what is a baccalaureate core course

by Kennedi White IV 6 min read

The baccalaureate core is the general education component of undergraduate education at OSU. It emphasizes creative thinking, writing, world cultures, appreciation of differences, the arts, sciences, literature, lifelong fitness, and global awareness in 15 course categories.

The baccalaureate core is the general education component of undergraduate education at OSU. It emphasizes creative thinking, writing, world cultures, appreciation of differences, the arts, sciences, literature, lifelong fitness, and global awareness in 15 course categories.

Full Answer

What is the Baccalaureate Core curriculum?

Baccalaureate Core (Bacc Core) The Oregon State University Baccalaureate Core is continually enriched. It emphasizes critical thinking, writing, world cultures, appreciation of differences, the arts, sciences, literature, lifelong fitness, and global awareness in 15 course categories. Nearly 1,000 courses are available to meet core requirements. Students must complete a total of 48 …

Are online courses approved as equivalent to the Baccalaureate core?

The Baccalaureate Core curriculum represents what the OSU faculty believe is the foundation for students' further understanding of the modern world. Informed by natural and social sciences, arts, and humanities, the Baccalaureate Core requires students to think critically and creatively, and to synthesize ideas and information when evaluating major societal issues.

What is the curriculum of the IB Diploma Programme (DP)?

The heading SKILL COURSES represents category of the Baccalaureate Core.; The subheading Writing I represents the course category of the Baccalaureate Core that will fulfill this requirement.; WR in this case is the subject of both institutions.; 121 in this case is the course number of both institutions.; The title of the class will be the last item for Transfer Institution …

How do I determine which BACC core requirements will be met?

A key element of the International Baccalaureate® Career-related Programme (CP), the CP core enhances student’s personal and interpersonal development, with an emphasis on experiential learning. The CP core bridges the IB academic courses and the career-related study and provides students with a combination of academic and practical skills.

What does core course mean?

Also called core curriculum, core course of study refers to a series or selection of courses that all students are required to complete before they can move on to the next level in their education or earn a diploma.Aug 29, 2013

What does LDT mean in college?

LDT (lower division transfer): When there is no class at OSU that is equivalent to a lower-division transfer course, it is given the designation of LDT. This means it transfers, but may count as an elective or something else as determined by your advisor.

Does Oregon State accept AP credits?

Oregon State accepts credit earned through Dual Credit, Sponsored Dual Credit, AP, IB, and Expanded Options. Oregon State accepts credit earned through Assessment Based Learning differently, on a course-by-course basis based on evaluation by our faculty.

What happens if you fail a class before transferring?

Although a failed class will still appear on your transcripts, if you pass the course a second time with a higher grade the previous F will no longer be factored into your GPA – making transferring schools much easier!

Can you go to a CSU and community college at the same time?

Can I transfer to the UC/CSU and continue taking general education courses at the community college? Students can attend the university and the community college simultaneously.

Does OSU accept CLEP exams?

OSU accepts Advanced Placement Program (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and International Baccalaureate Program (IB) for college-level credit.

What is the tuition at Oregon State University?

In-state tuition 11,858 USD, Out-of-state tuition 31,467 USD (2019 – 20)Oregon State University / Undergraduate tuition and fees

Does Oregon State take CLEP?

Oregon State University recognizes numerous methods of demonstrating this knowledge, including Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams, and credit for military education as recommended by the American Council on Education's (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation ...

Baccalaureate Core (Bacc Core)

The Oregon State University Baccalaureate Core is continually enriched. It emphasizes critical thinking, writing, world cultures, appreciation of differences, the arts, sciences, literature, lifelong fitness, and global awareness in 15 course categories. Nearly 1,000 courses are available to meet core requirements.

Baccalaureate Core Requirements

No single course may be used by a student to satisfy more than one area of the Baccalaureate Core even though some courses are approved for more than one area.

Why is language development important?

Language development ensures that all students have access to to a language programme that will assist and further their understanding of the wider world. The ability to communicate in more than one language is essential to the IB’s concept of an international education.

What is personal and professional skills?

Personal and professional skills is designed for students to develop attitudes, skills and strategies to be applied to personal and professional situations and contexts now and in the future.

What is reflective project?

The reflective project is an in-depth body of work produced over an extended period of time and submitted towards the end of the CP. Through a reflective project students identify, analyse, critically discuss and evaluate an ethical issue arising from their career-related studies.

Choosing subjects in the Diploma Programme

Students choose courses from the following subject groups: studies in language and literature; language acquisition; individuals and societies; sciences; mathematics; and the arts.

DP subject briefs

Our recognition resource and document library has subject briefs for the DP, looking at every subject at both standard and higher level.

What classes do I need to take to get an IB diploma?

You must also complete what is known as the core, which includes an additional class called Theory of Knowledge (TOK).

Will IB exams be non-exams in 2021?

Because of the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, May 2021 IB assessments will have two routes, exam and non-exam, depending on which your school chooses. Stay up to date with the latest information on what this means for IB diplomas, course credit for IB classes, and more with our 2021 IB COVID-19 FAQ article.

What is the first group of IB diploma courses?

The first group of IB Diploma courses are the language and literature ones . According to the IB, these classes hope to "develop a student's lifelong interest in language and literature, and a love for the richness of human expression."

What is the third group of IB diploma?

The third group of IB Diploma courses spans various social science subjects, such as social studies, psychology, and politics. This group's goals are for students to develop "a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior" and learn more about cultural institutions and the different types of environments people inhabit.

What is a history course?

A world history course based on a comparative, multi-perspective approach to history and focused around key historical concepts such as change, causation, and significance. Involves the study of a variety of types of history, including political, economic, social, and cultural. No. HL and SL.

What is the purpose of world religions?

Seeks to promote an awareness of religious issues in the contemporary world by requiring the study of a diverse range of religions. No.

What do biologists do?

Biology. Biologists investigate the living world at all levels using many different approaches and techniques. At one end of the scale is the cell, its molecular construction and complex metabolic reactions. At the other end of the scale biologists investigate the interactions that make whole ecosystems function.
