what is a micro course

by Lisa Berge DVM 6 min read

They are essentially short-form courses that focus on very niche and narrowed down topics. They have their own unique strengths, opportunities, and advantages.Jan 25, 2021

Full Answer

What is a micro-course?

In a micro-course, we break that sub-topic down and teach the material in easily digestible parts. As a general rule of thumb, micro-courses that I’ve created have 6-8 lessons.

How many micro courses are currently being offered?

Of the 24 courses, 19 will be offered online. All of them are open for enrolment now. For more information about the courses currently being offered, please visit our micro course page here. What differentiates our micro courses? Offered only at SCS, each course has been structured to include specific skills and competencies.

What is a microlearning course?

Micro courses are short, compact learning solutions so you can develop specific competencies, fast. They are condensed adaptations of proven full-length courses, and can lead to full SCS certificates if you choose to go that path. You may also want to check out funding opportunities available on our Financial Assistance page.

What is a mini course?

When those of us at Teachable refer to a mini course, we define it as a short online course that takes two hours or less to complete. It covers a hyper-specific topic and is often used as a marketing growth tool.  It might be repurposed content or it might be a unit from a larger online course. Examples:

What are examples of micro learning?

Microlearning examplesMicrocopy. Short, targeted, highly contextual messages or hints, to help users learn. ... Microlearning videos. Short, focused videos that are designed to meet a specific learning outcome. ... Microlearning apps or mobile apps. ... Micro-challenges and games. ... Infographics. ... Social Media.

How do you make a micro course?

8 Tips for Creating Effective Microlearning CoursesKnow your learners. ... Identify a single precise learning objective. ... Apply the “Learning By Doing” mantra to your content: Content used in traditional e-learning courses cannot be used 'as is' in microlearning courses. ... Identify and focus on must-learn content.More items...•

What is a micro learning activity?

AR/VR activities for microlearning allow us to remember information more rapidly and experience the knowledge firsthand. Microlearning allows us to continue to learn and grow along with a busy life, taking away some of the most common barriers of online training by making it more accessible and bite-sized.

What is micro learning content?

What is microlearning? Microlearning is a way of providing short, focused pieces of content to an audience, ideally where and when they need it. It's not a new idea, and its effectiveness has been debated within the learning and development industry.

How long are Microlearning courses?

So what's the ideal microlearning length? Here's our rule of thumb: 10 minutes or less. Every rule of thumb has its limits, and this one does too. There can definitely be exceptions (more on that later).

Is Microlearning effective?

According to RPS research, Microlearning improves focus and supports long-term retention by up to 80%. This means we should uses micro-learning not as a stand-alone learning vehicle, but rather as a supplemental strategy to support the main training event.

What is micro learning education?

What is microlearning? Microlearning is a way of delivering education in small, bite-sized learning units, typically allowing students to control their own learning, at their own pace. The term microlearning dates back to 1963 in a book called The Economics of Human Resources by Hector Correa.

What are microlearning modules?

A Microlearning module is an educational approach or strategy that offers the right amount of information to help learners achieve a specific, actionable objective or outcome. This brief, targeted learning tool spans between 2 to 5 minutes.

What are the skills of micro teaching?

Skills of Micro teaching TechniquesIntroduction Skill.Skill of Probing Questions.Skill of Explanation.Skill of Stimulus Variation.Skill of Black-board Writing.Skill of Achieving Closure.

Why is micro learning important?

Microlearning makes it easier to learn on the go. Employees can learn and develop new skills at their own pace without disrupting their daily work. Furthermore, since the majority of learners prefer smartphones and tablets to PCs, learning can take place anywhere and anytime.

Why does micro learning work?

The reason microlearning is so effective is that it's intentionally designed to support the way our brains process information. “Microlearning … [presents] key points of information delivered in a way that our brains work,” explains Axonify CEO Carol Leaman.

How is micro learning implemented?

How Will Microlearning Fit Into Your Overall L&D Strategy?Step 1: Identify Your Organization's Learning Needs. ... Step 2: Creating Microlearning Content. ... Step 3: Organize Your Microlearning Content. ... Step 4: Monitor, Review And Improve Over Time. ... Microlearning Benefits For L&D Professionals And More.

How is micro learning implemented?

How Will Microlearning Fit Into Your Overall L&D Strategy?Step 1: Identify Your Organization's Learning Needs. ... Step 2: Creating Microlearning Content. ... Step 3: Organize Your Microlearning Content. ... Step 4: Monitor, Review And Improve Over Time. ... Microlearning Benefits For L&D Professionals And More.

What are Microlearning modules?

A Microlearning module is an educational approach or strategy that offers the right amount of information to help learners achieve a specific, actionable objective or outcome. This brief, targeted learning tool spans between 2 to 5 minutes.

What is micro learning videos?

What Are Microlearning Videos. Microlearning is a type of on-demand learning tool. As a learner, you can access the information you need, when you need it, and in the germane context.

What features are necessary for Microlearning effectiveness?

The Must-Have Characteristics of MicrolearningShort duration. ... Focus on a single learning objective. ... Microlearning is independent, even if part of whole. ... Have interactive elements. ... Microlearning is designed to work on multiple devices (responsive) ... 5 Must-Have Microlearning Assets in Every Corporate's Online Learning Library.

Micro Courses

Facing changes in the workforce takes courage and the willingness to evolve.


Micro-credentials are digital representations of the set of competencies or skills that learners have achieved. They are:

What is microtraining?

Microtraining is the most engaging training delivery method available. The microlearning experience is similar to checking your favorite social app on your smartphone, compared to the "serious study" feel of regular training.

What is microtraining in education?

Microtraining delivers short bursts of content for learners to study at their convenience. Content can take many forms, from text to full-blown interactive multimedia, but should always be short. Here are some microlearning content examples:

What is microlearning training?

In this era of busy schedules and short attention spans, microlearning is a near-perfect training model. And it can be used for all kinds of training. A few microlearning examples include employee onboarding, compliance training, and skills training.

Why is repeated study good for microlearning?

Such repeated study fits nicely with microlearning units since they are small, self-contained, and easy to return to.

Is microlearning good for online learning?

Regular online training that uses text-heavy courses is not ideal for studying in short stints. Microlearning, on the other hand, lets your learners enjoy casual learning whenever they have some spare time. Plus, since microtraining courses are small, they’re also easy to download and take with you when offline.

Is microlearning cheaper than LMS?

A microlearning course is also much cheaper to produce. It requires fewer resources and needs fewer instructors. You don’t even need any special "microlearning tools" to create your content; a regular LMS content editor will do - though, of course, a specialized microlearning-based platform like TalentLMS will make the process much easier.

Is microlearning a good training method?

If your subject matter is complex, requires in-depth study, or calls for in-person training, microlearning is probably not for you. That said, it might still be a good fit as a supplementary training method.

Why are microlearning courses so effective?

They have immediate results. Because Microlearning courses are accompanied by immediate practice, they are 100% effective at teaching a specific skill. Besides, when learners get the opportunity to apply the information right after studying, they are more likely to remember the information for a more extended period.

What is microlearning in education?

Solving various problems faced every day or cultivating specific skills. Microlearning often appears with other terms like Bites/Bite-sized learning, Chunks, Micro-content, Snacks a.o. Also, because learning is most remembered, when it is applied in some situations, Microlearning usually comes with practicing.

Why is gamification important in microlearning?

Gamification is essential in Microlearning as it is in e-learning in general. Gamification makes the learning experience interactive and keeps learners’ interest and focus on learning. There are lots of tools to insert gamification in your course (e.g., H5P ).

What is the process of acquiring knowledge through small chunks of information used to meet a specific learning outcome?

Learning is the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. Microlearning is the process of acquiring knowledge through small chunks of information used to meet a specific learning outcome.

Why is microlearning important?

Offering bite-sized learning content helps to increase retention and build on learners’ attention and engagement, while making comprehension and the transfer of learning easier and more efficient.

How long does a microlearning video take?

Microlearning videos may take up from 0 to 20 minutes. According to ATD Research, the average maximum of time a microlearning event lasts is up to 13 minutes, while the ideal average amount of time for any microlearning activity is 10 minutes.

Why is microlearning beneficial?

Training through micro-courses is beneficial for instructors because they are effortless, and production costs are much lower than macro learning. Microlearning videos are ideal, and there are a lot of microlearning resources available online already. Shorter content is also easier to review.

What is a mini course?

1. To build an online audience. For creators whose biggest concern is finding and growing an online audience, a mini course is an incredible tool for doing so, especially if offered for free and used as a lead magnet, or offered to students who pre-pay for the full course.

How to create a mini course?

Choose a course topic. For those who have content already: A blogger, a YouTuber, a podcaster, an Instagrammer, etc. may have all the content needed to create a mini course and already have an audience. In this case, take a look at analytics to understand which topics may be good for a mini course.

Is Stefanie's list too large for a mini course?

Although Stefanie’s list is thorough, it’s still far too large for a mini course. The next step for any creator after making their list is to shrink that list even smaller. Here’s an example of a few mini courses Stefanie might teach based on her list: Editing Video on the iPhone with iMovie.

What is microlearning?

Microlearning is how you will learn parts of your job in small bits, although with reduced time investments, and additional benefits that employees can utilize on a daily basis. 2. Increases learners’ engagement. Even people with great attention spans can struggle to remain engaged in long learning sessions.

What is microlearning in education?

Microlearning. Microlearning is a way of teaching and training employees in ways that take little time but ultimately reach the intended goal. In this guide, you will learn about microlearning, what makes it effective, and how to implement it successfully in your organization.

How can microlearning be used?

Small learning steps, with small chunks of information, can be used for learning in between and on-demand. In this way microlearning enables individuals to stay up-to-date in today’s knowledge society. Small injections of information to review what was learned help to reinforce knowledge, and memory.

How long does it take to learn microlearning?

Microlearning is an approach to learning new information in small chunks at a time. Typically, microlearning sessions are under ten minutes and can take as little as one minute to complete.

How does microlearning help in training?

Microlearning can really improve on-the-job training because employees will learn in a short period of time, and without disrupting their daily tasks. It is possible because microlearning works with the brain to prioritize information that may be more relevant to a daily workflow.

Why is microlearning important?

Microlearning facilitates self-directed lifelong learning, as short activities can be easily integrated into everyday activities.

What is the best thing about microlearning?

One of the best things about microlearning is that it boosts engagement. However, you can enhance your microlearning program even further by including attention grabbing elements like videos and quizzes.

How long does it take to complete a microcredit course?

Professional development courses usually must be completed within 2-6 weeks, whereas credit-bearing courses allow students to take as little as 4 weeks or as long as 6 months to complete their coursework. All MicroCred® programs are online and allow learners to structure their coursework around their daily schedule.

Can you enroll in a self-paced microcredit program?

If you are enrolling in a self-paced MicroCred®, you can immediately enroll by purchasing the program and begin your course the very same day . If you are enrolling in a term-based MicroCred®, you can purchase the program at any point; however, you cannot begin your first course until the next term start date.
