what is a d course at okstate

by Earline Satterfield 6 min read

Goals of “D” courses are to prepare students to critically analyze historical and contemporary examples of socially constructed groups in American society or culture and the distribution of political, economic, and/or cultural benefits and opportunities afforded to these groups; to understand how these groups relate to the student’s academic discipline and American culture; and demonstrate their understanding through written work that provides them the opportunity to enhance their writing skills.

Full Answer

What is the academic regulation for Oklahoma State University?

Diversity (D) courses emphasize one or more socially constructed groups (e.g. racial, ethnic, religious, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation) in the United States. Goals of “D” courses are to prepare students to critically analyze historical and contemporary examples of socially constructed groups in American society or culture and the distribution of political, economic, …

What is academic integrity at Oklahoma State University?

Department/School: Dean of Arts & Science. General Education and other Course Attributes: Diversity, Social & Behavioral Sciences. DIVR 2323 Diversity and Inclusion in 21st Century America (DS) Description: This course is designed to increase awareness and understanding of diversity and inclusion in the United States.

Can you get a second degree at Oklahoma State University?

Courses must be required for degree: Eligibility for federal grants (Pell, SEOG, TEACH), Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized and Parent (PLUS) Loans, Federal Work-Study and associated state aid (OTAG, Oklahoma's Promise) is based on the number of hours of enrollment in coursework required for the degree. Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized and Parent (PLUS) Loans require …

Is there a minimum credit hour requirement for D courses?

The Course Management and Classroom Scheduling Team of the Office of the Registrar is responsible for maintaining all course and section information in Banner, ensuring all classes are assigned to an appropriate classroom, and scheduling general university classrooms for academic events and meetings. ... Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK ...

What is a passing grade Okstate?

The grading standard for all College courses will be a numerical system ranging from 0 to 100 percent, with 70 percent as the lowest passing grade except for courses designated as pass/fail.

How many hours is full time Okstate?

Undergraduate students who are enrolled in 12 or more semester credit hours (six or more for the summer session) are classified as "full-time" students. Graduate students enrolled in nine or more semester credit hours (three or more for the summer session) are classified as "full-time."

Is Okstate a good school?

In the overall category of Best National University, OSU came in tied for 187 out of nearly 400 schools, both public and private. OSU ranked even higher — 96th — as a Top Public School. As a Best Value School, OSU sits at 156th, topping The University of Oklahoma (No. 177) and the University of Texas (No.Sep 16, 2021

What are Humanities classes at Oklahoma State?

Humanities (H) courses concentrate on the expression, analysis and interpretation of ideas and the aesthetics or values that have formed and informed individuals and societies; and emphasize diversity in the expression of human ideas and aesthetic or cultural values.

How do I check my grades on Okstate?

Students can view their midterm and final grades using the View Grades link in Self-Service:From the Student tab, select Student Profile, then click View Grades from the Additional Links section, or.Go to Student Records, then View Grades.

What is a full time student at Oklahoma State University?

Undergraduate students who are enrolled in 12 or more semester credit hours (six or more for the summer session) are classified as "full-time" students. Graduate students enrolled in nine or more semester credit hours (three or more for the summer session) are classified as "full-time."

What is Okstate known for?

From being named a top public university to being known as America's Healthiest Campus, OSU's awards and rankings showcase our academic distinctions, campus culture and value.

Is Oklahoma State Hard?

With a GPA of 3.57, Oklahoma State University requires you to be around average in your high school class. You'll need a mix of A's and B's, and very few C's. If you have a lower GPA, you can compensate with harder courses like AP or IB classes.

How many employees does Okstate have?

1,337Oklahoma State University–StillwaterFormer namesOklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College (1890-1958)Endowment$1.562 billion (2021)Budget$1.50 billionPresidentKayse ShrumAcademic staff1,337 (2019)19 more rows

What are social sciences and humanities?

The social sciences focuses on subjects like economics, psychology, and history, while the humanities explore philosophy, languages and literature, and the arts. Students following this pathway develop strong communication and critical thinking skills, as well as an understanding of cultural differences.Oct 5, 2020

What does 0 mean in a course?

The last digit of the course number indicates the number of semester credit hours. Course numbers ending with 0 indicate a variable credit course. Course Title.

What is equivalent course?

Equivalent Courses. Some courses are academically identical or equivalent to other courses that are offered in different departments. Equivalent courses should include “same as…” statements in their course descriptions.

What does "may not be used for degree credit with course Y" mean?

For example, if the description for Course X indicates “No credit for students with credit in Course Y” or “May not be used for degree credit with Course Y,” this means that a student may not use both courses to meet requirements for a single degree program.

What does the first digit mean in a class?

The first digit indicates the class year in which the subject is ordinarily taken, although enrollment is not exclusive to student classification (1 – freshman, 2 – sophomore, 3 – junior, 4 – senior, 5 and 6 – graduate, 7 – professional veterinary medicine). Some courses are approved for multiple levels of credit.

How many credits are allowed in a variable credit?

Typical variable credit entries are 1-6 credits, maximum 6, and 1-3 credits, maximum 12. The first part of the entry indicates the permissible credit per enrollment, followed by a statement of the cumulative maximum credit which may be earned in the course through repeated enrollment.

Does credit count for only one course?

Credit for only one of the courses will count in the earned hours section of the transcript. Mutually Exclusive Courses. Courses that are not identical/equivalent but contain similar or significantly overlapping content include “no credit for…” or “may not be used with…” statements in their course descriptions.

What is the ACT score for Oklahoma?

To help insure that students possess the skills necessary to be successful in college, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education require students to obtain a 19 ACT subject area score (s) in science reasoning, mathematics, and English to enroll in course work in the respective subject area (s).

When are degrees conferred?

Degrees are conferred only on specific commencement dates. If a student completes requirements for a degree after a commencement date, the degree will be granted at the next scheduled commencement after the student files a graduation application. (See Academic Regulation 7.8 Graduation Application.)

How many hours do you need to complete to get into OSRHE?

The student must complete a minimum of six hours and must achieve a 2.00 current term (summer semester) GPA, or raise the overall (retention/graduation) GPA to the OSRHE standard, in order to continue in the subsequent fall semester.

What is prior learning credit?

Credit for prior learning, also referred to as credit by exam, applies to learning acquired from, but not limited to, work and life experiences, non-degree granting institutions, professional training, military training, or open source learning. OSU uses the State Regents' recognized or approved methods to validate prior learning for awarding credit, including the following examinations: Advanced Placement Program (AP), International Baccalaureate Program (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST), and OSU Advanced Standing Examinations.

What is the minimum GPA required for professional education?

Professional Education requires a minimum 2.50 GPA for admission to Professional Education, student teaching and graduation. This requirement is consistent with state standards for students who complete professional education programs and seek licensure in the state of Oklahoma.

What is outreach credit?

Outreach credit is earned by OSU-admitted students who complete credit courses offered during normal academic terms through OSU academic outreach programs. Outreach courses are also referred to as "electronically delivered" and "traditional off-campus courses and programs" in State Regents’ policy. OSU accepts transfer outreach credit from other accredited institutions. Outreach credit is fully applicable toward the satisfaction of requirements for academic degrees and certificates consistent with State Regents’ and institutional residence and degree requirements.

What is residence credit?

Residence credit is awarded for work taken on campus (not through correspondence or credit earned by examination) or at a location officially designated as a residence center by the governing board of the institution (e.g., in-state military bases and OSU courses at OSU-Tulsa.)

What is DIVR in leadership?

Diversity (DIVR) Description: Focus on developing and refining leadership skills in order to prepare for success in personal and professional lives. Variety of leadership theoretical perspectives to broaden perspectives; develop inclusive leadership skills; increase knowledge regarding global networking; and clear a pathway to successful living ...

What is underrepresented in science and technology?

Description: Women, racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in science and technology in America. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields are traditionally perceived as unwelcoming for these groups.

What is the first bachelor's degree in Oklahoma?

First bachelor's degree: Pell Grant, SEOG, OTAG and Oklahoma's Promise eligibility ends when the first bachelor's degree requirements are completed, whether or not the student chooses to graduate at that time.

How many hours can you take for remedial coursework?

Remedial coursework: Students who are admitted into a degree program and are taking remedial coursework can receive federal aid for the remedial hours, up to a limit. The limit on remedial coursework for federal aid purposes is 30 semester hours.

Can I get federal aid if I have not declared a major?

Students who are admitted into a degree program (i.e., not admitted as a "special" or "non-degree" student) but who have not yet declared a major can receive federal aid for courses taken as long as the coursework counts toward their degree.

Can you get financial aid for repeating a course?

Students CAN receive financial aid for repeated courses (as long as they are required for the degree, IF: They have already passed the course with a "D" or better and they are repeating the course for the first time; OR, They have taken the course and failed it; OR, They have taken the course and withdrawn from it.

Can an academic minor count as a total?

Academic minor: Coursework required only for an academic minor cannot be counted in the total hours of enrollment when determining federal aid eligibility (grants, loans, Federal Work-Study).

What is the grading system for college?

The grading standard for all College courses will be a numerical system ranging from 0 to 100 percent, with 70 percent as the lowest passing grade except for courses designated as pass/fail.

What is the official responsibility of the assigned instructor?

Evaluation of achievement in a given subject is the official responsibility of the assigned instructor. Grading of achievement is based upon predetermined criteria that are announced to the students at the beginning of each course.

How is GPA calculated?

While the grade point average (GPA) is calculated as above, class ranking and academic awards are based on numeric grades. The rank is calculated based on the numeric grade earned multiplied by the credit hours in each course.

Can you get credit for a course if you are on probation?

Students who are repeating an academic year under probationary status are not permitted to obtain course credit by examination.


Admission, Academic Standing and Withdrawal

Student Status

  • 2.1 Classification of Students
    Undergraduate classification is determined by the criteria below: These hours are calculated based on overall (retention) hours earned.
  • 2.2 Full-Time Students
    Undergraduate students who are enrolled in 12 or more semester credit hours (six or more for the summer session) are classified as "full-time" students. Graduate students enrolled in nine or more semester credit hours (three or more for the summer session) are classified as "full-time." Credi…
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Undergraduate Degree Requirements

  • 3.1 Date of Matriculation
    A student's matriculation date is associated with his or her first term after high school graduation as an admitted student in an accredited institution of higher education. That date will be used in calculating the time limit for the use of a given plan of study.
  • 3.2 Changes in Degree Requirements
    A student generally follows the degree requirements associated with his or her matriculation year. Although the curriculum may be revised before a student graduates, students will be held responsible for the degree requirements in effect at the time of matriculation and any changes t…
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  • 4.1 Residence Credit
    Residence credit is awarded for work taken on campus (not through correspondence or credit earned by examination) or at a location officially designated as a residence center by the governing board of the institution (e.g., in-state military bases and OSU courses at OSU-Tulsa.)
  • 4.3 Transfer Credit from Other Accredited Four-Year Institutions
    Except as excluded in Academic Regulations 4.4 Transfer of Credit from Community Colleges and 7.2 Residence Credit Requirements, credits transferred from accredited senior colleges will apply toward baccalaureate degrees in the same way that they would apply had they been earned in re…
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  • 5.1 Course Numbering System
    All courses are identified by numbers composed of four digits. The first digit indicates the class year in which the subject is ordinarily taken, although enrollment is not exclusive as to student classification (1-freshman, 2-sophomore, 3-junior, 4-senior, 5 and 6-graduate, 7-professional); th…
  • 5.2 Maximum Semester Credit Hour Load
    Undergraduate students are allowed to enroll in the number of credit hours each semester that do not result in academic overload, which is defined as the number of semester-credit-hours 25 percent or more than the number of weeks in the applicable academic term. See the "Graduate C…
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Grades and Grading

  • 6.1 Official Transcripts
    All official transcripts of the student's academic record at OSU are prepared and released by the Office of the Registrar. Copies of transcripts from other institutions cannot be furnished.
  • 6.2 Grade Interpretation
    The quality of student performance in all classes is indicated by the following letter grades: "A," "B," "C," "D," "F," "F!," "I," "NP," "P," "S," "U," "W," "R," "SR," or "UR." Descriptions of the grades are provided below. For graduate students, a grade of "D" or "F" is considered a failing grade. Additional conse…
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  • 7.1 Graduation Requirements
    The responsibility for satisfying all requirements for a degree rests with the student. advisors, faculty members and administrators offer help to the student in meeting this responsibility.
  • 7.2 Residence Credit Requirements
    Students must earn at least 30 semester credit hours at OSU (excluding credit for prior learning and correspondence study). At least 15 of the final 30 hours applied toward the degree or at least fifty percent of the upper-division hours required by OSU in the major field must be satisfactorily …
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