Students may withdraw from an NIH Training Center (NIHTC) class up to three weeks before the start date without any cancellation fees. For example, if class is scheduled to be conducted on May 26, the last day to withdraw without any cancellation fee is May 4. Students must drop the class through the LMS before the deadline.
Full Answer
Make sure your business office receives your application well ahead of this internal deadline so your application will have time to get through and eRA Commons in case you need to correct. Should you miss the NIH deadline, it's unlikely you will be able to submit late—read the rules for Late Applications & Post-Submission Materials.
The NIH Training Center may cancel a class due to low enrollment or government closures and/or delays. Notice will be provided with the option to reschedule for a future course date or to receive a full refund. If the class is rescheduled, it is assumed the student remains approved to attend.
You may withdraw from a course up to three weeks before the start date without cost. To do this, you must drop the class through the LMS before the deadline. We encourage substitutions if you cannot attend a class.
Missed deadlines don’t affect your grade in most courses. You'll still be able to earn a Course Certificate once you complete all your work. If you submit a peer-reviewed assignment after your personalized schedule ends, you might not get enough peer reviews. If you need more peer reviews, you can post in the forums asking for more peer feedback.
Grantees. Register IRBs or IECs with the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and update the registration information as changes occur and at least once every three years.
NIH has extended the expiration date of NIH issued CoCs for non-NIH funded projects that are current on April 15, 2020 by twelve months. Research studies that are funded by NIH are automatically deemed issued a Certificate under the NIH Policy on Certificates of Confidentiality.
5:00 PMGrant applications and associated documents (e.g., reference letters) are due by 5:00 PM local time of application organization on the specified due date.
Generally speaking, the NIH allows you to make one resubmission after the original submission. You are typically allowed one additional page at the beginning of the resubmission (the "Introduction to the Resubmission"), in which you respond to the comments from the previous review.
Generally, the expiration date is one day after the FOA's or NOSI's final due date, meaning an application submitted on the expiration date is late and NIH may not accept it.
The NIHSS, designed and validated for use in clinical stroke trials, is now required for all stroke patients at hospital admission. Recertification is required annually but no data support this frequency; the effect of mandatory training prior to recertification is unknown.
$203,700Effective January 2, 2022, the Executive Level II salary cap level is $203,700. NIH announced this level and provided example salary calculations in a February 10, 2022 Guide notice.
If a submission date falls on a weekend, it will be extended to the following Monday; any time the date falls on a Federal holiday, the submission date will be extended to the following business day. The application will be on time if it is submitted on or before the following business day.
Recapping the Salary Cap Effective January 3, 2021, the Executive Level II salary cap level is $199,300, as announced in this January 29, 2021 Guide notice.
Extramural researchers submitted 36,250 applications. NIH funded 7,767 awards, leading to a 21.4 percent success rate.
You can submit the same project to multiple agencies, as long as you indicate that you have multiple submissions in-review with overlapping scope. For example, you may have an innovation that would be applicable to NIH, NSF, and DOD topic areas.
Resubmission applications must be submitted through to NIH using ASSIST, Workspace, or an institutional system-to-system solution. You may need to make significant changes to the resubmission, compared to the new application that it follows. You may include a cover letter, though not required.
Grantees are required to use funds within 5 years from when the funding is first available to them, and funds that are not spent in this time frame can be recovered by the U.S. Treasury.
Yes, NIH does not set a time limit for a renewal application relative to the previous project period. Our advice, however, is that you apply for a renewal before your project period ends to avoid a gap in funding, which better ensures the continuity of your research.
within 37 monthsWhen you resubmit, you're playing by new rules: Rule 1: You have just one opportunity to resubmit. Rule 2: You must apply within 37 months of the original application's receipt date.
The National Institutes of Health website is a good place to start for reliable health information. As a rule, health websites sponsored by Federal Government agencies are good sources of information.
Students who are “No Shows” to one-day training classes incur the full cost of tuition. Additionally, “No Shows” to multi-day training classes incur the full cost of tuition and will have to re-register for a future class to make-up missed days.
You may withdraw from a course up to three weeks before the start date without cost. To do this, you must drop the class through the LMS before the deadline. We encourage substitutions if you cannot attend a class.
If you do not see your activity code, check your Funding Opportunity Announcement or the Activity Code Database.
Grant applications and associated documents (e.g., reference letters) are due by 5:00 PM local time of application organization on the specified due date.
In case of severe weather or other disasters that result in the closure of institutions, NIH will often issue a notice in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. These Notices routinely state that NIH understands the problems caused by the closures and that it is reasonable for applications to have an extension of time for the number of days the institution is closed; the reason for the delay must be documented in a cover letter. Even if NIH does not issue such a Notice, the practice will apply for such institutional closings. See NIH Extramural Response to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies .
If an application is submitted late, a cover letter explaining the reasons for the delay must be included with the signed, completed application. Late applications are evaluated on an individual basis considering the reasons provided.
An alternative submission policy allowing continuous application submission is available for certain grant applications where one or more of the designated PD/PIs serve as an appointed member of an NIH chartered standing study section, NIH Board of Scientific Counselors, NIH Advisory Board or Council, or an NIH Program Advisory Committee. This policy applies to R01, R21, and R34 applications that would normally be received on standard application submission dates (not special receipt dates). See Continuous Submission .
NIH permits one resubmission of an unfunded application (see NOT-OD-18-197 ). Resubmissions (A1) must be submitted within 37 months of the new (A0) application (see NOT-OD-12-128 ).
NIH accepts limited information between the time of initial submission of the application and the time of initial peer review (see NOT-OD-19-083 ).
Experiencing system issues with a federal system like ASSIST,, the System for Award Management (SAM), or NIH's eRA Commons that you believe threaten your ability to submit on time? NIH will not penalize applicants who experience confirmed system issues with federal systems that are beyond their control. However, you MUST follow our guidelines for applicants Dealing with System Issues. See NOT-OD-13-054 .
Paper applications are not allowed for competing grant applications. They may only be submitted if required by the funding opportunity announcement.
What is the NHLBI receipt deadline for a competing T32 grant application? Receipt dates for competing applications: January 25 - The NHLBI will accept all types of competing T32 applications (new, renewal/competing continuation, resubmission/amended, and revision) on this date. September 25 - Only resubmission/amended T32 applications will be accepted on this date. Award Date: New competing awards for T32 grants will be issued as early as February.
Is a Statement of Appointment Form ( PHS 2271, Rev. 3/2017) required each year for a trainee to be supported by a T32/T35 grant? Yes. Each appointment begins a new 9 to 12-month period thru the xTrain system.
Note: Degree courses have hard deadlines which you can’t reset. You may be able to switch sessions if you fall behind. For more information, see Degree course schedules and deadlines.
If you submit a peer-reviewed assignment after your personalized schedule ends, you might not get enough peer reviews. If you need more peer reviews, you can post in the forums asking for more peer feedback.
Note: Degree courses have hard deadlines which can include late penalties. For more information, see Degree course schedules and deadlines.
If your application does not pass the automated validations (error checking), you should immediately correct any errors and work with your AOR to resubmit the application.
The NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will perform a manual review of your application later to confirm it meets certain requirements. This is another potential failure point you can avoid by planning ahead.
If it fails either one, you must go through the entire submission process again.
NIH is under no obligation to accept applications that are late for these reasons.
All NIH grant applications require electronic submission except for administrative supplements for complex award types.
Also consider that NIH is not the only agency that uses for application submission, and there may be overlapping due dates you're unaware of. With so many applicants flooding the system, the system may be slow to respond.
A program officer in your area of science can give you application advice, NIAID's perspective on your research, and confirmation that NIAID will accept your application.
After you submit JIT information, your program officer will review it. He or she will document approval or discuss outstanding items with you and your grants management specialist. As a result, our staff may send additional emails asking you for more information or corrections.
Each time, follow the same workflow and routing instructions as before to provide new information.
NIAID sends a separate JIT request if funding is likely, so this is the important notice. Watch for an email similar to our sample NIAID Request for Just-in-Time Information.
NIH sends an automatic JIT email for applications with an overall impact score of 30 or less. That range includes applications that are outside our paylines, so don’t take this as a sign of NIAID’s intent to fund. Here’s an example of NIH’s automated Request for Just-in-Time Information pdf.
Note that even if NIAID sends you a JIT request, funding is not guaranteed. We will not make the award until we are satisfied that your application meets all requirements and you provide appropriate JIT information.