what is a character type lit 3301 course hero

by Mikayla Tromp V 6 min read

What is a romantic hero?

Traditional Romantic heroes tend to be defined by their rejection or questioning of standard social conventions and norms of behavior, their alienation from larger society, their focus on the self as the center of existence, and their ability to inspire others to commit acts of good and kindness.

Who is the Byronic hero?

The literary archetype of the Byronic hero, first developed by the 19th-century English poet Lord Byron , is one of the most potent and relevant character archetypes in Western literature, art, and entertainment.

Is Batman a Byronic hero?

Batman, who can be understood as a Byronic hero, is quite different. Batman is highly intelligent, cynical, self-destructive, haunted, traumatized, and tends to rebel against authority. Batman, then, can be understood as a perfect example of a modern day By ronic hero .

Who is the perfect hero?

A perfect example are the film, television and comic book heroes Superman and Batman. Superman is often depicted as being a perfect hero. He is, both physically and emotionally, essentially indestructible and incorruptible. He almost always does the right thing without any consideration for his own well-being.
