what is a goal of infection control training? course hero

by Chelsey Collier 8 min read

What is infection control?

“Infection Control” is an asynchronous online continuing education course for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. This course presents updated information about the management of infectious agents including sections on risks, precautions, transmission, intervention, and prevention. Course Rationale

What are the goals and objectives of infectious disease course?

Course Goals and Objectives Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Differentiate and understand the three different modes of infectious agent transmission 2. Recognize infectious agents of special interest and understand the pathologies and challenges associated with these organisms.

Does adherence to recommended infection control practices decrease transmission of infectious agents?

Adherence to recommended infection control practices decreases transmission of infectious agents in healthcare settings. However, several observational studies have shown limited adherence to recommended practices by healthcare personnel. Observed adherence to universal precautions ranged from 43% to 89%.

Is hand hygiene monitoring a marker of infection prevention performance?

Moving beyond hand hygiene monitoring as a marker of infection prevention performance: Development of a tailored infection control continuous quality improvement tool. American Journal of Infection Control, 48, 68-76 Kolmos, H. J. (2012). Health Care Associated Infections: Sources and Routes of Transmission.

What is the main goal of infection control?

Infection control program has the main purpose of preventing and stopping the transmission of infections. Specific precautions are needed to prevent infection transmission depending on the microorganism.

What are the two basic goals of infection control?

The two basic goals of infection control are to protect the patient and health care personnel from infection. Infection control starts with standard precautions. Standard precautions are the methods recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for preventing the transmission of infections.

Why is it important to study infection control?

Infection Prevention and Control is paramount in nursing, it protects both patient and healthcare worker from disease. Without controlling the spread of infection, hospitals would become unsafe to go to or visit which would create huge healthcare problems across society.

What are the four main functions of the infection control program?

The duties of the IPC team generally include:Performing and reporting on surveillance for healthcare-associated infection.Investigating and advising on outbreak management.Providing a clinical advisory service for infection prevention-related issues.Revising and formulating policies.More items...

What is infection control training?

Infection prevention and control are essential to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This video-based course for care providers in care homes and home care will teach you about the spread of infection and what you can do to protect both yourself and the people you care for.

What are the 5 basic principles of infection control?

IPC ProceduresBasic Principles.Hand hygiene.Standard precautions.Isolation of patients.Hierarchy of controls.

Why regular infection control training is important for healthcare staff?

Prevention of infections is the common primary aim of healthcare workers, regardless of which service they work in. Healthcare workers need an understanding of how infections occur, how different micro-organisms spread, and the role they play in preventing the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms.

What are the benefits of infection prevention and control?

Top 7 Benefits of Infection Control Technology in Healthcare...Life-Saving and Cost Effective. ... Shift to Minimally Invasive Procedures. ... Improve Workflow - Coordination with Other Departments. ... Explore Design Options for Infection Control. ... Preventing Spread of a Disease With Real-time Location System (RTLS)More items...•

Why infection control is important in nursing?

Effective infection prevention and control practices support reduced risk of infection transmission between patients, healthcare workers and others in the healthcare environment; they are an essential component of safe, quality health care.

What is the role of the infection control team?

The role of the Infection Prevention & Control Team (IP&CT) is to promote best infection control practice in order to ensure the delivery of a quality service for patients, visitors and staff. The IP&CT do this by: • Providing advice on management of patients with infections.

What is the main way to prevent infection?

Good hygiene: the primary way to prevent infectionsWash your hands well. ... Cover a cough. ... Wash and bandage all cuts. ... Do not pick at healing wounds or blemishes, or squeeze pimples.Don't share dishes, glasses, or eating utensils.Avoid direct contact with napkins, tissues, handkerchiefs, or similar items used by others.

What are the core activities of an infection prevention and control program?

A number of core practices are recommended by CDC and considered standards of care and/or accepted practices (e.g., aseptic technique, hand hygiene before patient contact) to prevent infection in healthcare settings.