what is a course surface

by Evans Tremblay Jr. 4 min read

What is the surface course?

The surface course is the very last layer of road construction (prior to markings). It is the part of a road that endures direct contact with traffic.

What is the purpose of the surface course?

The surface course of a flexible pavement protects the underlying base course from traffic and water while also providing adequate tire friction, generating minimal noise in urban areas, and giving suitable light reflectance for night-time driving.

What are the function of surface course of pavement?

Surface (or Wearing) Course: This is the topmost layer; its function is to provide a smooth, strong, abrasion-resistant and reasonably impervious course. Since it is directly in contact with the vehicle tyres, it has to resist the imposed wheel loads and transmit them safely to the layer below.

What is surface asphalt?

Asphalt is a mixture of aggregates, binder and filler, used for constructing and maintaining roads, parking areas, railway tracks, ports, airport runways, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and also play- and sport areas. Aggregates used for asphalt mixtures could be crushed rock, sand, gravel or slags.

Is wearing course the same as surface course?

The wearing course is the upper layer in roadway, airfield, and dockyard construction. The term 'surface course' is sometimes used, however this term is slightly different as it can be used to describe very thin surface layers such as chip seal.

What is prime coat and tack coat?

A tack coat is applied after the prime coat, to form an adhesive bond between the tack coat and the next layer of coating. The tack coat prevents slippage and may sometimes function as a more long-term sealer to protect the substrate from moisture and bacteria.

What is surface course in road construction?

Surface Course: Surface Course which is made of Asphalt material is a mix of asphalt cement and aggregate (5% and 95% respectively). In surface course treatment, larger size aggregates are placed in the lower section and small size aggregates are placed in the upper section.Nov 6, 2020

What are the tests for asphalt?

Asphalt TestsKinematic Viscosity. The kinematic viscosity of a liquid is the absolute (or dynamic) viscosity divided by the density of the liquid... ... Superpave Shear Tester. ... Absolute Viscosity. ... HMA Performance Tests. ... Mixture Characterization Tests. ... Flash Point. ... Asphalt Mixture Performance Test. ... Binder Content.More items...

How many layers are there in road?

Road construction vocabulary Roads are made up of four layers.

What are 3 types of asphalt?

There are three main types of asphalt: Hot Asphalt, MC Cold Mix, and UPM. There are also different varieties of these asphalts for summer and winter use.Mar 7, 2013

What are 3 types of road surfaces?

Types of Road SurfacesHot mix asphalt. This is the most common road surface. ... Tar and chip. These roads are constructed by Harford County's Highway Maintenance and are found mostly in rural areas of the county. ... Earth roads. These consist of dirt and gravel and they have very little traffic.

What is difference between asphalt and bitumen?

The term bitumen is often mistakenly used to describe asphalt. A bitumen-sealed road has a layer of bitumen sprayed and then covered with an aggregate. This is then repeated to give a two-coat seal. Asphalt is produced in a plant that heats, dries and mixes aggregate, bitumen and sand into a composite mix.

Learn about this topic in these articles

The surface course of a flexible pavement protects the underlying base course from traffic and water while also providing adequate tire friction, generating minimal noise in urban areas, and giving suitable light reflectance for night-time driving. Such surfaces are provided either by a bituminous film coated…

road design

The surface course of a flexible pavement protects the underlying base course from traffic and water while also providing adequate tire friction, generating minimal noise in urban areas, and giving suitable light reflectance for night-time driving. Such surfaces are provided either by a bituminous film coated…

What is surface course?

Surface course or wearing course is the top most layer of flexible pavement which has direct contact with the vehicular loads. Since it is directly in contact with traffic, good quality aggregates and high dense bitumen or asphalt is recommended for the construction of surface course.

What is the purpose of the base course?

The base course is important layer of pavement structure and it distributes the loads from top layers to the underneath Subbase and sub-grade layers. It provides structural support for the pavement surface. It is constructed with hard and durable aggregates which may either stabilized or granular or both.

What is the thickness of a binder course?

In general, its thickness is about 50 to 100 mm . If economy is not a problem, binder course and surface course can be constructed monotonically using good quality materials with 100 to 150 mm thickness. The function of binder course is to transfer the loads coming from surface course to the base course.

What is subgrade in a soil system?

Subgrade is the bottom most layer which is nothing but natural soil layer compacted up to required depth generally about 150 to 300 mm to receive the loads coming from top layers. This layer is termed as foundation for the pavement system. The sub-grade should be strong enough to take the stresses and also it is important to keep the stresses coming from top layers should be within the limit of sub-grade capacity. To reduce the amount of stress on soil sub-grade, provide thick layers of base course, Sub-base course and surface course.

What is seal coat?

Seal coat is provided directly on the top of surface course to make it watertight and to provide skid resistance to the surface. Mixture of Emulsified asphalt, mineral fillers and water is used as seal coat material.

What is prime coat?

Prime coat is provided between base course and binder course to develop strong and water tight bong between them. Low viscous cutback bitumen is sprayed on the top of base course as prime coat material.

What is the purpose of a frost protection layer?

It is generally provided between Subbase and sub-grade soil. The function of frost protection layer is to prevent damage of pavement from frost heaves , which are formed by freezing of groundwater.
