Perfect order is an order that is complete, accurate and in perfect condition and that is delivered on time and accepted by the customer.
The Perfect Order Rate KPI measures how many orders you ship without incident, where incidents are damaged goods, inaccurate orders or late shipments. Attaining a high perfect order rate should be the goal of every supply chain organization as it indicates organizational efficiency and high customer satisfaction.
This measure calculates the rate of perfect order performance, which refers to the act of flawlessly taking and fulfilling a customer order—including taking the order correctly, allocating inventory immediately, and delivering the product on time with an accurate invoice.
But manufacturers have long felt that perfect order performance is an admirable yet unattainable goal. Perfect order performance is a key performance indicator that strongly predicts customer satisfaction.
What is a perfect order? simultaneous achievement of relevant customer metrics. an order that arrives on time. an order that arrives undamaged. an order that is easy for the receiver to fill.
Perfect order. an order that simultaneously achieves relevant customer metrics.
Perfect order performance is calculated as follows: (Percent of orders delivered on time) * (Percent of orders complete) * (Percent of orders damage free) * (Percent of orders with accurate documentation) * 100. APQC's data shows that, at the median, organizations have a perfect order index of 90 percent.
It's important to note a perfect order index is a compilation score that measures the result of each of the four major components of a perfect order, including: on-time delivery, complete shipment, damage- free shipment, and correct documentation.
A perfect order from a supplier is one that contains the right product or service being delivered to the right customer and right place: At the right time (100% on-time delivery) In the right quantity (100% fill rate) In the right condition and packaging (100% “quality” related to fulfillment)
The perfect order rate has become an important indicator in measuring supply chain performance. Companies that boast some of the highest perfect order rates carry less inventory, experience shorter cash-to-cash cycle times, and have significantly fewer stock-outs than their competitors.
Order Fulfillment Cycle Time measures the time it takes from customer order to the receipt of the product or service by the customers. It therefore provides an insight into the internal efficiency and supply chain effectiveness. Order Fulfillment Cycle Time = Source Cycle Time + Make Cycle Time + Delivery Cycle Time.
This measure calculates the average cycle time in days (including weekends) between order placement by the customer and order delivery to the customer for primary products. Customer Order Cycle Time is equal to Source Cycle Time plus Make Cycle Time plus Deliver Cycle Time).
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