what is a flexible learning course

by Desiree Howell II 8 min read

Flexible learning describes a learner-focused learning environment that caters to different learning styles and preferred teaching environments. This can include allowing learners to take part in their education partly online and partly in the classroom—what has also been known as blended learning.Apr 14, 2020

Full Answer

What is flexible learning strategies?

A: The Knox School’s curriculum is based on the Integrated Curriculum Model developed at the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary. A curriculum for gifted students needs to be both rigorous and flexible to allow an ability-based program.

Why is flexible learning environments?

The pandemic gave school districts even more of a chance to reflect on how their learning spaces are supporting the needs of students, Kleinmeyer said, and the “huge impact” a physical environments can have on education.

How flexible is too flexible?

Hypermobility: How Flexible Is TOO Flexible?

  1. Foundation. A steady foundation will create less of an opportunity to sag in the joints. ...
  2. Awareness. When we’re not paying attention to our body in a pose, we risk sitting in our joints and practicing the same old way we always have, which might ...
  3. Breath. Our breath is one of the keys to staying aware in every pose. ...
  4. Balancing Muscle and Stretch. ...
  5. Ahimsa. ...

Can We learn to be flexible?

You might think flexibility is fixed—either you're born with flexible limbs, or you're not. However, you can train your body to become more flexible; it just takes a little practice. If you’re looking to become more flexible in your body, here are eight tips that can make it easier than you ever thought possible.

What is an example of flexible learning?

Modes of flexible learning include: face-to-face contact ▪ websites with interactive content and/or chat rooms, discussion boards ▪ CD-ROMs ▪ VHS or broadcast video ▪ teleconferencing or videoconferencing ▪ print resources ▪ audio tapes ▪ field trips.

What do you mean by flexible learning?

'Flexible Learning is a set of educational philosophies and systems, concerned with providing. learners with increased choice, convenience, and personalisation to suit the learner. In. particular, flexible learning provides learners with choices about where, when, and how. learning occurs.

What is a flexible online class?

Online students are able to plan study time around the rest of their day, instead of the other way around. You can work at your convenience, which makes balancing work and family commitments with your education possible.

What are the strengths of the flexible learning course?

What are the advantages of flexible learning environments?Convenient and easy-to-use learning platform. ... Flexible/blended learning environments still allow you to interact with others. ... Access all the resources the university has to offer despite being off-campus. ... Fit everything around your lifestyle.

How does flexible learning help students?

Flexible learning allows the student to decipher when and how they will learn by tailoring their course to their own capabilities. This ultimately leads to them retaining information and producing better results. They also have the advantage of learning at their own pace which can help to alleviate a lot of pressure.

Is flexible learning effective?

The flexible learning moulds the learner to plan their activities according to their interest and enthusiasm. It also keeps the mind of learner in a pleasant situation that is out of external fear. Finally the study concludes that flexible learning in classroom helps to promote quality education.

What is the difference between flexible learning and blended learning?

3 modes of flexible learning Offline – A flexible learning mode that does not use internet connectivity at all. Learning is done through printed modules or uses digital forms such as video and audio placed in storage devices. Blended – A type of flexible learning which is a combination of online and offline modes.

Why are online courses flexible?

Flexible learning via e-learning modules allows the learners to grasp the concept at their own pace. With recorded videos and e- notes available at the behest of one's wishes, learners can replay and retain better. The student attains self-motivation and the effort is self-directed, making you life ready.

What is Flexible Learning?

Flexibility, when incorporated into curriculum design enables people more choice in their learning.


Flexible learning can occur anywhere, anyhow, anyway. However flexible learning in itself is complex, and not as simple as this definition implies.

Blended Learning

The term blended learning is often used to describe courses where a mix of delivery and learning options are used.

Activity Two: Discuss the meaning of flexible learning

Find yourself a buddy in the class, or do this exercise with a colleague and discuss the following questions:

Examples of Flexible Learning

Today, many organisations are working out new ways to offer flexibility in their learning programmes.

Activity Three: Investigate and describe two examples of flexible teaching and learning

Access examples either in your organisation or externally - on the web or through your networks.

Resources for this topic

The resources are divided into 'Must have resources' and 'Additional resources'. That way you can choose how much time to spend on the materials that are provided. You may find it more useful to ignore the additional resources and look for information that suits your context better.

What is flexible learning?

It’s finding the time management and study skills that work best for you when learning online. But this doesn’t mean that you’re alone. Student advisors and instructors are always available to help you through any obstacles.

Share your ideas for time management and study skills

in the comments for this post, and don’t be shy about sharing your failed attempts too! (For example, I had a PDA that was working beautifully until I forgot to sync it to my laptop and it fell in a snow bank.)

What is flexible learning?

Flexible learning is the formal education method that focuses on increasing flexibility in the time, location, teaching, and other aspects of the learning process. It is a method where students are given the liberty to choose how, when, what, and where they want to learn. Flexible learning aims to enhance the learning pathway, ...

Why is flexible learning important?

Flexible learning aims to enhance the learning pathway, create a better experience, and give students better access. It allows us to decide how a physical space can be used, how students should be taught, and how much time is to be invested. Students are given proper breaks in between to increase their productivity and not make learning ...

Why is flexibility important in school?

Introducing flexibility is of paramount importance so that the students don’t feel stressed. Various schools have already adopted the flexible learning method. They let the students participate in other activities as well, apart from academics. This helps in the overall development of the individual.

What is the purpose of a learning intervention?

A broad term used to describe the design and delivery of programs, courses, and learning interventions in such a way as to cater for student demands for variety, access, recognition of diverse learning styles, and student control over and customizability of the learning experience. It is often incorrectly used in an interchangeable manner ...

Is IGI Global Bookstore valid?

It is only available when you order directly through IGI Global’s Online Bookstore and is only valid on standard U.S. and international shipping. There will be additional charges for express shipping and limitations may apply. Browse Titles.

Is "e-learning" an interchangeable term?

It is often incorrectly used in an interchangeable manner with other terms such as “open learning ,” “distance learning ,” “work-based learning ,” as well as “e- learning ,” which are all instances or forms of flexible learning in that they provide flexibility to the student in terms of time/pace, place, access, content, and/or delivery mode.

What is Flexible Learning?

Flexibility, when incorporated into curriculum design enables people more choice in their learning.


Flexible learning can occur anywhere, anyhow, anyway. However flexible learning in itself is complex, and not as simple as this definition implies.

Blended Learning

The term blended learning is often used to describe courses where a mix of delivery and learning options are used.

Activity Two: Discuss the meaning of flexible learning

Find yourself a buddy in the class, or do this exercise with a colleague and discuss the following questions:

Examples of Flexible Learning

Today, many organisations are working out new ways to offer flexibility in their learning programmes.

Activity Three: Investigate and describe two examples of flexible teaching and learning

Access examples either in your organisation or externally - on the web or through your networks.

Resources for this topic

The resources are divided into 'Must have resources' and 'Additional resources'. That way you can choose how much time to spend on the materials that are provided. You may find it more useful to ignore the additional resources and look for information that suits your context better.

How to calculate distance learning fee?

Determine the number of credits that you will take through Flexible Learning. Multiply the tuition by the number of credits. Multiply the Distance Learning Fee by the number of credits.

How long does it take to complete a flexible learning course?

Students may enroll in Flexible Learning courses at any time but need to complete their course (s) within 16 weeks from their date of enrollment. It is important to establish a regular study schedule as soon as the course materials are received, monitor progress closely, and do not lose track of time.

What does W mean on a transcript?

The course grade will appear as "W" on a UF transcript. (UF students need academic approval to drop a course.) Grade Posting: final grades are posted to the student’s transcript to the term they enrolled in, regardless of the term in which the course is completed, as determined by the university calendar.

What is the phone number for the UF registrar?

They can be contacted by phone Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm, at 352-392-1374. Persons with hearing impairments can call FRS # 800-955-8771 (TDD). Back to Top.

Guiding principles

Learner-centered: Design courses that offer students flexible options to participate fully in the course. Select content and activities based on what students should learn vs. as pre-defined by chapters in a textbook (for example).

How is this different from the emergency remote teaching Duke faculty did during the Spring 2020 semester?

The emergency remote teaching effort ( Keep Teaching) was the best we could do, given the limited time and constraints of the Spring 2020 pandemic, to help faculty translate face-to-face activities and content to a remote setting in an emergency.

Design for online

Flexible design, just like online course design, requires you to do more planning. You must articulate smaller goals for each module, class period, and assignment. That’s because students may not be in a live class session to hear your instructions or you may not be in class to give instructions.

Draw on universal design

The concept of universal design for learning 3 can help in this process. Universal design is an approach that gives students options for completing an assignment. Thomas Tobin of the University of Wisconsin-Madison calls this a “plus one” approach. That is, each assignment or each class period may have a preferred means of achieving goals.

Build flexibility into the course schedule

Structure and deadlines are important for scaffolding student time on coursework, but many students will also need some flexibility in the timing of deadlines.



  • Flexible learning can occur anywhere, anyhow, anyway. However flexible learning in itself is complex, and not as simple as this definition implies. The interaction of four components - technology, pedagogy, implementation strategies, organisational framework - can lead to learner-centred experiences when they are well integrated (Collis & Moonen, 2...
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Learning Objectives

  • Use this list as a guide to set your learning goals for this topic. 1. Define flexible learning in your context. 2. Explore principles and processes of flexible learning and teaching. 3. Investigate multiple dimensions of flexible learning. 4. Critique a variety of examples of existing flexible learning and teaching options. 5. Reflect on how the dimensions of flexible learning could be ap…
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Blended Learning

  • The term blended learning is often used to describe courses where a mix of delivery and learning options are used. However, a definition is problematic and it is probably wise to consider not only how media and technologies are mixed with traditional forms of delivery, but also how aspects such as pedagogies, contexts and theories of learning are mixed or 'blended' Oliver and Trigwell …
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Examples of Flexible Learning

  • Today, many organisations are working out new ways to offer flexibility in their learning programmes. For example, a combination of distance and face-to-face contact (blended), flexible start and end dates, the full assessment of an individual's skills and understanding prior to starting a course, smaller courses to pick and mix, individualised or negotiated assessment, ope…
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Resources For This Topic

  • The resources are divided into 'Must have resources' and 'Additional resources'. That way you can choose how much time to spend on the materials that are provided. You may find it more useful to ignore the additional resources and look for information that suits your context better. If you cannot find anything that helps you develop your understanding about flexible learning in your s…
See more on wikieducator.org