what happens if you join ap course audit as a student

by Marty Schroeder 6 min read

AP Course Audit is what allows a school to get the AP label. When your school has an AP label attached to it, it shows that your school is of a high standard. Having classes that have an AP label attached to them would help you to apply to schools that offer good education and have high standards.

Full Answer

What is the AP Course Audit and how does it work?

AP courses that pass the AP Course Audit are added to the online AP Course Ledger, which can be used by enrollment managers for verification of student transcripts and targeted student recruitment. The AP Course Ledger:

Do you have to re-audit AP classes after they are approved?

Technically, even after your course is approved, you still have to re-audit every year if you want your class to keep the “AP” title. Fortunately, you don’t have to do much work for re-authorization.

How do I re-submit materials for AP exams after an audit?

(Again, your school can still order and administer AP Exams for that subject regardless of the audit outcome.) You can re-submit materials for authorization starting next year. To start, you'll need to create an online AP Course Audit account with College Board. Through this account, you can submit the Course Audit form and your syllabus.

Do we cover the requirements in a course before the AP?

We cover the requirements in a course before the AP course, not the AP course itself. Can we still get authorization? What is a “hands-on” lab? The title we use for the course at our school is different from the AP course name.

Can you audit an AP class?

AP courses that pass the AP Course Audit are added to the online AP Course Ledger, which can be used by enrollment managers for verification of student transcripts and targeted student recruitment.

What is an AP course audit?

AP Course auditing is what allows a school to officially give a course the “AP” label. Having classes with the official AP label is important for your students' transcripts, especially if they are applying to prestigious schools and scholarships.

How do you approve an AP course audit?

Teachers fill out the online AP Course Audit form and submit it. The school AP Course Audit administrator—the principal or a principal's designee—signs in to AP Course Audit and approves the form.

Can a student take an AP exam without taking the course?

Yes. We recommend taking the AP course before taking an AP Exam—but it's not required. We want to be sure homeschooled students and students in schools that don't offer AP can take AP Exams.

Do teachers know your AP score?

The College Board You, the college or university you designated in My AP, and educators in your school and district, including your AP teachers, will automatically receive your scores once they're released. You can also submit an online order to send your scores to additional colleges and universities for a fee.

What is a course audit?

Auditing a course means that you receive no academic credit for it, and you are not responsible for tests or homework.

Is Pre-AP the same as honors?

Pre-AP is not an honors program—it's grade-level instruction that meets students where they are.

How do you do a course audit?

0:216:07The first step in the course audit. Process will be to click to access of course audit link from theMoreThe first step in the course audit. Process will be to click to access of course audit link from the pre P website.

How do you get AP Capstone?

The AP Capstone Diploma is granted to students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on 4 additional AP Exams of their choosing. The AP Seminar and Research Certificate is granted to students who earn scores of 3 or higher in both AP Seminar and AP Research.

What if you fail an AP class but pass the exam?

What happens if you fail an AP class? If you fail an AP class, then your GPA will likely drop as it would for a normal class. This grade also shows up on your transcript. However, you may be able to retake the class the following year to raise your grade and increase your GPA.

What happens if you take an AP class but not the exam?

AP exams have literally no impact on admissions just the rigor. It will not hurt that you didn't take the tests as it will still be 7 APs.

What is the easiest AP exam?

The five easiest exams for self-study are as follows: AP Human Geography. AP Psychology. AP US Government and Politics. AP Comparative Government and Politics.

How do you get AP Capstone?

The AP Capstone Diploma is granted to students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on 4 additional AP Exams of their choosing. The AP Seminar and Research Certificate is granted to students who earn scores of 3 or higher in both AP Seminar and AP Research.

How do I add a school to AP audit?

Find AP Course Audit and click Get Access. Choose your Job Function (Teacher, or School or District Administrator/Online Provider) and enter your school's name in the Professional Organization field. Click Add. Make sure your information is correct and click Finished.

Do you have to be certified to teach AP classes?

The College Board does not require a teacher to have any special qualifications to teach AP classes, but there are certain training resources that it highly suggests teachers of these classes participate in. These resources include professional development workshops, summer courses, AP exam readings and AP conferences.

How do you get your AP test scores?

You must log in to your My AP account through the College Board website. Once logged in, you should be able to access your AP scores on your dashboard. Your AP score report will include the year you took the exam, the name of the exam, and a final score of 1-5.

What is AP course audit?

Any course that a school labels “AP” must receive authorization through a process called the AP Course Audit , which confirms teacher awareness of course scope and occasional exam changes , and ensures that confidential practice exams and other resources are only accessible to real AP teachers verified by a school administrator.

What happens if a course is not authorized?

If authorization is not granted after the second submission, teachers can speak directly with one of the college faculty members who reviewed their syllabus for assistance.

What is AP unit guide?

Teachers who adopt AP Unit Guides or sample syllabi or submit a colleague’s approved syllabus receive immediate authorization. It is added to the AP Course Ledger. Also, the AP teacher is granted access to AP Classroom and online student score reports and secure documents including practice exams.

How long does it take to hear from AP program review?

Teachers will hear from the program within eight weeks.

Do AP courses have unit guides?

These subjects do not have AP Unit Guides, so new teachers must adopt a sample syllabus, or a colleague’s already-approved syllabus, or submit their own original course syllabus for review. New AP Seminar and AP Research teachers cannot adopt an AP resource and must submit an original syllabus.

Does AP require a curriculum?

The AP Program does not mandate a specific curriculum for AP courses to follow. Instead, the official Course and Exam Description provides a scope and sequence for new AP teachers to utilize, modify, and adapt, rather than having to build from scratch.

Can AP courses be renewed?

Previously authorized courses can simply be renewed by an AP Course Audit administrator. When a subject has significant course and/or exam changes, teachers will be instructed to submit a new Course Audit form and complete one of the four options above to demonstrate awareness of the changes.

Policies and Procedures

Can schools order and administer AP Exams without completing the AP Course Audit?

Meeting Course Requirements

We combine AP U.S. History and AP English Literature and Composition into a course called American Studies. How do we complete the AP Course Audit?

Alternate Providers

Our school offers an online AP course through a distance learning provider. How can we list it?

What is AP course audit?

The AP Course Audit process means that admissions officers and college faculty can be assured of the rigor of the courses that carry the AP label on student transcripts.

What is the AP program?

Maintaining quality and excellence has been the cornerstone of the AP Program since its inception and remains paramount to its continued success. The initiative, participation, and guidance of colleges and universities ensure that the program continues to raise the bar for educational excellence.

Who reviews the syllabus?

Syllabi are reviewed by college faculty for adherence to the development committee’s standards.

What is an AP Course?

To answer this question, “what is an AP course audit,” we must first define the term ‘AP course.’

What is an AP Course Audit and Who Needs It?

Not just every class can be labeled an AP course. The College Board has strict guidelines for which courses fall under the AP umbrella.

AP Course Audit Step Two: Select a Teacher

Next, a teacher should be selected and registered for summer professional development.

AP Course Audit Step Four: Create Your Syllabus and Obtain Course Materials

Some curriculum planners and teachers choose to build the course earlier in the process, while others choose later.

AP Course Audit Step Five: Submit Your Course Materials

Now that you are fully ready to launch your AP course, you will need to get approval. Doing so requires that the teacher of the course:

AP Course Audit Step Six: Review

Next, external educators will review the syllabus and course information within 8 weeks of submission.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the AP Course Audit

Yes—However, you cannot use the AP designation on transcripts or be listed on the AP course ledger.

How does Auditing take place?

AP auditing takes place once a year. When you are being audited for the first time, this is what you do:

Benefits of AP courses

The college board has given the authorization to use AP on students’ transcript.

Which courses require the AP course audit

Every course cannot be labelled an AP course. The AP course was created so that every college would have the same level of rigour. These are the list of courses that can receive the AP label:

Steps to get courses in your Colleges audited

Select a teacher: The teacher selected, if new to teaching AP labelled courses, should be elected for summer development.

Creation of syllables and course materials

Each college is responsible for creating its own curriculum. When you are done preparing your courses and how you want them to be, the teacher will submit them so that they can get very much involved in the process.

What is AP course audit?

AP Course Audit. All schools that want to label a course “AP” must get authorization through the AP Course Audit. This means submitting two things: A course syllabus, created by the course teacher. The syllabus is reviewed by college faculty to ensure that the course fulfills the AP Program’s course-specific curricular and resource requirements.

What do students do in AP seminar?

Students work independently to identify a research question based on provided stimulus material; research the issue; analyze, evaluate, and select evidence to develop an argument; present and defend a conclusion; and produce a multimedia presentation to be delivered to their peers. AP Seminar resource requirements:

What is a syllabus in AP?

The syllabus is reviewed by college faculty to ensure that the course fulfills the AP Program’s course-specific curricular and resource requirements. The resources below support syllabus development. Sign in to your AP Course Audit account for more resources to help you create your syllabus.

What is a collaborative student?

Students work collaboratively with a team to identify, investigate, analyze, and evaluate a real-world or academic problem or issue; consider and evaluate alternatives or options; propose one or more solutions or resolutions; and present and defend the argument for their solutions through a multimedia presentation.

What are the activities that students can do to gain a rich appreciation and understanding of the issues?

Students gain a rich appreciation and understanding of the issues through the following activities: reading articles and research studies; reading foundational, literary, and philosophical texts; viewing and listening to speeches, broadcasts, and/or personal accounts; and experiencing artistic works and performances.

Is AP seminar part of AP capstone?

AP Seminar is unique in that it can only be taught as part of the larger AP Capstone™ program. This course may only be offered to students at participating schools where teachers have completed the required professional development. Visit the AP Capstone website to learn more about how to participate in this program.

How to start an AP course audit?

How to Start Your First Audit. To start, you'll need to create an online AP Course Audit account with College Board. Through this account, you can submit the Course Audit form and your syllabus. The AP Course Audit form is where you list information about the class, your school, your district, and your students.

How often is an AP course audited?

AP course are audited once every year, but it’s the most onerous the first time your course is approved.

What happens if you submit a revised syllabus?

If, after submitting a revised syllabus, the reviewers still don't think your syllabus meets the requirements, the College Board will provide a curriculum adviser to provide additional suggestions for how your syllabus should be revised. You will then have a third and final chance to revise and submit the syllabus.

How long does it take for an AP course to be approved?

You’ll learn if your course was approved by the College Board within 60 days of submitting your forms. For a course to be authorized, the syllabus has to clearly show that each of the AP course's curricular requirements is included in your class. There are two possible outcomes of the first review: 1.

Why is AP course auditing important?

Having classes with the official AP label is important for your students' transcripts, especially if they are applying to prestigious schools and scholarships.

What does AP mean in college?

The AP label shows colleges and scholarship committees that your school’s courses have a high level of rigor. That said, a course does not have to carry the official “AP” label for your school to order the corresponding AP exams. For example, you could teach a course titled just “United States History” and still order the AP United States Exam ...

When is the deadline for a course taught in 2016-17?

The deadline for your first submission to authorize a course taught in 2016-17 is January 31, 2017 . Make sure to start working on your syllabus well before that deadline!

How to Begin

Your AP Course Audit tasks are completed online. You’ll have to sign in to, or create, your AP Course Audit account and follow the steps below.

Using the Secure Practice Exams

Once your administrator approves your AP Course Audit form, you’ll be able to access free, downloadable AP practice exams (for all courses except AP 2D Art and Design, AP 3D Art and Design, and AP Drawing). These complete AP Exams are only available to teachers; students can’t access them.
