what is a hyflex course

by Lou Wintheiser 3 min read

A Hybrid-Flexible or HyFlex course is a student-centered model of class delivery that can integrate in-class instruction, online synchronous video sessions, or asynchronous content delivery.Jul 23, 2020

What is a HYFLEX course format?

The hybrid flexible, or HyFlex, course format is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online.

What is HYFLEX and how does it work?

In a HyFlex model, the choice shifts from the instructor to the student and permits them to participate in classes however they choose. This, as Lungren points out, is beneficial both for residential students who want more flexibility and for online students who crave real-time interaction with classmates and instructors.

What is the difference between HYFLEX and hybrid learning?

The other distinction between a typical hybrid model and HyFlex is that the former usually involves instructors determining which elements are taught in a face-to-face class and which are more suited for online delivery.

How does HYFLEX support student engagement?

Hyflex can provide student engagement at the time they see/hear the material. Since HyFlex is online and F2F, there are comprehension checks towards objectives from learning activities that are integrated between online and F2F.

How do HyFlex classes work?

In a HyFlex course, courses are delivered both in person and online at the same time by the same faculty member. Students can then choose for each and every class meeting whether to show up for class in person or to join it online. The underlying design ethos behind the HyFlex Model is flexibility and student choice.

What is the difference between hybrid and HyFlex?

What is HyFlex? HyFlex combines the terms “hybrid” and “flexible.” Hybrid learning refers to learning that integrates complementary face-to-face (synchronous) and online learning (asynchronous) experiences in service of intended learning objectives (see CTL's guide on Blended Learning to learn more).

Is HyFlex effective?

We evaluated our teaching components according to student participation and their quantitative and qualitative feedback. We found that most students appreciated the HyFlex mode delivery and while our approach was shown to be effective, it was in some way constrained by the technology available (Binneweis & Wang, 2019).

What is HyFlex and why do I keep hearing about it?

Hyflex and blended interactive learning are both focused on student-centered instruction that is equitable, accessible, and flexible. These models, and others like them, may or may not be the answers to pandemic problems, but they are an opportunity to rethink and imagine the future of higher education.

What is a HyFlex teacher?

HyFlex teaching is a model that presents the components of hybrid learning in a flexible course structure that gives students the option of attending sessions in the classroom, participating online, or doing both. Students can change their mode of attendance weekly or by topic, according to need or preference.

What are the expectation from our learners in a HyFlex learning environment?

The student must be an engaged learner and an active participant in the educational process. HyFlex learners must be self-disciplined and manage their time wisely to ensure they are meeting the course objectives, especially if they choose an asynchronous option.

Who invented HyFlex?

Dr. Brian BeattyOne promising hybrid learning model is the HyFlex (hybrid, flexible) model, originally designed by Dr. Brian Beatty (2010) for his graduate courses at San Francisco State University.

What is HyFlex delivery?

Hybrid Flexible (commonly known as HyFlex) is a course delivery mode where students can choose to participate in classes either synchronously or in person.

How will you prepare yourself for hybrid education?

1 - Focus less on the differences between synchronous and asynchronous instruction - and more on where, how, and why learning happen. ... 2 - Develop a shared vocabulary for online and hybrid instruction. ... 3 - Encourage a “less is more" philosophy about curriculum planning and development.More items...•

Is HyFlex distance education?

The hybrid flexible, or HyFlex, course format is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online. Students can decide how to participate.

What needs of students should be considered in planning for HyFlex learning?

1) Student learning must be equitable amongst online and in-person students. 2) Students should be engaged in a single learning community, regardless of how they participate. 3) Designing HyFlex courses can be time-consuming. 4) Logistical and technical issues may arise when delivering classes using technology.

What are the basic and essential digital tools needed for hybrid HyFlex learning *?

7 key technology components required for HyFlex learningA centralized hub for the course. ... Synchronous web conference system. ... Video platform service. ... High-quality classroom hardware. ... An integrated ecosystem. ... Accessibility. ... On-demand support.

Why is Hyflex important?

Despite the drawbacks, there are some obvious benefits to leveraging a HyFlex course model. It allows students more flexibility than ever before, meaning they can adjust as needed to accommodate their schedules. It also gives students access to a greater breadth of learning materials than they would otherwise receive.

What is real time streaming in Hyflex?

The element of real-time streaming means HyFlex courses have even greater needs when it comes not just to the technology itself, but also technology support. In the event that something isn’t working once a class starts, instructors will need swift access to technology assistance. Not to mention routine support needs.

Does Hyflex require a lot of time?

Some skeptics point out that incorporating HyFlex models requires a lot of time, not to mention resources. These are fair criticisms. It’s true that faculty need ample training and will face the somewhat challenging task of reimagining a course that supports every learning experience.

Can schools offer online courses synchronously?

Part of this is because there are really a few ways to approach it. According to Dr. Brian Beatty, one of the professors who conceived this alternative delivery model, schools can offer the online component synchronously, asynchronously or by incorporating both options.

Is Hyflex the best course?

While there are some undeniable benefits of using a HyFlex course model, it isn’t necessarily the best choice for every institution. Some schools will inevitably find that it’s better to instead focus on other alternative modalities. Still, one thing that’s become clear is every college and university must be better prepared to leverage available technology and instructional models to offer programs remotely so they can continue education students during the next crisis or event.

What is a formative assessment in hyflex?

Regardless of class type (lecture or laboratory), each module should have a formative assessment that allows students to discuss the pros and cons of the HyFlex format as well as feedback about the content.

Can you attend a Hyflex class without attending?

In the HyFlex course design, students can choose to attend face-to-face, synchronous class sessions or complete course learning activities online without physically attending class. Hyflex can provide student engagement at the time they see/hear the material.

What is the flexibility of Hyflex?

Students can decide how to participate. The flexibility of the HyFlex model demonstrates a commitment to student success, and that flexibility can also enable institutions to maintain educational and research activities during a disruption.

What is hybrid flexible?

The hybrid flexible, or HyFlex, course format is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online. Students can decide how to participate. The flexibility of the HyFlex model demonstrates a commitment to student success, and that flexibility can also enable institutions to maintain educational and research activities during a disruption.
