what is a 2+2 course at western kentucky

by Velma Fisher 6 min read

What is 2+2 Program? After completing the required credit hours of the first and second years of undergraduate program courses at their home institutions, students transfer to the University of Kentucky to complete the requirements for the award of an undergraduate degree from the University of Kentucky.

Full Answer

What is considered an A at WKU?

A—Excellent, valued at four quality points per semester hour. B—Good, valued at three quality points per semester hour. C—Average, valued at two quality points per semester hour. D—Below average, unsatisfactory, valued at one quality point per semester hour.

How many hours do you need to graduate WKU?

120 credit hoursThe minimum hours needed to graduate from WKU is 120 credit hours.

How many credit hours do you need to be a junior WKU?

60 hoursClassification of Students—Beginning students are classified as freshmen; students with a minimum of 30 semester hours earned, as sophomores; 60 hours earned, as juniors; and 90 hours earned, as seniors.

How many hours is a minor at WKU?

The approved program must include a minimum of 30 semester hours earned after completion of the student's first degree. A minor may be declared as part of the subsequent degree, but is not required. A minimum of 24 semester hours must be earned through instruction at WKU.

How many times can you retake a class at WKU?

At WKU: You can take up to six classes with grade replacement. You may only retake a course three times. The grade will only be replaced once.

What is full-time at WKU?

Full-time students are undergraduates who enroll in 12 hours or more of coursework during Fall and Spring terms. The full-time tuition rate applies to undergraduate students taking 12-18 credit hours (either exclusively on-campus or a combination of on-campus and distance learning).

How many hours is full-time student WKU?

12 hoursCourse Load To be considered a full-time undergraduate student, one must carry a minimum of 12 hours each semester. Students who wish to enroll for 20-21 semester hours must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or above.

What GPA is required for WKU?

Minimum high school GPA of 2.50. Achieve the required Composite Admission Index (CAI) score.

Is Ad passing at WKU?

D Below average, unsatisfactory, valued at one quality point per semester hour. (A “D” gives credit toward a degree. The student's overall grade point average, however, must be a 2.0 or better to meet the requirements for graduation.) F Failure, valued at no semester hours earned and no quality points.

Where can a 14 year old work in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, workers under the age of 18 are considered minors for purposes of employment....Minors between the age of 14 and 16 years of age may be employed in positions that include:Office and clerical work, including the operation of office machines.Errand and delivery work by foot, bicycle and public transportation.More items...•

How many hours a week can a 16 year old work in Kentucky?

For Minors Ages 16 and 17: 6 hours of work per day (8 Saturday and Sunday), 30 hours per week, are permitted if attending school. Up to 40 hours may be worked per week with parental permission and at least a 2.0 school grade point average.

How many hours is considered full-time in Kentucky?

Kentucky labor laws do not define full-time and part-time employment. Employers are free to define these terms as they choose. Am I entitled to a rest period, and do I get paid for this time? You are entitled to a rest period of at least ten (10) minutes during each four hours you work.

Course Fees

Enrollment in some courses requires payment of an additional fee. Refer to www.wku.edu/bursar for specific course fees.

Course Numbering System

50-99 Developmental courses; grades earned in these courses will not count toward the student’s GPA, but may be considered in making university business decisions. Hours earned in these courses are not degree applicable.

Credit Hours

The number of credit hours is displayed in parentheses after the course title.

Equivalent Courses

Equivalent courses have different subject area prefixes but the same course number, title, abbreviated title, credit hours, prerequisites and / or corequisites, grade type (e.g., A – F, Pass / Fail) and catalog course listings.


A prerequisite represents prior specific or general academic knowledge, background, or student classification required in order to enroll in a specific course.


A corequisite is a requirement which must be fulfilled concurrently with another course, unless successfully completed as a prerequisite.

Statewide Developmental Codes

DE – Developmental English DM – Developmental Mathematics DR – Developmental Reading

What is the prerequisite for AMS 356?

Prerequisite: AMS 356 with a grade of “C” or better, AMS 390 with a grade of “C” or better, AMS 370 with a grade of “C” or better. Prerequisite / Corequisite: AMS 394. Students work on capstone research projects utilizing skills and knowledge from prior courses in the Technology Management program.

What are the topics covered in the nursing program?

Specific topics will include bioenergetics, enzymes, acid-base balance, hematology and immunology. The course is offered specifically for students in the four-year nursing program, but is also recommended for students in physical education, recreation, health and safety and other disciplines dealing with human health.

Course Descriptions

The game design certificate includes six courses totaling 18 credit hours. Classes include computer science, art, communication, and a wide variety of electives. The program takes about a year to complete. Browse through course descriptions and syllabus below.

Computer Science (6 hours)

CS 301 Game Programming is required. Of the other CS classes listed choose 1 : CS 146, CS 170, CS 180, or CS 239.

Art (6 hours)

ART 244 Computer Animation I is required. Of the other ART classes listed choose 1: ART 130, ART 131, ART 140.

Communication (3 hours)

Examination of video games, their impact on society, gaming theories, and gaming principles. Students will be able to analyze and understand games, the game industry, and the gaming community. Livestreaming experience will be gained through this course.

What is the ACDC in Western Kentucky?

The Academic Probation and dismissal processes for Western Kentucky University are administered by the ACDC. The ACDC uses The Best Expectation Programs (BEP) and The Learning Center (TLC) to provide students on Academic Probation with resources to achieve academic Good Standing. Students on Academic Probation are required to participate in ...

What is the minimum scholastic standing for WKU?

A candidate for an undergraduate degree must have a scholastic standing of at least 2.0 (1) in all credits presented for graduation whether earned at WKU or elsewhere, (2) in all credits completed at WKU, (3) overall in the major subjects and in the minor subjects, and (4) in the major subjects and in the minor subjects completed at WKU.

What is academic dismissal in WKU?

Academic Dismissal —Any student who fails to earn a term GPA of 2.0 or higher while on Academic Probation is academically dismissed and is not eligible to enroll in WKU classes for one calendar year (except as specified in the Academic Renewal Policy).

What is registration in a course?

Registration in a course obligates the student to be regular and punctual in class attendance. Students should make certain their names are on the class roll. If an error has been made in registration, it is the student’s responsibility to see the error is corrected in the Office of the Registrar.

Typical Programs of Study

While there are no specific learning tracks or required courses within the CIT program 400-level electives, students frequently like to know what courses they should take for a certain focus (e.g., courses that are usually taken for an emphasis in programming).

Courses & Descriptions

The following list outlines all of the CIT program courses and descriptions. For more detail about specific courses, you may download course syllabi at the Schedule of Classes (see https://acsapps.wku.edu/pls/prod/wku_hwsched.P_CrseSearch ). Just select the term, then subject (Computer Info Technology), then click on Show Me Classes.

Curriculum Requirements

All candidates for a degree must complete one of the academic programs offered by the University. A candidate for an associate degree must complete a minimum of 60 unduplicated undergraduate semester hours; however, some associate degree programs may require more than the minimum 60 semester hours.

Catalog Term and Student Catalog Rights

The student’s initial term of entry is identified as the student’s “catalog term.” Catalog term rights include the following:

Academic Standing

A candidate for an undergraduate degree must have a GPA of at least 2.0 (1) in all credits presented for graduation whether earned at WKU or elsewhere, (2) in all credits completed at WKU, (3) overall in the major subjects and in the minor subjects, and (4) in the major subjects and in the minor subjects completed at WKU.

Course Requirements

At least one-third of the course requirements in each major and minor must be earned through instruction at WKU.

Double Majors

Students with diverse or multiple areas of interest might consider adding breadth to their academic program by choosing to pursue double majors. Students pursuing double majors must fulfill all of the requirements for both majors and all baccalaureate degree requirements, and the requirements may be completed with a minimum of 120 semester hours.

Certificate Programs

Only undergraduate courses may be used to fulfill undergraduate certificate program requirements. A minimum GPA of 2.0 must be earned in total course work required for the certificate program, in addition to a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA and a minimum 2.0 GPA earned in WKU coursework.

Residence Requirements

The minimum residence requirement for the bachelor’s degree is 25% of the minimum number of semester hours required in the student’s degree program through instruction at WKU. The minimum residence requirement for an associate degree is 25% of the minimum number of semester hours required in the student’s degree program through instruction at WKU.

About the University of Kentucky

The University of Kentucky is home to more than 70 nationally ranked programs, including more than 25 programs in the top 20. This major public research university consistently ranks among the top institutions for quality and value in the US.


All students participating in the 2+2 program with an Arts & Sciences major will receive the Arts & Sciences International Excellence Scholarship. This one-year, non-renewable award of a minimum of $1000 is in addition to any university scholarships.

International Students Admissions

For more information on admissions, visit http://www.uky.edu/Admission/international.htm
