what grade level is the aqa gcse spanish course

by Otis Morar 4 min read

AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE in Spanish Qualification summary All GCSE specifications in Spanish should encourage learners to derive enjoyment and benefit from language learning, and be inspired, moved and changed by following a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study.

GCSE Spanish has a Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher Tier (grades 4–9). Students must take all four question papers at the same tier.

Full Answer

What are the different levels of GCSE Spanish?

Apr 19, 2016 · GCSE Spanish has a Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher Tier (grades 4–9). Students must take all four question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.

What languages does Aqa offer GCSEs in?

Qualification details. AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE in Spanish. Qualification summary. All GCSE specifications in Spanish should encourage learners to derive enjoyment and benefit from language learning, and be inspired, moved and changed by following a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study.

Why study Spanish at GCSE?

Apr 19, 2016 · Assessment objectives. Assessment objectives (AOs) are set by Ofqual and are the same across all GCSE Spanish specifications and all exam boards. The exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives. AO1: Listening – understand and respond to different types of spoken language.

What is linear GCSE Spanish?

Will AQA be offering a GCSE Short Course for the new specifications? ... set grade outcomes at whole subject level. This is a development of the awarding process used at present ... with GCSE French, German and Spanish and other subjects following in 2018, with the same grading system). Bengali, Panjabi, Modern Hebrew, Polish, Italian, Urdu ...

What level is AQA?

Definition of grades

The AQA L1/ L2 Certificates are the strict equivalent to a GCSE full course, taking 120-140 guided learning hours. Level 1 is attained through grades G(g) to D(d) and Level 2 is attained at grades C(c) to A*(a*).

Is AQA GCSE or A level?

AQA, formerly the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, is an awarding body in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It compiles specifications and holds examinations in various subjects at GCSE, AS and A Level and offers vocational qualifications. AQA is a registered charity and independent of the government.

What exam board is GCSE Spanish?

AQA | Languages | GCSE | Spanish.

Is GCSE Spanish hard?

Spanish is a fairly easy language because it is largely phonetic so choosing Spanish at GCSE rather than, say, French or German, may take the pressure off, especially if you're taking on a lot of subjects. A GCSE in a language is a great qualification to add to your CV.Jun 8, 2020

What does AQA stand for in GCSE?

the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance
AQA stands for the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance.

Is AQA and Oxford AQA the same?

OxfordAQA is a partnership between Oxford University Press (a department of the University of Oxford) and AQA, by far the UK's largest provider of GCSEs and A-levels. So while you may just be getting to know us, no one brings greater educational expertise to helping you nurture a love of learning in your students.

What is a level Spanish?

Syllabus overview

Cambridge International A Level Spanish builds on the language skills gained at Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level or Cambridge International AS Level, and is the ideal foundation for university-level study, or to improve career prospects.

What does GCSE Spanish cover?

GCSE Spanish covers the four disciplines of listening, reading, writing and speaking. You need to show proficiency in each area to do well. Within that framework, there are two tiers - the Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and the Higher Tier (grades 4–9).

How many Spanish GCSE papers are there?

4 papers
Introduction GCSE Spanish Exam: 4 papers and 2 Tiers

The GCSE Spanish exam AQA consists of 4 different parts (papers), each one on a different skill: Listening – Paper 1. Speaking – Paper 2. Reading – Paper 3.

Is GCSE Spanish or French easier?

When Ofqual repeated this analysis for the 2019 exam series, it found that the overall difficulty of subjects had changed, with Spanish now the seventh most difficult GCSE, while French and German were still among the five most difficult GCSEs.Nov 5, 2019

What are the hardest GCSEs?

I've compiled this list of the top 10 hardest GCSEs that you can do so you don't have to.
  • GCSE English Language. ...
  • Modern Foreign Language GCSEs. ...
  • GCSE History. ...
  • GCSE Biology. ...
  • GCSE Computer Science. ...
  • GCSE Maths. ...
  • GCSE Chemistry. ...
  • GCSE English Literature.
Jun 6, 2019

What are the easiest GCSE subjects?

The British Exams lists the top 10 easiest GCSEs as reported by students:
  • Geography.
  • Film Studies.
  • Religious Studies.
  • Media Studies.
  • Hospitality and Catering.
  • Business Studies.
  • Drama.
  • Physical Education.
Nov 17, 2021


Prepare for your teaching year. Information, support and services to help you deliver the specification.


Teaching resources that you can use to plan your lessons and support your students’ learning.


Prepare your students for assessment. Past papers, mark schemes and example answers.

Entries and codes

You only need to make one entry for each qualification – this will cover all the question papers, non-exam assessment and certification.

Overlaps with other qualifications

There are no overlaps with any other AQA qualifications at this level.

Awarding grades and reporting results

The qualification will be graded on a nine-point scale: 1 to 9 – where 9 is the best grade.

Resits and shelf life

Students can resit the qualification as many times as they wish, within the shelf life of the qualification.

Previous learning and prerequisites

There are no previous learning requirements. Any requirements for entry to a course based on this specification are at the discretion of schools and colleges.

Access to assessment: diversity and inclusion

General qualifications are designed to prepare students for a wide range of occupations and further study. Therefore our qualifications must assess a wide range of competences.

Working with AQA for the first time

If your school or college has not previously offered any AQA specification, you need to register as an AQA centre to offer our specifications to your students. Find out how at aqa.org.uk/becomeacentre

What is section A in Spanish?

In Section A, students’ understanding of spoken language will be tested by a range of question types in English, requiring non-verbal responses or responses in English. In Section B, students’ comprehension will be tested by a range of question types in Spanish, requiring non-verbal responses or responses in Spanish.

How many words should a student write?

Students are expected to write approximately 40 words but, provided the tasks set are completed, the number of words is not important.

How to communicate with native speakers?

develop their ability to communicate confidently and coherently with native speakers in speech and writing, conveying what they want to say with increasing accuracy. express and develop thoughts and ideas spontaneously and fluently. listen to and understand clearly articulated, standard speech at near normal speed.

What is structured writing?

A structured writing task which demonstrates students’ ability to produce clear and coherent text of extended length, to present facts and express ideas and opinions. They also make accurate use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures, including some more complex forms, to describe and narrate with reference to past, present and future events. They are required to manipulate the language, using and adapting a variety of structures and vocabulary, using appropriate style and register. The requirement to use formal or informal address will vary year on year.

What happens if you don't understand a question?

If they are then able to respond to the question successfully, this will not have a negative impact on the overall mark, unless it happens regularly and affects fluency.

What does a zero mark mean?

A mark of zero for Conveying key messages automatically results in a mark of zero for Application of grammatical knowledge of language and structures , but apart from that, the Conveying key messages mark does not limit the mark for Application of grammatical knowledge of language and structures.

What is an open ended writing task?

An open-ended writing task which demonstrates their ability to make independent, creative and more complex use of the language, as appropriate, to note down key points, express and justify individual thoughts and points of view, in order to interest, inform or convince.


Prepare for your teaching year. Information, support and services to help you deliver the specification.


Teaching resources that you can use to plan your lessons and support your students’ learning.


Prepare your students for assessment. Past papers, mark schemes and example answers.


Entries and Codes

Awarding Grades and Reporting Results

  • The qualification will be graded on a nine-point scale: 1 to 9 – where 9 is the best grade. A student taking Foundation Tier assessments will be awarded a grade within the range of 1 to 5. Students who fail to reach the minimum standard for grade 1 will be recorded as U (unclassified) and will not receive a qualification certificate. A student taki...
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Resits and Shelf Life

  • Students can resit the qualification as many times as they wish, within the shelf life of the qualification.
See more on aqa.org.uk

Previous Learning and Prerequisites

  • There are no previous learning requirements. Any requirements for entry to a course based on this specification are at the discretion of schools and colleges.
See more on aqa.org.uk

Access to Assessment: Diversity and Inclusion

  • General qualifications are designed to prepare students for a wide range of occupations and further study. Therefore our qualifications must assess a wide range of competences. The subject criteria have been assessed to see if any of the skills or knowledge required present any possible difficulty to any students, whatever their ethnic background, religion, sex, age, disability or sexua…
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Working with Aqa For The First Time

  • If your school or college has not previously offered any AQA specification, you need to register as an AQA centre to offer our specifications to your students. Find out how at aqa.org.uk/becomeacentre
See more on aqa.org.uk

Private Candidates

  • This specification is available to private candidates. A private candidate is someone who enters for exams through an AQA-approved school or college but is not enrolled as a student there. A private candidate may be self-taught, home-schooled or have private tuition, either with a tutor or through a distance learning organisation. You must be based in the UK. If you have any queries a…
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