What you'll learn At the end of this course, the student should be able to: Understand the contributions of biology and of the environment a child and adolescent grows up in, on Human Development. Students will learn by reviewing psychological theories and the research these theories have inspired.
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You'll Learn More About Your Children. Whether you are a parent now or are planning to become one in the future, studying human development can teach you a great deal about your children. In addition to learning things that can help make you a better parent, you can gain greater insight into how your children behave, think, learn, and feel.
If you plan on having children or working with them at some point, studying human development can greatly improve your ability to interact with kids. Some factors to consider when interacting with kids include:
Human development is a branch of psychology that studies—and strives to optimize—the elements that help people live healthy and fulfilling lives. This field aims to understand the various changes individuals and their relationships go through as they continue to learn and grow.
The study of human development came to prominence in the 1970s. The human development index was created as an alternative to measuring nations by their GDP. People believed that economy wasn’t enough to reflect was life was like for a nation’s population.
Course content will include important theoretical models of human development and such specific topics as genetics, learning, intelligence, socialization, personality, sex-role identification, language acquisition, and moral development.
This course is a study of the development of the individual from conception through adulthood. Theories and factual content underlying current thinking and research are examined, as well as the processes and influences affecting the developing person.
Human development is defined as the process of enlarging people's freedoms and opportunities and improving their well-being. Human development is about the real freedom ordinary people have to decide who to be, what to do, and how to live. The human development concept was developed by economist Mahbub ul Haq.
Understanding human development can help you better understand your own life experiences and life course. It can foster enhanced self-understanding and personal growth. Beneficial societal change is possible and individuals and groups can change social institutions and policies for the better.
Human Development introduces the developmental stages of individuals across the lifespan. Students will study biological, cognitive, and social/emotional developmental changes of the individual in the context of the family and society.
Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory Cognitive theory is concerned with the development of a person's thought processes. It also looks at how these thought processes influence how we understand and interact with the world. Theorist Jean Piaget proposed one of the most influential theories of cognitive development.
The top reasons for studying human development are to gain an understanding of your own life experience, help others understand what they're going through, understand the relationship of society and individual growth, lead more effectively, and support the physical and mental health of others.
Opportunities: human development is about giving people more freedom and opportunities to live lives they value. In effect this means developing people's abilities and giving them a chance to use them.
Learn to Spot Problems Perhaps most importantly, studying human development makes it easier to spot possible signs of trouble. From problems with cognitive, social, or emotional development in early childhood to struggles later in life, being able to identify potential problems is important.
A human development essay is a piece of writing that explores how a person or group of people can grow and thrive. Several disciplines study these processes and might require you to get ready with this kind of assignment: custom essay specifically for you.
Some background knowledge of how people grow and change throughout life is essential if you are majoring in a field such as: Healthcare. Education. Medicine. Nursing. Psychology. Social work. While people in these fields can benefit, understanding human development can be helpful for anyone.
Alistair Berg / Getty Images. If you plan on having children or working with them at some point, studying human development can greatly improve your ability to interact with kids. Some factors to consider when interacting with kids include: Communicating in ways that are age-appropriate. Encouraging appropriate play.
Once you better understand the stages of development and what makes kids tick, you will feel more comfortable talking, playing, and working with them. This is particularly important if you plan on working with children .
By learning more about how kids grow, parents can help their kids grow in healthy ways and address challenges that might arise.
Why are such classes so important? Some background knowledge of how people grow and change throughout life is essential if you are majoring in a field such as: 1 Healthcare 2 Education 3 Medicine 4 Nursing 5 Psychology 6 Social work
Learning more about how children develop and grow can provide additional insight into how you have become the person you are. What experiences shaped your personality and preferences? How did your upbringing affect who you are today?
Another important reason to study development is that you can gain a greater understanding of what's normal. While every person is a little bit different, human development tends to follow a remarkably predictable pattern. Once you have studied development, you'll know what's typical at certain ages and stages.
In this Psychological Development course, you will learn how the past 50 years of research has informed us about how we as human beings develop psychologically. That is; cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally. This course is designed for college students studying the Psychology of Human Development as a supplement, for parents of any ages, and for anyone who is interested Psychological Stages of Development. It will cover the life period of Prenatal Development through Adolescence. I teach this course at 2 universities, and it may be used for transfer credit at some colleges and universities. See below.*
At the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1.Identify the genetic factors that can influence an infant’s early development. 2. Explain the various psychosocial and physical factors that can influence development of the child. 3.
This is a self-paced on-line course featuring 7 lectures on Psychological Stages of Development featuring video textbook style lectures. The course will be taught primarily through viewing (and reviewing) the 7 audio/video lectures on Human Development, and reading the accompanying research summaries in the Lecture/Supplemental Sections. There is a short quiz (10 questions – multiple choice and/or true/false) after each lecture which will reinforce learning in each Section. No additional materials are required unless you are taking this class for college credit. See below.*
it is a VERY general overview of human growth.
Human development is a field that studies—and strives to optimize—the elements that help people live healthy and fulfilling lives. The more complex definition of human development is that it’s a multi-disciplinary study of the psychological, biological, and sociological factors that impact people from infancy through adolescence to adulthood.
The study of human development came to prominence in the 1970s. The human development index was created as an alternative to measuring nations by their GDP. People believed that the economy wasn’t enough to reflect was life was like for a nation’s population. The human development index includes health, education, and income. A healthy environment and access to healthcare, educational opportunities, and a decent standard of living are all keys to freedom and self-actualization.
Human development is a broad, multi-disciplinary field. While this expansiveness might intimidate some, it’s a wonderful field to study if you’re interested in how different subjects impact, influence, and relate to each other.
Often times in HR our hands are tied because employees and leaders wait too long to alert us of an issue. That typically results in being reactive. That affords limited problem-solving ability and a lack of creativity. I would much rather partner together with a leader to creatively address an issue before it becomes a problem that needs to be dealt with. Two heads are always better than one. If you are struggling with an issue, its ok to ask for help. Humility never hurt anyone.
Everyone works today because they need to meet their basic needs but once those are met, everyone is motivated by something different.
Difficult conversations are hard to have and it’s a shame that they often rely on HR to be the bearer of bad news. But what I’ve learned is that most people want to be successful and if you just clearly articulate what they need to do in order to be successful, 9 times of 10 they will meet those expectations.
Understanding human development can help you better understand your own life experiences and life course. It can foster enhanced self-understanding and personal growth. Beneficial societal change is possible and individuals and groups can change social institutions and policies for the better.
This means understanding how the way we see and make sense of the world is affected by (a partial byproduct of) cognitive-developmental factors. The same applies to understanding adolescents and adults of all ages.
A change in how we understand the world (perspective taking, for example) has implications for how we interact with others (playing organized games in groups) which in turn has an impact on physical development (motor activity, development of athletic and perceptual skills). Conversely, playing games (which entails motor activity and cognitive-perceptual activity) provides experiences with groups (social activity) that fosters new understandings about the physical and social (cognitive, perceptual, moral) universe.
The society experiences changes every time; therefore, the organizations need to invest their resources in employees training and development for them to maintain a competitive and knowledgeable workforce. The company that I work for utilizes mentoring and coaching, professional career development, online training, and onboarding. During my training in the company, the measures employed were effective, and I developed to be an amazing employee.
The top management has the responsibility to ensure that the staff including the managers and employees use the human resource development policies on everyday tasks and should be equally applied to the employees.
Therefore, a strategic planning in human resource entails estimating and meeting human resource demand, and this will help the HR to facilitate the achievement of the company’s objectives (Snell, & Bohlander, 2013). On a further note, the HR planning process involves estimating capacity , researching and evaluating deployment of resources and identifying and handling human talent. Planning is an ongoing process since the organizations are always affected by the internal and external business environment. Before an organization can start working on their strategic plan, they are required to use the following four steps. First, the company should determine its mission, assess the environment, set the objectives and lastly set the strategic plan. The organization’s objectives should be recorded and ensures that it is measurable so that the company can track its success over a period.
Human Resource Management encompasses ways to manage the human skills and talent and ensure that they work to achieve the organizational goals. Human resources are factors that any organization value the most and without them it would be difficult for an organization to operate (Snell, & Bohlander, 2013).
On a further note, the HR planning process involves estimating capacity, researching and evaluating deployment of resources and identifying and handling human talent. Planning is an ongoing process since the organizations are always affected by the internal and external business environment.
The continuous emergence of outsourcing and growth of the economy will influence human resource managers to handle and manage diversity in a different way. Besides, the human resource managers may be required to make use of technological advancement and manage the global workforce from far.