the skills needed to work in teams and thrive, to think critically and explore different perspectives, to write persuasively, to analyze with precision and to develop higher-order reasoning and independent thought.

Why do we ask to study a language?

We also ask you to study a language, because there is no better way to take yourself outside of your own culture and comfort zone than to think in another language. In today’s deeply interconnected world, such global experiences and perspectives will serve you well.

What Are the Liberal Arts?

In the very broadest sense, liberal arts courses are those courses that provide an overview of the arts. No, I don't mean painting or ceramics or pottery! Arts is a broad term encompassing disciplines such as humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences.

Liberal Arts Coursework

In choosing liberal arts coursework, you'll have many opportunities you wouldn't have otherwise. You can choose from courses in anthropology, communication, English, history, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, political science, math, language, sociology, economics, geography, theater, creative writing and literature.

Why Liberal Arts?

So why would you want to take liberal arts coursework? The better question is why wouldn't you want to take liberal arts coursework? Liberal arts coursework can prepare you to deal with the situations and rigors of life.

What are the subjects of liberal arts?

Undergraduate degree programs in liberal studies and liberal arts involve core and elective coursework in a variety of subjects, including history, cultural studies, art, philosophy, religion, literature, and the natural sciences.

What is liberal studies?

Overview. Liberal studies is the interdisciplinary examination of subjects related to the humanities, arts, and sciences. As a student of liberal studies, you'll pursue knowledge in these different areas, often learning to synthesize what you learn into a coherent whole that serves your life goals. You'll also learn to communicate effectively, ...

How does liberal studies help you?

In a liberal studies curriculum, you sharpen your reading and writing skills by completing research papers. You also practice verbalizing your ideas through classroom discussions and learn to develop multiple perspectives. Other skills developed include:

What are the majors in liberal arts?

The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences offers more than 50 different majors in a wide range of fields, including sciences like biology and physics, social sciences like economics and psychology, humanities like English and history, and various foreign languages and area studies.

Why do we need liberal arts?

Here’s 9 key reasons why you should study the liberal arts & sciences: 1. You learn how to think: With a liberal arts and sciences education, you learn to think critically, creatively, and analytically. Rather than taking everything presented to you at face value, you learn to delve into the whats, whys, and hows of the world.

What is critical thinking in graduate school?

The development of critical thinking skills is a crucial component to graduate study, and an undergraduate degree in a liberal arts and sciences field can provide a head start where that’s concerned. What’s more, a liberal arts and sciences degree proves that you have the ability to learn across a diverse field of studies, which also provides a foundation of knowledge to go straight into graduate study in any subject you might choose.

Make it Great!

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. As students across the globe continue to see their learning plans significantly.


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. As students across the globe continue to see their learning plans significantly.
