what is a discussion board in an online course

by Brielle Leuschke 7 min read

In an online course, discussion boards provide that same visible, interactive space for students to interact academically and socially with their peers. Asynchronous, online discussions where students can process the material, interact with each other, and form a collaborative community are key to successful online teaching.

The discussion board is the one space built into the course management system where students can see and interact with each other's work. Make the most of that possibility by creating a discussion topic where each student starts a thread that showcases their work during the semester.

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How to Introduce Yourself on an online discussion board?

Introduce Yourself

  • katherine. Welcome to Learning Creative Learning! ...
  • Grif. Greetings Earthlings! ...
  • ammopig. Hi, my name is actually Andrea and not ammopig. ...
  • 1L2P. My name is Philipp. ...
  • ajs586. My name is Aya Jennifer Sakaguchi - or AJ for short. ...
  • CyberParra. Hi all, my name is Adriano and I live in Roma, Italy. ...
  • skola2015. ...
  • hansgrafbogran. ...
  • adavid7. ...
  • mallbell. ...

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How to contribute to online discussion boards?

How to Contribute to Online Discussion Boards The discussion board on Blackboard is an important element in many courses, and especially for most online courses. Having a place to write about course material as the class progresses often takes the place of or supplements real time class discussions.

How can online teachers improve discussion boards?

  • Build a community of care.
  • Ask genuine, open-ended questions.
  • Wait for answers.
  • Let conversation wander.
  • Model what it looks like to be wrong and to acknowledge when you're wrong.
  • Recognize that the right to speak isn't distributed equally.
  • Make listening visible.

What courses can I learn online?

  • FutureLearn is a UK-based e-learning platform with over 1,000 online courses.
  • Like edX or Coursera, FutureLearn offers free classes from top colleges and organizations.
  • Here are 14 popular courses from FutureLearn, in topics from writing to cybersecurity .

What is the purpose of discussion boards?

Discussion boards are reflective in nature. They force students to read other perspectives and carefully consider a response. The social aspects of the face-to-face classroom are very intimidating for many students, especially for ESL speakers, new students, and those who are simply shy or quiet.

What is a discussion board in education?

Teaching Tips: Discussion Board. Blackboard's Discussion Board is a place where you can set up forums (or topic areas) and allow students to discuss topics either as a whole class or in smaller groups. Discussions happen asynchronously (meaning, on their own time and not as a “live” chat).

What is a discussion board and how does it work?

A Discussion Board is an asynchronous communication tool that allows students to collaborate with others through posting or answering questions. Students respond to a discussion board forum topic by creating a thread, or replying to an existing thread.

What are the four key points of an online discussion board?

The table, Four Primary Discussion Types for Online Courses, summarizes the purpose, design, monitoring, evaluation recommendations and faculty involvement for each type.

Why are discussion boards important in online learning?

Discussion boards help to create a social presence in an online course along with a sense of community. Presence and community, in turn, can foster emotional connections. They also improve student learning and can create greater feelings of satisfaction with the course.

How do you answer a discussion board question?

Tips for writing a good discussion threadPart 1: State what your thought or recommendation might be. In other words, answer the question, “What do you think?”Part 2: State why you think what you think. ... Part 3: State what you wish you knew or directly solicit the opinion of classmates (in other words, ask a question!)

What are discussion boards?

A discussion board (known also by various other names such as discussion group, discussion forum, message board, and online forum) is a general term for any online "bulletin board" where you can leave and expect to see responses to messages you have left. Or you can just read the board.

How do you conduct an online discussion?

10 Tips for Effective Online DiscussionsConvey Clear Expectations. ... Adjust to the Discussion Board. ... Clarify Your Role. ... Provide Feedback and Coaching. ... Track Participation. ... Offer Groups and Discussion Board Alternatives. ... Create Questions You Care About. ... Select Discussion Leaders.More items...•

Are discussion boards still a thing?

Online Discussion Boards have become a staple of online learning. Discussion Boards can be a great opportunity for collaboration in our online learning world. Why not have some fun with them and think outside the box. With a little creativity and innovative thinking, discussion boards can be taken to a whole new level.

How do you start a discussion board?

An initial post is your first response to a question posed by the instructor.Answer the question. Do this first if possible. ... Give evidence. Provide an explanation for your point of view, and use evidence from your text, notes, or outside research (where appropriate) to support your point.Explain the connection.

How do you make a discussion board interesting?

Here are five tips I've gleaned for improving online discussion boards.Divide and Conquer. ... Direct Traffic. ... Assign Actions. ... Incorporate Student Interactivity. ... Deter Students from Parachuting into Discussion.

How do you participate in a discussion board?

Guidelines for Forum PostsParticipate in online forums as you would in constructive, face-to-face discussions. ... Postings should continue a conversation and provide avenues for additional continuous dialogue. ... Do not post “I agree,” or similar, statements. ... Stay on the topic of the thread – do not stray.More items...

What is a discussion board?

What are discussion boards for online courses? Discussion boards for online classes give students the opportunity to talk about course topics with each other, and with the instructor, as they would if they were in a traditional classroom. This helps students absorb the class material and share ideas.

Why do we need online discussion boards?

However, depending on the course, online discussion boards may also be required in traditional and hybrid classes in order to increase student engagement.

Why do students have discussions in class?

Also, students have the opportunity to practice their communication skills, connect with their peers, get used to using proof to bolster their arguments , and sharpen critical thinking abilities.

Is an online discussion board appropriate?

Getting too personal. Although some of the topics covered in a class may remind students of personal experiences, an online discussion board is not the appropriate forum to discuss their problems or ask for advice on issues not related to the course.

Should discussion forums be formal?

Although discussion forum posts don’t have to be as formal as term papers and other assignments, they also should not be too casual. Students should still pay attention to things like sentence structure, spelling, grammar, and punctuation when they write their posts.

Do students benefit from online discussion boards?

However, these students still benefit from class discussions through online discussion boards, which allow them to create original posts about a course topic and respond to the posts of other students. ...

Is it necessary to write two pages on a discussion board?

A student who writes two pages on a discussion board post can be impressive, but that is not necessary. Originality and insight can often be expressed in a few sentences. As well, it’s easier to correct a few sentences grammatically than it is to correct two pages.

Why is online discussion important?

The takeaway: Online discussions are a great way to think deeply about content by sharing ideas with classmates.

Why do faculty assign discussion board questions?

Online faculty assign discussion board questions because there is an overwhelming amount of research saying students deeply learn and grow through frequent conversations and debates on salient academic topics. Researchers say the online forum promotes deeper engagement with subject matter and gives a voice to those feeling stigmatized. [.

What can students scan for in a physical classroom discussion?

In a physical classroom discussion, before students answer a question asked by the professor, they can scan for subtle nonverbal reactions of classmates. They can also wait to hear the opinions of the students who are confident enough in their own convictions to speak first.

The Mechanics of a Typical Discussion

In a basic discussion forum, the instructor provides an initial post. Students are given a deadline to create a response based on the writing prompt. Students are then given a second deadline to read other student posts and provide feedback to one or more of those.

Students as Leaders in the Discussion

In some cases, students may be given roles (especially in small group discussions). The most common role is the discussion leader. This person generally interacts with most of the other participants and generates new discussion by asking related questions. The success of this type of discussion depends heavily on two major factors.

Whole Class Discussion vs. Small Groups

Some discussions include all members of the class while others are limited to small groups of 5-7 participants. There are several things to consider before deciding whether to go big or small. In a class-wide discussion forum, students may struggle to find something unique or original to say about the topic.

Writing Good Discussion Prompts

The key to a quality discussion is the assignment the students are given. Questions that can be answered with a yes or no will make for a very short and concise discussion. Questions should be framed in a way to encourage students to think about alternatives and possibilities.

More Than Just Words

Consider using video or audio as part of your discussions. Students can easily record themselves answering questions with their smartphone cameras. These recordings can be uploaded into Blackboard’s regular discussion boards or included in more advanced discussion tools like VoiceThread.

2. Make it count

In medical education, one of the key contributing factors to ensuring student involvement in discussion boards is to make them part of the student’s grade (Oliver & Shaw, 2003). If you have a rubric, then you are halfway there.

4. Frequently manage and moderate your discussion

We have all been inundated by the stream of notifications resulting from responses in a group chat. One minute you think you’re all caught up with the conversation, then you look away for one hour to see fifteen or more new messages. If you are not checking your discussion boards regularly, this could happen to you too.

Why do students prefer online discussion?

In fact, many students even prefer online discussion to in-person discussion, most likely due to the chance to communicate more freely.

How do students communicate in real time?

In turn, students can communicate in real time with each other, their instructor and presenter by chatting. Here are WebEx’s capabilities: Connect with the user’s chosen device or call in via their tool-installed phone. Record discussion audio and video (for later use, the download option is available)

What is WebEx for?

WebEx. WebEx is a free tool for video, multi-featured phones, and web conferencing. It’s suitable for students, faculties, and staffs due to its integrated chat function. Much similar to Google Hangouts, Adobe Connect, or Skype, users of WebEx can host and join in audio and video meetings, presentations, and conferences.

What is backchannel chat?

Backchannel Chat is a payment-required tool for grades 7–12. The tool works well as an online discussion board. Its restrained online discussions are supposed to engage learners and urge them to share.

What is a padlet in a classroom?

And Padlet is Gravity Wall activity’s digital equivalent. Padlet is a virtual space where students can post their questions, thoughts, and ideas for discussion.

Is it difficult to get students to join discussions?

Getting students to join in class discussions is difficult enough. It can be even more trying to encourage discussion online – outside of the actual classroom. That’s why e-learning usually lacks interaction, engagement and motivation. But this can be changed with some modifications and with the help of useful tools for online discussion board.

Is Chalkup a good LMS?

In addition to discussions, the platform is great for grading and online assignments. Chalkup should be an ideal choice for any teacher who happens to be searching for an LMS for their class.


Discussion Board Examples

The Discussion Board’S Role in The Online Classroom

  • There are many things that students may want to know before participating in a discussion board for an online class. The following are answers to some of the questions they may have.
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Discussion Board Etiquette & Tips For Success

  • Just as traditional students should follow certain etiquette in the classroom, online students engaging in discussions on a board are expected to behave appropriately. The following are some tips to help students create posts and responses, so they do well in their online courses, while following standards that instructors expect.
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Common Online Discussion Board Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

  • Students who are not used to online courses are likely to make some mistakes when they participate in a discussion board. The following are some mistakes that students should know about in order to avoid them. 1. Not being thorough. Students should be aware of posting short or poorly thought out responses. Not having a thorough response can mean th...
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Role of Teachers Using Discussion Boards

  • When it comes to discussion boards, there are a lot of options. Choosing the best discussion board website can vary by instructor, major, or institution. Instructors working in science or data may want to consider using an interactive discussion board website. While teachers who are more comfortable with video conferencing and prefer lecture and video formats may want to conside…
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Instructor Input: How Online Discussion Posts Are Graded

  • Ultimately, students who are required to participate in online discussion boards have to think about how their posts will affect their grades. In order to provide a perspective on how these posts may be marked, we received input from the following experts:
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Additional Resources For Online Student Success