what grade should i put for repeat course in amcas

by Evalyn Reilly 6 min read

In the past, AACOMAS has always allowed you to use grade replacement. For example, if you failed your Chemistry 101 and retook it the next semester or during your 2nd year and you got an A, then you would have an A for your GPA calculation, and the failure would be replaced.

If you repeated a course, enter all of your attempts and corresponding grades even if your school has a grade forgiveness policy. Enter your coursework in the sequence it appears on your official transcript(s).

Full Answer

What is a repeat course according to AMCAS?

AMCAS does not have a definition.). Any classes that are repeated without receiving credit should be listed as “Exempt” courses. They will have no impact on your GPA totals. Withdrawals and incompletes should not be included as repeat courses. As stated above, AMCAS will not consider courses retaken on other campuses as “repeats.”

How do I classify courses in the AMCAS application?

Each course in the AMCAS application must be classified strictly on the primary content of the course. You are responsible for selecting the correct course classification, but AMCAS reserves the right to change classifications if the assigned classification clearly does not apply.

How are grades calculated for AMCAS?

All grades earned are calculated into the cumulative GPA. While your college campus may offer grade forgiveness on transcripts for any classes failed and repeated, AMCAS does not and will calculate all attempts for the course.

Can I submit my AMCAS to more than one school?

You can submit your AMCAS to one or more schools, and later you can log back in to add additional schools. This works really well if you’re waiting on an MCAT score to come in. You can apply to 1 school, get your application verified, and then add the additional schools immediately once you get your new score.

Does AMCAS include repeated courses in GPA?

A course entry must be made for each completed attempt of a repeated course, even if any mention of enrollment in the course has been removed from the transcript. AMCAS includes all attempts of repeated courses in GPA calculations, even if they are not included in the school's GPA calculations.

What does Repeated mean on AAMC?

Repeated means that there were significant gaps in between the times you did the activity. So if you volunteered at a hospital but you took summers off, you could list it as a repeated activity like: 9/1/2018-6/1/2019. 9/1/2019-6/1/2020.

How do med schools view retakes?

While your college campus may offer grade forgiveness on transcripts for any classes failed and repeated, AMCAS does not and will calculate all attempts for the course. Even though the failed grade will hurt your GPA, it is worse not to retake the course and earn a passing grade.

Do med schools average retaken classes?

No, retaking classes for med school isn't necessary because you have a good GPA. You took the required classes in school. Also, keep in mind that since AACOM has killed grade replacement, any new grades from classes you retake will just be averaged together with your old grades.

Should I use all 15 activities AMCAS?

It will hurt your application if you have less than 15 activities. As you'll see below, the types of activities that you include, the length of time you participated, and your description of these events all have an impact on how the adcom views your dedication to this career path.

Should you fill out all 15 activities?

Do I Need to Fill Out All 15 Experiences? You do not need to fill out every space. If you're considering filling out each one, only choose to do so if you have 15 quality experiences to share. Diluting your activities with less impactful or less noteworthy experiences will only hinder your application.

Should I retake a 508 MCAT?

508-510 are all fine, and if you don't get accepted with a score in that range, it's not because of your MCAT score. Anything that's 510 and above will help you. This is going to discourage a lot of people because they may only be getting a 504 or 505.

Should I retake a 512 MCAT?

If you were averaging 510-512s on your practice AAMC exam but scored much lower on test day, this is a good reason to retake the MCAT. The lower score is more likely due to nerves, pressure, lack of sleep, or sickness than lack of knowledge and ability.

Should I retake a class if I got a C for medical school?

Every grade you get, even if the class is retaken, is factored into your GPA. So going from a C to a B isn't worth the retake so much as going from a D to an A. Retaking a class takes time, effort, and money, so always be sure that you can improve your grade before deciding to do so.

Does repeating a class improve GPA?

Retaking a course may raise your student's GPA (grade point average). In many schools, if a student retakes a course, the most recent grade will replace the lower grade in the student's GPA. The earlier, lower grade will remain on the transcript, but will not be included in the GPA.

Should I retake a class I got a C+ in?

Yes, you should retake the class. Not because the new grade will look better on your application, but because you almost certainly didn't learn the course material properly. (If you're more worried about your grade than your mastery of the material, you should stay out of grad school.)

How do I add a repeated course to amcas?

If you repeated a course, enter all of your attempts and corresponding grades even if your school has a grade forgiveness policy. Enter your coursework in the sequence it appears on your official transcript(s). This helps to avoid inadvertent omissions. Do not list coursework twice.

What is an AMCAS application?

The AMCAS is basically the Common Application for MD programs. The AMCAS is used widely by U.S. medical schools, so it’s necessary to understand how it works. Because it can be a confusing system to navigate, we’ve broken it down into its tiniest components in this comprehensive AMCAS application guide.

What is an amca?

What is AMCAS? If you’re considering applying to medical school for the first time, you’ve likely heard of AMCAS, the American Medical College Application Service. Run by the Association of American Medical Colleges, the AMCAS medical school application is a centralized application service through which you’ll submit your grades, test scores, ...

How many entries can you make in a medical school packet?

If the letters are grouped together as a packet from one source, or are from a committee, you can make one entry for the whole set. You can create up to 10 entries. Entries may be added and assigned to medical schools after the application has been submitted, but they cannot be edited or deleted after submission.

Does AMCAS accept transcripts?

AMCAS requires one official transcript from every post-secondary institution (i.e., college-level and beyond, including college courses you took during high school) where you have attempted course work. Official transcripts must be sent directly from each institution. Moreover, AMCAS accepts both paper and electronic transcripts. Finally, you should wait until you have registered for an AMCAS account before requesting that your transcript (s) be sent to ensure that AMCAS can accurately match your transcript (s) with your application ID and to avoid delays.

Is it time consuming to fill out an AMCAS application?

Final Thoughts. Though it can be time consuming, the hassle of filling out the AMCAS medical school application is far outweighed by the convenience of a single service to submit most of your application materials.

Can you lock your GPA in AMCAS?

Therefore, your course list and GPA will be “locked in,” even if you receive new course grades since submitting your AMCAS application. If you would like to update individual schools on more recent grades, you may do so in your secondaries—if there’s a natural place to mention an update—or via an update letter.

When is AMCAS early decision?

For the 2018 AMCAS Application Cycle, the Early Decision Program is: AMCAS: August 1 (application and official transcripts) Non-AMCAS: contact the medical school admissions office or refer to MSAR. Click here to read more about the Early Decision Program.

When are transcripts due for AMCAS?

Transcript deadlines are 14 days after the school's AMCAS application deadline date . If the transcript deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, materials are due on the next business day. Transcripts should be accompanied by the Transcript Request Form, which is located in the AMCAS.

What is AMCAS application?

The AMCAS ( American Medical College Application Service) opens tomorrow, and if you’re not one of the first few to fill it out in the hours that it opens, you will never fulfill your dreams of becoming a physician. Every second counts, dear reader, so we’re here to help. Not only do we present this guide to answer all of your questions about ...

How many letters can you send to school?

Individual letters give you more flexibility to pick and choose which letters go to which schools. In other words, if School A requests a maximum of 3 letters, and you have chosen your 4 letters to go in one “letter packet,” then you are sending school A more letters than it allows.

What happens if you get accepted to both Davis and Irvine?

If you’ve been accepted to, say, both Davis and Irvine, then both of those schools get notified that you have been accepted at the other school. None of the other schools where you’ve applied get notified.

Does it matter if you submit on day 1 or day 3?

So, day 1, day 3, day 7… it doesn’t matter.

Do you have to send transcripts to community colleges?

You must send official transcripts for every college you've attended, including community college classes taken while in high school. The only exception (typically) is study abroad programs that your college gives credit for. You usually do not need to send in transcripts for those.

What is AMCAS in college?

AMCAS relies on the institution’s guidelines in allowing a student to retake a class (often this is only allowed for classes in which students have received failing grades, which is defined by each individual institution. AMCAS does not have a definition.).

Can you take classes for which you will not receive credit?

Taking classes for which you will not receive any credit will not help you in any way. Be strategic in your approach. Many students who have had to repeat classes have gotten accepted into medical school—it’s a matter of how quickly you can bounce back.

Can you repeat a PE class?

It does not matter where you took the class or retook it as long as you designate it as an equivalent course by labeling it “Repeated.”. Withdrawals cannot be considered repeats. Classes that are designed to be retaken repeatedly, like PE classes, should not be listed as repeats.

Is AMCAS a repeat course?

Any classes that are repeated without receiving credit should be listed as “Exempt” courses and will not have any impact on your GPA totals. Withdrawals and incompletes should not be included as repeat courses. AMCAS will not consider courses retaken on other campuses as “repeats.”.


AMCAS requires one official transcript from each U.S., U.S. Territorial, or Canadian post-secondary institution at which you have attempted coursework, regardless of whether credit was earned. To determine whether or not an official transcript is required for one of your undergraduate institutions, consult the AMCAS Applicant …
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Sending Transcripts to AMCAS

  • AMCAS accepts both paper and electronic transcripts. Electronic transcripts must be transmitted through our approved vendors, National Student Clearinghouse and Parchment, or sent via secure email from approved school registrars. AMCAS will not accept transcripts via fax. To avoid added delays in application processing, AMCAS recommends submitting your transcript electronically. …
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Transcript Processing timelines

  • The table below details all delivery options available to registrars, in order from fastest delivery to slowest. Processing begins once your transcripts are delivered to AMCAS. Reference the transcript processing toolto find the latest date your transcript will be processed based on the mode of transmission to AMCAS. Please note, you will receive an email from AMCAS when your …
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Entering Your Coursework

  • Take your time when completing the Coursework section of the application. Omitting coursework, grades, credits, or supplying incorrect grades may affect your AMCAS GPA and could delay the processing of your application, which could result in missed deadlines. Keep a copy of your official transcript(s) next to you while you complete this section to help ensure that your informa…
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