what is a sjw course to graduate

by Ursula O'Reilly 4 min read

What does it mean to be an SJW?

Jul 18, 2018 · While the SJW infestation is a serious concern, the loathing expressed in many comments toward the educated and education in general is idiotic. When did a low IQ and no college become something to be proud of? Trump may love the undereducated because they follow him blindly and unquestioningly, but he graduated from an Ivy League school.

What do SJW’s want to achieve?

Oct 06, 2014 · The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from ...

Are American students being indoctrinated with SJW ideas?

Jul 22, 2020 · Students will be required to either take a class in one of four ethnic studies disciplines — Native American studies, African American studies, Asian American studies or Latina and Latino studies — or a class in another discipline as long as the course has a social justice component.

What are the main strategies of the SJW movement?

One day there will be a course offered in every uni and it will be called "The Real World" The textbook will consist of two lines: "Things aren't always going to go your way, deal with it" "Don't be a fuckwit" The book will cost $250 dollars and the course will go for a …

What is a SJW?

They are pagans who worship women, minorities, homosexuals, and other non-capitalistic or non-Catholic features of humanity. Since their belief system is based on trends and feelings, an SJW will display rapidly shifting thought from one month to the next depending on what is “hot” or not in SJW discussion forums.

How does SJW work?

Using a “privilege” hierarchy, SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices or wrongs that group has suffered since the time of ancestral man, using selective and narrow interpretations of history. SJW’s elevate groups that they believe have received the least amount of “privilege” in the past, and then use internet activism in the form of mobs and community purges to target those who are determined to have greater amounts of privilege. The idea of privilege is so essential to SJW ideology that a common debate tactic they use is to say “check your privilege,” which roughly translates to, “you must immediately halt or change your speech because your ancestors may or may not have done bad things to women or minority races.”

What is social justice warrior?

Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism ...

What is consensus in science?

As you may already know, consensus is a poor judge of facts or morality. Consensus used to believe that the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the Earth. Sadly, many great men were imprisoned or executed for going against consensus on beliefs that we know are true today.

What does SJW mean by equality?

When they say “equality,” what they really mean is to apply special benefits to protected groups in order to create equality based on their subjective perception and feeling. They even go so far as to claim that women and non-whites can not possibly be racist against white men. If a black woman calls a white man a cracker, honky, redneck, hick, or peckerwood, she’s correcting historical wrongs and injustices, not being a racist individual.

What is SJW's attempt to destroy the reputation of the speech offender?

If censorship is not an option, SJW’s attempt to destroy the reputation of the speech offender by labeling him a racist, misogynist, creep, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe, or transphobe.

What is the meaning of "check your privilege"?

The idea of privilege is so essential to SJW ideology that a common debate tactic they use is to say “check your privilege,” which roughly translates to, “you must immediately halt or change your speech because your ancestors may or may not have done bad things to women or minority races.”.


Dating back to 1824, the term social justice refers to justice on a societal level. From the early 1990s to the early 2000s, social-justice warrior was used as a neutral or complimentary phrase, as when a 1991 Montreal Gazette article describes union activist Michel Chartrand as a "Quebec nationalist and social-justice warrior".

Further reading

Stack, Liam (August 15, 2017). "Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language". The New York Times.


If you’re an advertising major, you may hope to get into digital marketing, e-commerce, or sports marketing. What many advertising majors don’t realize, however, is that in order to land a highly competitive job in one of these areas, their degree should be directly in that field.

Anthropology And Archeology

If you love history, travel, and being outside, a degree in anthropology and archeology may sound appealing. However, unless you’re ready to spend your time and money receiving a Ph.D. in the field, plus spend years as an underpaid intern or research assistant, this career path probably isn’t for you.

Art history

Students who study art history love art and design. Those who pursue a degree in art history typically take classes in art composition as well as multiple classes on the history of art through every time period. They may study important artists like Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet.


Communications majors study the science behind communication. They learn how to make communication more accessible to all while promoting good communication methods. If you’re interested in communications, you may take classes related to oral and visual rhetoric, as well as classes that help you learn how to best promote your message.

Computer Science

A degree in computer science may sound like you’re on the right track for a successful career after graduation. However, like many of the most useless college degrees, computer science is a difficult degree to use after you graduate.

Creative Writing

Creative writers truly have skills that are desirable for those who go on to publish stories and novels. However, their education is narrow and specific. During their education, students in a creative writing major learn how to tell a story with colorful words and create poetry while also learning about the professional writing process.

Criminal Justice

A lot of students get ideas from TV shows and movies like NCIS or Criminal Minds that they want to study the field of criminal justice. Actors make jobs like detectives and special agents seem attractive and fun. However, the reality of jobs such as these is that they are not only dangerous but also few and far between.

What I Like About SVU

One of my favorite things about SVU is that they don't shy away from controversial, emotional subject matter. There's been episodes discussing the ethics of assisted suicide/removing life support, immigration, foster parents, homeless youth, religion/cults, police brutality and so much more.

Just wondering

Am I the only one who wants Barba and Elliot to have some sort of interaction? Like he could take Bell's nephew's case after her wife had to step down (they could easily make because of her pregnancy) and Olivia gave them Barba's name.

SVU & Organized Crime Interplay..

The blending of SVU cast into the narrative of Organized Crime is TOP NOTCH. Liv's appearances and Counselor Carisi name drops are awesome nods to how Elliot's task force is operating amidst the backdrop of all of the other ongoing criminal activity in the city.

I feel like the Law and Order franchise is missing a great opportunity for an Internal Affairs based show

With the introduction of Organized Crime and the recent announcement of a new spin-off show revolving around Defense Attorney's is being created, I am shocked that the people in charge of the Law and Order universe have still not decided to create a show revolving around Internal Affairs.

What is the difference between undergraduate and graduate?

The main difference between undergraduate and graduate is that undergraduate is always used in the context of the first level of college or university education (the level where you can earn a bachelor’s degree ). In terms like graduate student and graduate degree, graduate refers to a level of advanced education beyond ...

What does "graduate" mean?

As a verb, graduate [ graj -oo-eyt ] means “to receive a degree or diploma on completing a course of study.”. The process of graduating—and the ceremony itself—is called graduation. As an adjective, graduate [ graj -oo-it ] means something more specific. It’s used to indicate that a student, degree, or educational program is an advanced one, ...

What is an undergraduate degree called?

Outside of the US, an undergraduate degree is sometimes called a first degree. There are also other types of undergraduate degrees outside of the US, such as a foundation degree (which, like an associate’s degree, is typically a two-year degree).

What is an undergraduate?

An undergraduate is “a student in a university or college who has not received a first, especially a bachelor’s, degree.”. For example, a college student might say I’m an undergraduate at the University of Texas if they were pursuing a bachelor’s degree there.
