what is a course outline on record

by Avis Thompson 4 min read

The official Course Outline of Record (COR) defines the content, objectives, methods of instruction and evaluation, sample textbooks and instructional materials for the course, and more.

The official Course Outline of Record (COR) defines the content, objectives, methods of instruction and evaluation, sample textbooks and instructional materials for the course, and more.

Full Answer

What is a course outline and how is it used?

Adoption of the Paper The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Curriculum is at the core of any educational endeavor, and the course outline of record plays a central role both internal and external to the California Community College System.

Where can I find a sample course outline?

course outline of record is a document with defined legal standing and plays a central role in the curriculum of the California community colleges. The course outline has both internal and external influences.

How many lessons should I outline for my course?

Course Outline of Record. The official Course Outline of Record (COR) defines the content, objectives, methods of instruction and evaluation, sample textbooks and instructional materials for the course, and more. It establishes the number of units for the course plus the number of hours of instruction and will list any prerequisite (s) or ...

Should I write a script or outline for my course?

 · The course outline of record (COR) is central to the curricular processes in the California community colleges. The COR has evolved considerably from its origins as a list of topics covered in a course. Today, the course outline of record is a document with defined legal standing that plays a critical role

What does course outline mean?

A course outline is a document that benefits students and instructors. It is an essential piece when designing any course. The course outline has a few purposes. A syllabus is a planning tool. Writing it guides the instructor's development of the course.

How do you write a course outline?

3:378:04How to outline and structure an online course (Make an AMAZING course)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThink about where your student is now and the end result you'd like to create has opposite banks ofMoreThink about where your student is now and the end result you'd like to create has opposite banks of a river what major milestones. Will they need to achieve to arrive on the other side of the bridge.

Why is course outline important?

A course outline gives the basic components of the course required to be taught by all instructors; whereas a syllabus describes how an individual instructor will teach that course in terms of specific assignments, dates, grading standards, and other rules of conduct required by that instructor.

What is another name for course outline?

What is another word for course outline?curriculumprogrammeUKsyllabusprogram of studycourseeducational programmescheduleprogramme of studyconspectustimetable39 more rows

What is a COR?

The official Course Outline of Record (COR) defines the content, objectives, methods of instruction and evaluation, sample textbooks and instructional materials for the course, and more. It establishes the number of units for the course plus the number of hours of instruction and will list any prerequisite (s) or corequisite (s) required for the course. In order to ensure that a qualified instructor is teaching the course, each course must be assigned one or more disciplines from the Disciplines List, and the course maximum per class section should also be recorded on the COR or an addendum to the COR (although local bargaining processes may dictate slightly different procedures). If the course can be taught in a shortened time frame, such as a 3-, 4-, 6- or 8-week session, then the appropriate shortened term lengths may be noted on the COR.

Do teachers have to adhere to the COR?

Most importantly, all teachers teaching the course must adhere, at a minimum, to the COR, regardless of location or modality of instruction.

How often do you review a course in Title 5?

Curriculum must be current to be relevant. While Title 5 requires review of all prerequisites and corequisites at least once each six years and prerequisites and corequisites for career technical courses every two years, most colleges apply that timeline not only to requisite review but to review of the entire course. In addition, accreditation and articulation processes also have currency requirements, as do many grants and other external agencies. Typically, the course outline of record will have some method for tracking revision dates to meet these needs.

How many credit hours are required for a course?

The definition of a credit hour requires a minimum of 48 semester or 33 quarter hours of lecture, laboratory or activity, or study time or any combination thereof. Faculty developers of courses designed for transfer and for some highly regulated career-technical fields need to refer to applicable standards, as they may require specific ratios of lecture, lab, and study time. Faculty must be thoughtful about units and contact hours, taking into account elements including student need, potential effects on financial aid eligibility, enrollment priorities, and other concerns.

What is diculty in college?

For degree-applicable courses, diculty calls for critical thinking, understanding, and application of concepts at the college level, and intensity sets a requirement that most students will need to study independently, possibly for periods beyond that of the total course time defined by the units. The outline should build the case that students will be required to study independently outside of the class time. Reading, writing, and other outside assignments qualify to fulfill both study time as defined in the credit hour and the independent study required to demonstrate intensity. A faculty member who creates a course based solely upon laboratory or activity or lecture time with no designated outside study time will still need to demonstrate a depth and breadth of student learning that requires student effort beyond class time. The level standard requires college-level learning skills and vocabulary.

When considering placing a requisite on a course, faculty should consider the impact that action may have on proposed or

When considering placing a requisite on a course, faculty should consider the impact that action may have on proposed or existing articulation agreements. When determining whether to grant articulation, receiving institutions will closely review any requisites on a course, or the lack of a requisite that they consider essential, as indicators of the scope and rigor of the course. Faculty should review parallel courses at the primary institutions for transfer in their region to be aware of requisite expectations local CSUs and UCs have on comparable courses. In addition to reviewing university courses, faculty should consider any requisites identified in course descriptors created through the Course Identification Number (C-ID) System.

Can a title 5 course be a degree applicable?

While Title 5 does not allow basic skills courses to be coded as degree applicable, degree applicable courses can be below transfer. Title 5 §55062 states that courses may be degree applicable if one of the following items applies:

Is a course repeatable for credit?

Except in very limited circumstances, the content of a course may not be designated as repeatable for credit. Title 5 §55041 states that the content of a course may only be designated as repeatable if the course meets one of the following conditions: repetition of the course is necessary to meet the major requirements of CSU or UC for the completion of a bachelor’s degree, the course is designated as intercollegiate athletics as defined in §55000, or the course’s requirements involve participation in intercollegiate academic or vocational competition as defined in §55000. Courses that are designated as repeatable should be indicated as such on the COR, as Title 5 §55041 requires that such designations be indicated in the college catalog.

Is content subject based?

Content is subject based, so it need not be written in terms of student capabilities or behavior. However, the major headings of content should be clearly relevant to the objectives. For example, if a content item major heading for an anthropology course were “osteology,” this topic might be expanded upon in the subheadings in the following way:

What is the outline of record?

The course outline of record plays a critical educational role on campus. It is the primary vehicle for course planning. When a course is revised or updated, it is the course outline that records the changes. As such, it forms the basis for a contract among the student, instructor, and institution identifying the expectations which will serve as the basis of the student's grade and giving the fundamental required components of the course which the student is guaranteed to receive from the instructor and institution. More than just specifying the required components of the course, the outline of record states the content and level of rigor for which students—across all sections of the course—will be held accountable. Courses are designed to provide a coherent body of knowledge to prepare students in a particular subject. The prerequisites students need to advance successfully through a series of such courses are based on information in the outline of record.

What is course content?

Course content outlines the major concepts and topics of the course. When writing or reviewing content, keep in mind that the course outline of record will be the basis for all sections of the course, which may be taught by any discipline faculty. Consequently, this outline should focus on major topics of study that would be covered by any instructor teaching this course while providing enough detail to flesh out a full picture of the scope of the course. Remember that while all faculty are obligated to teach every point of content contained in this section of the COR, an individual instructor may go beyond this list in any given section of this course.

What is method of instruction?

The Methods of Instruction section should provide a detailed description of all instructional methods that may be used in the course, drawing clear and specific connections between these methods and the course content. When considering the writing style of this section, keep in mind that the assignments and methods of instruction should support the stated objectives. In particular, because the learning experiences must either include critical thinking or experiences leading to this capability, the methods of instruction must effectively teach critical thinking appropriate to the nature and academic level of the course.

What are course objectives?

Course objectives define the skills and knowledge a student gains upon successful completion of a course and should integrate course content, methods of instruction, methods of assessment, and typical assignments. It is important to remember that all instructors who teach this course are contractually bound to fulfill the objectives as stated. With this in mind, we recommend that objectives be broad and introductory in scope rather than be so narrow or specific as to preclude individual instructors from interpreting the course according their own expertise or the needs of the class.

What is student learning outcome?

Student learning outcomes are defined as the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular set of collegiate experiences (Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, 2002). Student learning outcomes have the following characteristics:

What is course description?

The course description is a concise summary of the major topics covered in a course and should accurately reflect course content and objectives. Because they address a broad audience that includes students and the general public, they should be written in clear, accessible language and provide a well-rounded summary of the course. Additionally, they should indicate the following information where appropriate:

What is a faculty author?

While the language and extent to which these elements are included in individual courses will vary to reflect theories and practices particular to each discipline, faculty authors are expected to develop inclusive curricula in a manner consistent with current and emerging scholarship in their field.

What is course outline?

According to the University of Lethbridge’s Teaching Center, a course outline is a document that benefits students and instructors as it is essential when designing any course. Also known as a syllabus, a course outline serves as a planning tool. As the syllabus is written, it also guides the instructor’s development of ...

Why is it important to give students a brief idea of what the course is all about?

This is also the section that informs the students on what subjects they will be taking should they enroll. Some syllabuses also provide a small description of the subjects to give further detail on what they can expect for that subject.

What is a syllabus?

Finally, a syllabus also works as a reference for colleagues, administrators, and accreditation agencies.

Why do we refer to the syllabus?

In some cases, some may refer to the syllabus to give the students an idea of what particular skills they would have obtained after completing the course.

What information should be provided about required readings?

Provide specific information about required readings, including title, author (s), edition number and availability (from where they can be purchased or borrowed). It is helpful to the students to indicate how each reading relates to a particular topic in the course. You may also like outline an essay.

What are the activities that help students meet their learning objectives?

If students need to provide evidence of learning by completing a multiple choice exam, then the activities in the schedule should prepare them for this assessment. Lectures, readings, small group and whole group discussions can all be activities that help the student meet their learning objectives.

Why is it important to define course professional goals?

It is imperative to define these course professional goals, as they will help you determine what you expect from your students, and what your students can expect from the course. In some cases, it helps if you indicate what careers can they be pursuing to provide motivation for them to do better in their academics. 3.

What is a Course Outline?

To put it quite simply, a course outline is a map of the knowledge you’ll include in your course. It shows where you will begin and where you will end. It also lists out all the major steps you will take in between.

Why Create a Course Outline?

Creating a course outline helps you organize your ideas. Putting an outline together first allows you to create a much more effective course.

Other Factors to Consider When Planning Your Course Outline

Outlines are especially critical if you are creating video-based lessons. Video lessons need to be concise. A written script makes it easy for you to create a concise and engaging video.

Detailed Outline Example

Here’s an example outline that is taken from my Course Researcher program. The program helps people come up with a good topic to create a course around.

Outlining the Lessons

Once you have the modules, lessons, and topics (if you’re using them) then you have the bare-bones structure of your course. Make sure to review those and put them in the right order.

Tools to Help you Outline

Like with everything, there are tools you can use to help you outline your course. You can definitely use a pen and paper for this exercise, but it’s really nice if your outline is already on a device where you can work with it later. That way you can expand on it when you go from outline to your actual content.

Important Components You Can Add to Your Outline

In addition to your outline, you might want to consider adding a few components while you’re in the planning stage.
