what is a defensive drivers course

by Cleora Hessel DDS 7 min read

PIRP is also known as the Defensive Driving Course or Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Course. It is a comprehensive driver safety course which provides knowledge and techniques for safe and lawful driving. Private companies and organizations all over the state offer the course.

Full Answer

What to expect from a defensive driving course?

defensive driving a secure and better option for the drivers to learn this skill for the better and safer experience behind the wheel. This type of training encourages the driver to expect unexpected things and act according to that. This training has helped many drivers to drive safer than before, and become more proactive.

Who should take a defensive driving course?

  • Save you money on your auto insurance
  • Dismiss a traffic ticket
  • Remove points from your driving record

What's covered in a defensive driving course?

What is Covered in a Defensive Driving Course?

  • Basic traffic laws
  • Tips to recognize potential dangers
  • Statistics about distracted driving and driving while intoxicated
  • Instruction on how to control your vehicle in inclement weather and road conditions
  • Railroad crossings
  • Basic vehicle maintenance
  • Attitude and awareness. ...

What is defensive driving and should you do it?

Most defensive driving courses will teach you the following skills:

  • Use your car's safety features. Wear your seatbelt, lock your doors, and be sure your airbags are in good working condition. ...
  • Drive the speed limit. ...
  • Cut out distractions. ...
  • Pay attention to your surroundings. ...
  • Never assume someone else will move out of the way. ...
  • Follow the four-second rule. ...

Is defensive driving course good?

The short answer is yes, defensive driving courses are worth the money. Defensive driving courses give drivers a new perspective on viewing the road. They help drivers identify dangerous situations before they unfold. Defensive drivers can determine and mitigate risky behavior from other drivers.

What is the meaning of defensive driving?

Defensive driving describes the practice of drivers who consciously reduce the dangers associated with driving. Defensive driving techniques reduce the likelihood of a collision or incident and can even save costs related to vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption, by driving smoothly and steadily.

What is an example of a defensive driver?

Pay Attention To Your Surroundings – Check your mirrors, keep your eyes moving constantly, be aware of slowing cars or brake lights ahead, avoid road hazards, and pay attention to weather-related conditions which could impend safe driving.

How much is a defensive driving course in NY?

The best cheap defensive driving course is offered by New York Safety Program for $23.95. The cost of the listed providers below range from $23.95 to $49.95. There are eight providers that offer defensive driving courses for under $30....Best cheap defensive driving courses in New York.ProviderCostEmpire Safety Council$44.95I Drive Safely$48.9510 more rows•Nov 16, 2021

What are the 3 basic principles of defensive driving?

Pass to stay alive. Speed up to get around the other vehicle. Get back into the right lane as quickly as possible. Do not pass unless you can see far enough ahead.

What three words best describe defensive driving?


What are the five elements of defensive driving?

Top 5 Rules Of Defensive DrivingLook up ahead. It sounds obvious to make sure you're looking ahead rather than what's directly in front of you. ... Be aware of blind spots. ... Slow down at all intersections. ... Maintain a safe following distance. ... Minimize all distractions.

What is defensive driving course online?

NSC Defensive Driving Online Courses deliver the most relevant, leading-edge content to motivate and educate employees to be safe, responsible drivers. You can trust NSC to best train drivers to avoid collisions, crashes, injuries or worse.

What are 5 defensive driving techniques?

Following these defensive driving tips can help reduce your risk behind the wheel:Think safety first. ... Be aware of your surroundings — pay attention. ... Do not depend on other drivers. ... Follow the 3- to 4-second rule. ... Keep your speed down. ... Have an escape route. ... Separate risks. ... Cut out distractions.

How long is the defensive driving course online NY?

320 minutesNew York Defensive Driving Courses take 320 minutes to complete, as mandated by the state of New York. Since this course is 100% online you do not need to complete it all at once - you may log out and in as often as you need during the 30 day period you have to complete the course.

How many points does a defensive driving course take off in NY?

four pointsUpon completion of our New York DMV-approved defensive driving course, the DMV will reduce your active driving record point total by up to four points. We submit your certificate of completion to the NYS DMV and they take care of reducing the points.

Can you take a defensive driving course online NY?

You can go through the defensive driving New York online, at your own pace, any day or time you want. You can also leave the NY defensive driving course at any time and continue later from where you left off. New York Safety Program is approved by the New York State DMV to offer NY defensive driving online.

What Is Defensive Driving?

Do you remember the last accident or near accident you experienced while driving? If you avoided the accident, do you remember how you avoided it?

Is Defensive Driving School the Same as Drivers Education?

Defensive driving and driver’s education are not the same. Drivers education may include defensive driving skills but its focus is on teaching an individual how to drive, read traffic signs, and be aware of driving laws.

Benefits of a Defensive Driving Course

The main benefit of a defensive driving course is you become a better and safer driver. Other benefits include a reduction of points on your driver’s license after a ticket or accident. Some car insurance companies will reduce your insurance rates by as much as 10% after you take a defensive driving course.

Improve Your Skills With Defensive Driving

Learning and following defensive driving skills is the best way you can avoid accidents and stay safe on the roadway. Not only will defensive driving benefit you but it will keep others on the road safe, too!

What is defensive driving?

It is also a safe driving technique that all drivers should use. Driving defensively includes: Looking ahead and expecting the unexpected. Controlling your speed.

How to take defensive driving classes?

Defensive driving courses can typically be taken either online or in a classroom. The acceptable format (s) varies by state. You can find defensive driving courses in two ways: Do an online search for approved courses in your state. Call your traffic court or driver licensing agency for requirements and approved courses.

Can you start and stop a course?

You can usually start and stop the course at your leisure. You can typically pace the course to match your learning style. You can replay a section if you don't understand what was covered. You can adjust visual and audio settings to your needs.

What is defensive driving course?

What is a defensive driving course and how can it help your driving? A defensive driving course takes your driving one step further to improve your anticipation of the dangers on the road, hone your reactions to them and improve your vehicle control skills, whether that’s a car, motorbike or heavy vehicle.

Why do companies require drivers to complete a defensive driving course?

Some companies require that their drivers complete one before they get access to a company vehicle in order to reduce their insurance costs. If you lose your licence you may be required to do a defensive driving course.

What is defensive driving?

What is a defensive driving course? A defensive driving course helps drivers become more aware of how to reduce risks while driving. A typical defensive driving course consists of several classroom sessions followed by a practical session in a car with an instructor which must be completed within 60 days of finishing the theory part of the course.

What are the topics covered in the course of driving?

The types of topics covered include: Understanding human factors in driving. Perceiving hazards before they become a problem. Defensive driving techniques and how to apply them. Managing fatigue and distractions. Understanding braking distances and cornering forces. Understanding vehicle performance and overtaking.

How old do you have to be to take a driving test?

The minimum age is 17 years 6 months to take the full licence test. Drivers 25 and over: 3 months (usually 6 months). Drivers on a full licence may be required to do a defensive driving course by their employer. Drivers who are disqualified from driving may be required by the court to do a defensive driving course.

Can you learn off road driving?

You won’t learn off-road driving, pursuit techniques or techniques for chauffeurs. All the things you learn will be useful if you take it to the next level in one of these disciplines, though. By Darren Cottingham. Darren is a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists and the NZ Motoring Writers' Guild.

What does a good defensive driver do?

All drivers can be unpredictable on the road, so by attending a defensive driving course and being a good defensive driver you will reduce the chance of other peoples’ mistakes affecting you and your vehicle.

Why is defensive driving important?

In 2019, there were 1,752 people killed on the roads in Britain and 25,945 people seriously injured. Within the same year there was a total of 153,158 casualties of all severities in road traffic crashes.

When should I do a defensive driving course?

You can do a defensive driving course at any time. It’s vital that your organisation keeps employees safe and does everything possible to ensure this, therefore it’s best practice to establish a proactive approach to safety.

How to I become a defensive driver?

Here at RoSPA, we provide drivers with a qualification in defensive driving. To find out more about this course, please see below:

What is a behavioral driven course?

Behavioral-driven course designed to change drivers' attitudes associated with distracted driving and using a cell phone and other electronic devices while driving. A self-assessment evaluates participants driving habits and defines content specific to their risk level.

What is the most important job for a driver?

The most important job of any driver is safety. The National Safety Council, together with SafetyServe, offers the nation's most respected and highly rated online defensive driving course.

Why is defensive driving important?

Because defensive driving is proactive rather than reactive, it makes you more alert, helps you drive more safely, and helps you avoid collisions. Defensive driving also teaches you how to react calmly. When danger presents itself on the road, most people panic and overreact.

How long is the IDriveSafely course?

The course takes only eight hours to finish, and you have the choice between a text-based or video course.

What is traffic school?

Traffic school provides a refresher course in traffic laws and safe driving principles. Most drivers who attend traffic school are instructed to do so by a California court when they get a traffic ticket. In California, certain traffic violations add unwelcome points to your public driving record and result in costly fines.

Do you have to pay a fine if you attend traffic school?

You will still have to pay your fine even if you attended traffic school. Not all traffic violations are eligible for traffic school. In California, you are not eligible for traffic school if you’re cited for any of the following: Non-moving violations, like parking. Equipment violation.

Can you get a discount on insurance for traffic violations?

Both can help minimize or avoid the penalties of certain traffic violations. Most auto insurers are also willing to provide a discounted rate if you’ve completed traffic school or a defensive driving course.
