what is 3s technologies course

by Miss Celine Lubowitz 5 min read

What is 3S understanding?

To the Student: You'll need a Course ID from your instructor to register. After signing in, you'll be brought to your profile page. From there you can view your gradebook and enter your customized course, where our video library, encouragement-based homework system, and much more are collated to the calendar dates of your class schedule.

What is 3S security?

3S Group fully understands governments’technology needs through serving a number of different government entities over a course of two decades; and we have committed ourselves to provide outstanding technology solutions that enable governments to harness the value of innovation, cope with the fast-paced world, and overcome the colossal ...

Can you help to improve 3S understanding?

3S Understanding is a curriculum structure that was created by James G. Henderson. 3S Understanding is a mixture of three components that can be diagrammed as a triangle. The three Ss are Subject Matter, Self-learning, and Social Learning. Henderson and Gornik's Reflective Teaching: Professional Artistry Through Inquiry examines 3S understanding and teaching for …

How do you create a curriculum with 3S understanding?

Of course, the charger’s output watt capability is also limited. So, for example, if you have a 50 watt charger, it will only charge at a maximum of 50 watts (amps/volts). How many volts does a 3S LiPo have? The maximum voltage for a 3S Lipo is 12.6V, and you should land when the voltage reaches 10.5V. (at 3.5V per cell)

What is 3S technologies?

3S technology, which is rooted in computer science of Remote Sensing (RS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS), has been used in land and resources management, urban planning, landscape construction, and so on.

What is 3S integration?

'3S' represents the global position system, geography information system and remote sense, these techniques and their integration form the basal and essential technical core of system of geospace information science. Digital photograph system and export system also can be closed in '3S' techniques.

What is 3S PDF?

(PDF) Knowledge Workers and the Principle of 3S (Self-Management, Self-organization, Self-control)

What are the 21st century skills?

The connection 21st Century skills have with 3S understanding is that sense of being a self-learner. Students need to see themselves as constantly learning through life as they develop skills in a fast changing world. The authors report: Achieving education's goals in our time is shaped by the increasingly powerful technologies we have for communicating, collaborating, and learning. And learning assumes a central role throughout life.

How does understanding by design work?

Understanding by Design by Wiggins and McTighe takes on the heavy task of getting students to not merely gain factual knowledge but to understand what they are learning. The authors talk about using backward design to focus on the goals and then determine what the students need to do to show they have achieved the goals. Wiggins and McTighe describe the goal of backward design as, "lessons, unite, and courses should be logically inferred from the results sought, not derived from the methods, books, and activities with which we are most comfortable". They also delve into the idea of being able to use information and apply it to different situations. Helping the students to understand how they are learning and their metacognitive ability is integral in 3S understanding. The self aspect of 3S understanding desires for the student to see themselves as a lifelong learner. Wiggins and McTighe cover the subject matter and social aspects of 3S understanding.

What does the third S stand for in social learning?

The third S stands for Social Learning which gives the student understanding of their society. It helps them think about “ equity, diversity, and civility issues”. Equity has to do with the equality of people and the ideas of fair and just. Henderson suggests that stereotypes are squashed at an early age and that grading should encourage all students. Diversity should celebrate human differences and diversity should be seen as something good. Civility focuses on the right to have different opinions and to listen to everyone's opinion even if it is different.

What is 3S understanding?

3S Understanding is built upon the curriculum wisdom paradigm which is an expansion of the constructivist best practice paradigm. The paradigm that Henderson is looking to get away from is the standardized management paradigm. He compares the two by saying standardized management's problem solving cycle is, “ goal-setting, decision-making, and reflecting activities aligned to high-stakes standardized tests” while curriculum wisdom's is “goal-setting, decision-making, and reflecting activities that facilitate student’s subject matter meaning making in a context of active democratic living”. The difference is the last part of each explanation. One focuses on the high-stakes standardized tests while the other focuses on taking what the student is learning and applying it to themselves and the society they live in.

What is curriculum infusion?

The Curriculum Infusion of Real Life Issues Model is about taking issues that students face in their everyday lives and addressing them. There are many issues that students can face as they grow into adults. Ignoring them in the classroom is not the right way to go about producing responsible adults. The authors include issues such as bullying, drugs and alcohol, smoking, violence, and sexually transmitted diseases. It would be productive if teachers can acknowledge and support students when they face problems like these. Students and teachers can develop more of an interpersonal bond and even help their communities grow. The authors describe the curriculum infusion, “It makes classes more relevant to students by addressing their real world concerns and connects teachers more closely to the students and communities where they work." Included in the authors' research are topics such as diversity, environment, and prevention. This is another example of self and social understanding being used in conjunction with subject matter. It shows that there is more to students’ lives than simply subject matter.

Why are after school activities important?

After school activities played an important role in the study. It gave the student more of a bond between each other and allowed the teachers to get involved in their lives. It was perfect to help understand how integrating real life issues could help students, parents, the community, and teachers in a school system.

What is subject matter in education?

Subject matter. The subject is the base curriculum and standards that are used by the school, state, and nation. They are inherent in every curriculum but James Henderson goes further in describing what he sees as subject.

1. Higher Education or Finding a Job?

First decide whether you want to do further education and earn a degree or post-graduate or professional qualification or find a Job and earn money. Of course you do several courses while studying. Also remember you need a good education (degree) to find a good job these days, therefore it is better to get further qualification now.

3. Learn the Basics - English, IT and soft skills

To find a good job you need English knowledge, IT (Computing) and other soft skills.#N#Learn English in Sri Lanka – select classes and courses -#N#https://studentlanka.com/2011/10/05/learning-english-in-sri-lanka-select-classes-and-courses/

4. Degrees at National Universities -

If you are sure about your exam results, then await for results to enter into Sri Lankan Public University system, which offer excellent degrees at no cost.

7. IT - Information Technology and Computing

Computing and information Technology courses are offered by SLIIT , NIBM, APIIT, Informatics, IDM, ESOFT and many other Private Institutes. There are professional degrees in IT such as BCS/ ACS/ NCC.

9. Science and Medicine-

If you want to continue your classical subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Economics etc. you can register into Open University degree programs. Open University degrees are also well recognized and this is a low cost option to expensive foreign degree programs.

10. Study Abroad -

If you have money you can go to a country like USA, UK, Australia, Russia, and India and get a foreign degree. Many students follow Foreign Medical degree courses in Nepal, Russia, Bangladesh, China, India etc.

13. Technical and Other courses -

There are other free higher education courses such as Kotalawela defense university, Technical Colleges, National Colleges of Education (Vidya Peeta) and Agriculture Diplomas.

Technology Evaluation for Global Development

Learn how to evaluate technologies within a global development context from the perspective of suitability, scalability and sustainability.

About this course

When a person lives on less than $2 a day — as some 2.7 billion people around the world do — there isn’t room for a product like a solar lantern or a water filter to fail. Investment in failing products undermines future innovation by reducing confidence and depleting scarce resources.

Shotgun Trade-In Program

We’ve been experts at de-escalation tools and techniques for 30 years, but now we’re calling out your 12 gauge. The shotgun was a great tool in its day, but it’s time to increase your capability and decrease your liability. Now there’s a budget friendly way to equip your officers with the 40LMTS.

Defense Technology Training Academy

The Defense Technology Training Academy employs a team of highly experienced instructors who bring real-world experience and expertise to every Defense Technology training course.
