what is a public speaking college course

by Prof. Jordyn Yundt DDS 6 min read

Public Speaking for College Students is an online public speaking course delivered through spoken lectures. It helps you learn through practice speaking. This course will help you learn and upskill your public speaking for theoretical or academic aspects.

Course Description and Objectives
This course is an introduction to speech communication which emphasizes the practical skill of public speaking, including techniques to lessen speaker anxiety, and the use of visual aids to enhance speaker presentations.

Full Answer

What to expect from a college public speaking class?

Jan 26, 2022 · A study conducted by the National Library of Medicine showed that out of the 1135 students studied, 63.9% of the college students reported having a fear of public speaking. That is more than half! This study involved a variety of ages ranging from 17 to 58 years old.

What should I expect from a public speaking course?

Browse the latest online public speaking courses from Harvard University, including "Designing Your Leadership Path: Transformative Communication in a Hybrid World" and "Public Narrative: Leadership, Storytelling, and Action."

How can I learn public speaking?

ENGL 115 - Public Speaking 3-0-3 Credit Hours: 3 Emphasizes the preparation and delivery of a public speech. The focus of the course is speaking to inform, persuade and entertain. Some sections will further stress argumentation and debate. Prerequisite ENGL 101, which may be taken concurrently.

What can I learn from a public speaking course?

Mar 23, 2022 · An accredited public speaking class is an effective fast-track method for speech-giving. To be able to speak in public in a dynamic, effective and convincing manner, you need a good teacher. This is why I created this list of the top public speaking online courses.

What is public speaking class called in college?

Communication studies is a broad academic subject that includes interpersonal communication, organizational communication and a handful of other subfields. Most universities offering a communication studies major require their students to complete a public speaking course.Sep 26, 2017

Why do you have to take public speaking in college?

For students, the presentation skills gained from a public speaking class can help out in future presentations. Public speaking can also help build up your ethos, or credibility, which makes people want to believe you because of your speaking ability. Use ethos responsibly, kids.Aug 22, 2016

What do public speaking classes teach?

Personal relationships, social interactions and work situations require you to communicate ideas to other people. Public speaking focuses on communicating ideas. You can learn to calmly take up an opposing view, to present your ideas in an organized and coherent manner, and to defend your views to others.Aug 18, 2017

What is the study of public speaking?

Public speaking, also called oratory or oration, has traditionally meant the act of speaking face to face to a live audience. Today it includes any form of speaking (formally and informally) to an audience, including pre-recorded speech delivered over great distance by means of technology.

Are public speaking classes worth it?

Are Public Speaking Classes Worth it? If you are someone who could benefit from becoming a more polished and effective speaker/presenter as well as someone who is willing to put in the time and practice that it takes to master these skills then taking a public speaking class is certainly a worthwhile pursuit.

Is public speaking hard?

If you are taught overtime, public speaking is also as easy as swimming or driving after you have learnt it. Things become easy when you have been trained in that respect for a period of time. Public speaking is a learned process and you can become better at it with some learning as well.

What are the disadvantages of public speaking?

Lack of Control A speaker cannot always prepare in advance for every possibility. An open forum leaves the speaker exposed to unpleasant surprises from the audience. Public speaking opens the speaker to the possibility of saying something potentially inflammatory, embarrassing or otherwise negative.Aug 7, 2017

How do you pass a public speaking class?

Here are some steps to help you get the most out of your class and boost your GPA while you're at it.Trust the process of your speech class. ... Know when your speeches are due. ... Know the grading rubric. ... Know your professor. ... Know how to talk to your professor. ... Know how to practice. ... Follow the directions. ... Stand out from the crowd.Aug 25, 2017

How do you prepare for a public speaking class?

How to prepare for a public-speaking eventKnow your audience. ... Familiarize yourself with the environment. ... Outline the main points. ... Have someone review your speech. ... Practice on your own. ... Incorporate your hands. ... Use a mirror. ... Record yourself practicing.More items...•Feb 22, 2021

What are the 4 types of public speaking?

4 Types Of Public Speaking.Ceremonial Speaking. Ceremonial speaking is when you give a speech on a special occasion. ... Demonstrative Speaking. ... Informative Speaking. ... Persuasive Speaking.

What are the examples of public speaking?

However, to be a good speaker, you should know the four types of public speaking and their peculiarities.Speaking to Inform. ... Speaking to Persuade. ... Speaking to Actuate. ... Speaking to Entertain.

What are the 3 example of public communication?

Some examples of public communication happen through public speaking events, conferences, seminars, press conferences and so on. Newspaper editorials and billboard advertisements are other forms of public communication. Mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV) are a powerful tool of public communication.

What is public speaking class?

Public speaking classes are exactly what they sound like – classes designed to teach you the skills and techniques necessary to command an audience’s attention, entertain and inform them, and present yourself as a highly likable speaker.

What do you need to know about public speaking?

Public Speaking. Being a talented public speaker is a skill that is able to help advance a wide range of careers. The first step in this pursuit typically begins with enrolling in public speaking classes to help you master the craft. Whether you are a published author trying to promote your new ...

Why is public speaking important?

Taking a good public speaking class will make you a better communicator, and great communication is a requirement to excel in a wide range of areas. Being a better communicator makes you a better leader, negotiator, interviewer, interviewee, and more.

Can you speak in front of others?

However, speaking in front of others is something that you will be required to do in order to complete the class, and this can be concerning to some. The good news, though, is that there are steps you can take to make your experience in the class a lot less stressful and a lot more enjoyable. YouTube.

What does it mean to be a talented public speaker?

People who are talented public speakers are automatically seen as people who are in a position of authority – and being seen as someone who is an authority figure can often go a long way toward helping you meet a wide range of professional goals.

What is the most common type of public speaking?

Professional public speaking is the most common type of public speaking that the average person is required to do, making a professional public speaking class a fine option to consider.

What are the three pillars of speech?

The three pillars of an effective speech are thorough research, quality writing, and strong delivery. Being able to fill a speech with relevant and useful information through thorough research, make it sound great through quality writing, and deliver it in a strong and commanding manner – along with hard work and practice – is all that is required to excel in a public speaking course.

How long is the Intro to Public Speaking class?

Skillshare’s “ Intro to Public Speaking – Give a 5-Minute Talk Without Dying ” is a short but engaging class. At only 47 minutes of length, it acts more as a crash course than a full course.

What is the fear of public speaking called?

There’s a special term for this type of phenomenon – glossophobia. Glossophobia, also known as a fear of public speaking, seems like a natural part of life to many people. That’s a misconception. Most people can defeat those fears with little effort.

What is an oral footnote?

An oral footnote is like a footnote or an in-text citation in a research paper. It provides information to the audience about where you got your information and using oral footnotes makes you credible in the eyes of your audience so it is really important that you use them.

What is transition in presentation?

Transitions are how you move the audience from one idea to another with you as you deliver the presentation. You should tell the audience what you are finishing talking about and what you are moving into next. You will also need to direct the attention of the audience toward the visual aid when you are going to show it.

How many components should be in an introduction?

Once you have the body of your presentation laid out in a logical fashion, you should work on the introduction. The introduction should have five components. It should look like this:

How many hours is Communications 101?

Communications 101: Public Speaking has been evaluated and recommended for 3 semester hours and may be transferred to over 2,000 colleges and universities. This self-paced and mobile-friendly course offers students an opportunity to pass out of a semester-long class and save time/money on their degree.

What is a proctored final exam?

Proctored Final Exam. The proctored final exam is a cumulative test designed to ensure that you've mastered the material in the course. You'll earn points equivalent to the percentage grade you receive on your proctored final. (So if you earn 90% on the final, that's 90 points toward your final grade.)

What is a quiz in school?

Quizzes are meant to test your comprehension of each lesson as you progress through the course. Here's a breakdown of how you will be graded on quizzes and how they'll factor into your final score: You will have 3 attempts to take each quiz for a score. The highest score of your first 3 attempts will be recorded as your score for each quiz.

What to do at the end of each chapter?

At the end of each chapter, you can complete a chapter test to see if you're ready to move on or have some material to review. Once you've completed the entire course, take the practice test and use the study tools in the course to prepare for the proctored final exam.

How long is the Rochester Institute of Technology public speaking course?

In just three weeks, with four to six hours per week of studying, you can learn how to control your public speech anxiety, build confidence, and give a compelling speech. This course is our runner-up because the content, while solid, is less comprehensive and interactive, and the instructor is less engaging.

Who is the instructor for the 2021 public speaking masterclass?

Course instructor TJ Walker is known as a speaker, entrepreneur, and author. His course is one of the most popular on Udemy and currently boasts a 4.4/5 rating, with most reviews praising its comprehensiveness and extensive use of real-world examples.

Why is public speaking important?

Public speaking is one of the most important yet commonly feared forms of communication. Experts estimate that 77% of the population experiences some form of anxiety over this soft skill. 1. That’s where public speaking classes can help. Classes teach people how to calm their nerves, use their voice and body language to their advantage, ...

What do classes teach you?

Classes teach people how to calm their nerves, use their voice and body language to their advantage, speechwriting and persuasion techniques, and more. Honing your public speaking skills can make you a more effective communicator during job interviews, in the workplace, and beyond.

Who is Emily Polner?

Formerly a retail and ecommerce expert for Rebecca Minkoff, Emily now uses her expertise in small business marketing, technology, and entrepreneurship to create compelling content for small businesses, freelancers, and consultants. Read The Balance's editorial policies. Emily Polner. Updated June 13, 2021. Public speaking is one of the most ...

What is dynamic speaking?

The Dynamic Public Speaking by the University of Washington is actually a set of four public speaking courses: Introduction to Public Speaking, Speaking to Inform, Speaking to Persuade, and Speaking to Inspire, which can be completed together or separately to earn a certificate.

How long is an online class?

More comprehensive classes tend to include graded assignments, peer review sessions, and detailed information on how to study your audience. Class length varies. Some are taught in as little as one hour while others span across six or seven months. Most online classes do not have any prerequisites.

What is the curriculum for public speaking?

The Curriculum. Public speaking is a large skill-set that can feel like a big mountain to climb. That’s why along with the right instructor, you need the right curriculum. The curriculum in an effective class should loosen you up first.

What is the best way to learn public speaking?

Online courses are a great way to learn public speaking. It’s a way to get tips and information down without practice time. Most likely, you have taken an online course before at Udemy or Coursera or even on a private platform.

What does it mean to be a great speaker?

That means you should feel free to make mistakes , try new things and not get things right the first time. Great speaking comes when you’ve built your comfort level. You need safety to build that comfort. Along with safety, you want an instructor that’s humble and approachable.

What is a webinar?

A webinar is like an online course: it’s good for the transfer of information but does not provide a space to practice. Unlike the online course, a webinar usually has a live instructor to answer questions and engage with the participants.

Why is it important to have a good instructor?

The right instructor is crucial for your learning. They have the power to accelerate your progress and even make learning public speaking an enjoyable process (yes, it’s possible!). But if you’ve ever felt judged while learning something new, you know how debilitating it can be.


What Are Public Speaking Classes?

  • The course combines a number of teaching techniques including lectures, guest lectures by those with special competences in sub fields, class discussions, group work assignments, oral presentations, role playing, evaluations of actual real life events and projects.
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Benefits of Public Speaking Classes

Who Should Take A Public Speaking Class?

Types of Public Speaking Classes

Public speaking classes are exactly what they sound like – classes designed to teach you the skills and techniques necessary to command an audience’s attention, entertain and inform them, and present yourself as a highly likable speaker. With that said, though, the approach that you take to reach this final dest…
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Online Public Speaking Courses vs In-Person

  • The benefits of taking a quality public speaking class are multifaceted. As we’ve already mentioned, this type of oratory training isn’t only for those who spend their lives delivering speeches from a stage. If that’s your goal then you will certainly want to find a high-quality training program available for speakers. However: Even if it’s not your primary goal to become a professi…
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Elements of An Effective Public Speaking Class

  • Whether you are a seasoned veteran at public speaking accustomed to delivering speeches and presentations in front of massive crowds or you are relatively new to public speaking and are only accustomed to delivering the occasional presentation to your colleagues at work, a public speaking class is something that you are likely to find beneficial. The truth is that a good public …
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What Will I Learn in A Public Speaking Class?

  • There are a lot of different public speaking classes available today, and many of them can be broken down into specific categories. Of course, each type is going to have its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Just like there are different styles of public speaking, there are different styles of public speaking classes as well. One class may focus on speaking to entertain while an…
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How to Survive A Public Speaking Class

  • In addition to the different types of public speaking classes that you have available to choose from, there are also both online and in-person style classes available. In the end, the type of speaking class that is best for you will depend on your own personal learning style, preferences, and goals.
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Are Public Speaking Classes Worth It?

  • There’s a lot that goes into creating an effective and beneficial public speaking class, and not all of these classes are created equal. If you would like to take a class that will truly prepare you to be a more polished, entertaining, and informative speaker, you’ll need to select a class that offers the right instructions.
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