what is a special revenue fund? course hero

by Destin Kuvalis 5 min read

What is Course Hero’s Alabama sales tax account number?

Jul 27, 2015 · Question What is a Special Revenue Fund Student Answer Fund created to account from ACC 380 at Ashford University

What is the account number for the Course Hero Program?

Oct 08, 2019 · The general fund is the primary fund used by a government entity. This is used to record all resource inflows and outflows that are not "special-purpose funds." The account used for journal entries is simply "Cash." In the given problem, what is asked is the journal entry for the first payment. The monthly lease is $1,000.

When does Course Hero charge my primary payment method?

View SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - STREET AND HIGHWAY FUND.xlsx from ACNT 2330 at Houston Community College. City of Bondville, TN Street and Highway Fund - General Ledger DUE FROM Account ... Course Hero, Inc. Course Hero is not sponsored …

What is a special revenue fund?

A special revenue fund is an account established by a government to collect money that must be used for a specific project. Special revenue funds provide an extra level of accountability and transparency to taxpayers that their tax dollars will go toward an intended purpose.

What is general fund and special revenue fund?

The general fund and special revenue fund are used to segregate discernable transactions. Under the current rules, the emphasis is on capturing the proceeds of specific revenue sources and accumulating them during the accounting period.

What is difference between general and special revenue fund?

Normally much smaller than the general fund, a special revenue fund might contain money set aside for a road project, library, or parks. A special revenue fund is set up so that money spent on whatever the project may be can be accounted for separately from the general fund.Sep 26, 2017

Is an enterprise fund a special revenue fund?

Special revenue funds are distinguished from enterprise funds in that the user of the governmental service does not pay for the service based on actual use. Conversely, the costs of services provided through an enterprise fund are generally recovered through charges to the users of the services.

Are special revenue funds restricted?

A special revenue fund can only be used if a significant amount of revenue supporting the activities is restricted or committed for that specific purpose (other than debt service or capital projects). Restrictions must be imposed by an external source such as the state or federal government.Dec 20, 2021

What is meant by special fund?

Special Fund means any and all government fees and other revenue receipts earmarked to finance a governmental agency to which no general fund appropriation is made by the state.

Are special revenue funds required?

GAAP does require the use of a special revenue fund to account for the general fund of a legally separate entity (component unit) that is blended with the government.

What are the three categories of funds?

There are three major types of funds. These types are governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary.Jan 12, 2022

What are the three main types of fund financial statements?

The balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement each offer unique details with information that is all interconnected. Together the three statements give a comprehensive portrayal of the company's operating activities.

What is the purpose of a special revenue fund quizlet?

A special revenue funds would be used to account for taxes which are required by state law to be used by the government to support specific activities.

Where does the special revenue comes from?

The percentage of profit given by the gaming house keeper to the kinglet was the source of the king's special revenue. The king, his ministers, courtiers, his servants, a bishop, his generals and liis army were its beneficiaries.Mar 24, 2020

What is an example of an enterprise fund?

Some examples of enterprise funds are activities such as the food service program, the bookstore operation, the athletic stadium, or the community swimming pool.

Can you redeem questions on Course Hero?

Questions, and Unlocks are a contractual right only; Questions, and Unlocks are not cash or a cash equivalent (such as a gift card) and cannot be redeemed for cash or cash equivalents.

Do you get a refund for a tutor answer?

Upon payment for an answer, you have no right to a refund. Course Hero maintains the right to initiate special incentive and pricing programs.

Is a question and unlock refundable?

Questions, and Unlocks are non-transferable, non-refundable, do not accrue interest, and are valid only for a limited period of time. For more details on Questions, and Unlocks, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.
