what is a mini course

by Zoila Swift 7 min read

Definition of minicourse : a brief course of study usually lasting less than a semester First Known Use of minicourse

: a brief course of study usually lasting less than a semester.

Full Answer

What are minicourse courses?

mini· course | \ ˈmi-nē-ˌkȯrs \ Definition of minicourse : a brief course of study usually lasting less than a semester First Known Use of minicourse 1970, in the meaning defined above Learn …

Who can create a mini course?

Mini-courses can help you to start getting paid without big time investment. Learn more Build a functional micro-landing page super-fast Add your custom domain and present your content while asking various type of questions, capturing leads, and …

How much do teachable mini courses cost?

mini-course n (Education) US a brief intensive course of study Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Want to thank TFD for its existence?

How do I register for or withdraw from a minicourse?

Minicourses are courses that are worth 1, 1.5, or 2 credits that students may add after the semester has begun, but before the start date for each course. For assistance in registering for a minicourse, please connect with an academic advisor via Live Chat. If you wish to withdraw from a minicourse, please see our Withdrawal from Courses policy.

What is a mini online course?

The matter of what: What is a mini course? When we refer to a mini course, we mean short online course that typically takes two hours or less to complete. They cover a hyper-specific topic and are often used as a marketing growth tool. And they might be repurposed content or a unit from a larger online course.

How big is a mini course?

OK, the name should pretty much say it all, but just in case it's not clear, a mini course can take whatever form you want, but essentially it's no more than 2 hours long and it covers are fairly concise topic or handful of very specific topics related to the bigger course you are thinking of creating.Oct 18, 2019

What is a free mini course?

An online mini course is a short online course, which takes two hours or less to complete. This course format addresses a very specific topic and is often used as a growth marketing tool (a teaser for your core product).

How many modules are in a mini course?

3-7 modulesA mini-course is a short series of lessons (usually from 3-7 modules) that help your subscribers achieve a specific goal. They're often sent as a series of emails, although you can also host them on an educational platform like MemberVault if you would rather.

How do I start a mini course?

12:3839:09How To Launch A Mini-Course Right Now - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd the key here is that it's gonna be roughly two to three hours of video content. So if you haveMoreAnd the key here is that it's gonna be roughly two to three hours of video content. So if you have 30 minute long videos that's gonna be four to six videos. If you do 10-minute.

How do you market a mini course?

Here are a few ways to do so: Launch a paid social media campaign. Ask other experts in your field to promote your mini course to their customer base. Write blogs about the subjects you'll be covering.

Can you make a course free on teachable?

Many of our Teachable creators have found ways to offer free trials for online courses. We've now made it official to help you convert paying students. You can seamlessly offer a free trial with your subscription pricing options. Now students can get a sneak peek of your course for a limited time before being billed.

What is a mini course Thinkific?

Today Steve Dotto, Founder of DottoTech is sharing his method for rapid course creation. He uses webinars with Thinkific to create mini-courses. Using this same strategy, you can rapidly prototype your online course while generating revenue and traffic in a short period of time.Nov 2, 2018

How do I create a free course on teachable?

0:5626:41How To Create an Online Course with Teachable (Step-by Step-Tutorial)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo here we are on the teachable homepage. And you can click this button up here that says create aMoreSo here we are on the teachable homepage. And you can click this button up here that says create a course but I'd actually recommend that instead you click this button over here that says pricing.

How do I create a mini course email?

The anatomy of an email courseStep 1: Decide what to teach. Before you create anything, figure out what to teach first. ... Step 2: Structure your email course. Most email courses are sent over a period of one to two weeks. ... Step 3: Create content for your email course. ... Step 4: Automate your workflow. ... Step 5: Make the sale.

How do you outline an Ecourse?

How to Outline Your Online CourseIdentify Modules. ... Break Each Module Down into Core Steps. ... Brainstorm the Details. ... Building Your Outline. ... Add Worksheets and Bonuses. ... Validate Your Outline.Jul 18, 2018

How do you create a business course?

7 Steps to Building a Successful Online Course BusinessStep 1: Decide what to teach. ... Step 2: Validate market demand. ... Step 3: Create a compelling and unique brand. ... Step 4: Build your audience. ... Step 5: Create an online course. ... Step 6: Focus on customer success. ... Step 7: Scale your business.Sep 29, 2021

What is a mini course?

1. To build an online audience. For creators whose biggest concern is finding and growing an online audience, a mini course is an incredible tool for doing so, especially if offered for free and used as a lead magnet, or offered to students who pre-pay for the full course.

How long is a mini course?

When those of us at Teachable refer to a mini course, we define it as a short online course that takes two hours or less to complete. It covers a hyper-specific topic and is often used as a marketing growth tool. Think of it as the amuse bouche of a larger course or field of study.

Who is the creator of Teachable?

Teachable spoke to course creator, photographer, and video editor Stefanie Dworkin —who struggled with these exact worries above and decided the best first step to deal with these roadblocks was to create a mini course. “I am a filmmaker, photographer, and educator, and run a small production and education business,” says Stefanie.

Who is Deborah Niemann?

One creator at Teachable, Deborah Niemann, published a mini course on copper deficiency in goats to support her brand The Thrifty Homesteader, which encompasses everything from saving seeds to making eco-friendly, handmade skincare, and household products.

What are some good marketing tools for a business?

Social media accounts : Although maybe not as powerful a marketing tool as an email list, social media accounts can be great ways to leverage a business. Consider Instagram Twitter, Pinterest, and even TikTok to market your course . Quora can also be an effective tool depending on the creator and audience.

What should I expect?

Our Mini Course is a two hour preview that includes information from our full 10 week Referral Pursuit program. You will leave this course with essential information on how to “ connext to your next referral “.

What are the benefits of a CN Mini Course?

The CN Mini Course is the first step in gaining the confidence you need to be successful. In this course you will experience major “aha” moments that will help get you on the correct path. Bring a friend, partner, or current referral partner and learn how to become the best referral teammates possible.

How much does the CN Mini Course cost?

The CN Mini Course is extremely affordable and provides essential knowledge in becoming a strong referral partner. Our two hour mini course costs just $35 per person.

What is the Mini Course Product Blueprint?

The Mini Course Product Blueprint is a quick and easy to consume blueprint to help you and your business build brand value.

Mini course product outline

The mini course product blueprint includes one Category and five Product Posts.
