what grade is the best to do the duke tip summer course

by Miss Missouri McGlynn 8 min read

What is the Duke TIP summer program?

Dec 14, 2015 · Seventh-grade students participating in the Center Summer Program are placed at Davidson College, Trinity University, or Wake Forest University. Three-week sessions on these campuses challenge students to “think critically about themselves and their world.”

Which Duke TIP course has the lowest score requirements?

Mar 15, 2022 · The Academy for Summer Studies at Duke TIP offers eligible students in grades 7-10 summer classes with "interactive, inquiry-based learning that challenges them to think critically about themselves and their world."

What happened to tip activities at Duke University?

Mar 15, 2022 · Since Duke TIP subsidizes the cost of the test, the Talent Search ($80 flat rate) is more cost-effective than 8th-10th Grade Option ($35 fee + $49.50 for the SAT or $46 for the ACT, both without the essay exam). If you don't do well on the SAT or ACT when you take it through the Talent Search, you can always retest later.

When should I consider Duke TIP 8th-10th grade option?

Apr 06, 2021 · Duke University’s long standing national Academic Talent Search program (Duke TIP as it has previously been known) has permanently ended. Duke TIP activities for eligible students have been cancelled through the summer of 2021, according to a March 2021 announcement.After this break, activities geared towards students in grades 6-8 are moving to …

What grade is Duke TIP?

grades 4-12How does the Duke TIP work? Since its inception in 1980, the Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) has assessed, recognized, and rewarded academically-gifted children in grades 4-12.Mar 22, 2022

Does being in Duke TIP help get into college?

Duke TIP will not affect a student's ability to get into college or move ahead with future career plans. I have met some high school kids who had such negative experiences with Duke TIP in junior high that they dragged their feet when it came to preparing for the SAT / ACT or attending summer programs.Sep 19, 2019

How hard is it to get into Duke TIP?

To qualify for Duke TIP's 7th Grade Talent Search, you must have scored 'at or above the 95th percentile on an accepted grade-level national standardized test or abilities test... [or] on a state assessment' Quotation source: Eligibility | Duke TIP.Mar 15, 2022

What is Duke TIP 7th grade?

Duke TIP's 7th Grade Talent Search identifies students across the United States who have scored at or above the 95th percentile on a grade-level achievement test. As part of the program, these academically talented students take above-level college-entrance exams to learn more about their abilities.

What should a 7th grader get on the ACT?

Students who earned an ACT Composite score of 12 in 7th grade scored at the national mean (an ACT Composite score of 211), on average, in grade 11 or 12. For 7th grade scores of 20 or higher, median scores for grades 11/12 are 30 or higher.

Should I put Duke TIP on my resume?

1 answer. Definitely not Duke TIP because it's not really an achievement from high school and there's a wide range of students in the program so it doesn't give any context about you that test scores and grades don't give.

How much is the Duke TIP summer program?

Enrollment is a onetime process that costs $80. This nonrefundable fee includes membership in Duke TIP through the end of the student's senior year of high school, plus one ACT (no writing) or one SAT (no essay) test registration.

Should my 7th grader take the SAT or ACT?

You should take the SAT in 7th grade if you want to familiarize yourself with the test and decrease anxiety, satisfy your curiosity, or take part in any of several programs for gifted and talented youth. If you're just taking the test to apply to college, you should wait to take the SAT until you're older.Nov 8, 2015

Does Duke TIP still exist?

Duke University's long standing national Academic Talent Search program (Duke TIP as it has previously been known) has permanently ended. Duke TIP activities for eligible students have been cancelled through the summer of 2021, according to a March 2021 announcement.Apr 6, 2021

Should my 8th grader take the ACT?

While you can start taking the ACT or SAT test for college admissions as early as 8th grade, we typically recommend that students wait until 11th grade to take the test for the first time. These college admissions tests evaluate your knowledge of everything you should learn throughout high school.Feb 8, 2021

What is the average SAT score for a seventh grader?

about a 300Therefore, the SAT score of the median 7th grader is about a 300 per section on the SAT, while the ACT score of the median 7th grader is about a 10. A standard deviation in the SAT is around 100 points per section, and is around a 6 on the ACT.Dec 9, 2018

What is Duke TIP summer Studies?

The largest program of its kind, Duke TIP works with gifted individuals to “identify, recognize, challenge, engage, and help students reach their highest potential through above-level testing, academic challenge, educational guidance, customized publications, online resources, and special recognition of their ...Dec 14, 2015

The Lay of The Land: Types of Tip Programs and Eligibility

Of all the programs with SAT/ACT score requirements, the eStudies program has the lowest score requirements, followed by the Academy for Summer Stu...

Duke Tip Scores: The Particulars

So Duke has their SAT requirements for Summer Studies courses in a table here and for eStudies courses over here. . To be honest, I found the table...

Duke Tip Score Requirements: A Few Final Notes

For Summer Studies courses, you may only apply to the level for which you are qualified. This not only means that you can't apply to the Center for...

How Do I Meet The Requirements? 4...Tips (You Knew That was Coming)

1. This in no way means that you should invest in any kind of SAT prep course - just that, at the BARE minimum, you'll want to familiarize yourself...

What Is The Duke Tip 7th Grade Talent Search? and What Do Kids Do During It?

Since there is so much to say about the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search, I’ve broken it down into who, what, where, and when (the why and the how...

Why Should You Apply For The Duke Tip 7th Grade Talent Search?

So what do students get out of the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search? One perk is the opportunity to take what Duke calls “above-level” tests (that...

How Do I Apply to The Duke Tip 7th Grade Talent Search?

So after reading all this information, you’ve been inspired to apply to the 7th Grade Talent Search, and need instructions. Or maybe you already we...

Tips to Get Into The Duke Tip

I'm sure you're shocked that I couldn't resist making a "tips for TIP" joke. Regardless, I've made up a list of helpful hints to boost your chances...

What Is The Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search, and Why Do It?

What is the Duke TIP, and what is the 7th Grade Talent Search? In this article, I'll be writing about the Duke Talent Identification Program, also known as Duke TIP, also known as the Duke TIP Program. The Duke TIP is a conglomeration of multiple subprograms, one of which is the 7th Grade Talent Search.

2021 UPDATE: Duke Revamping the TIP Program

After cancelling the summer residential 2020 programs as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, in March 2021 Duke announced that it is transitioning and reimagining its TIP program.

Table of Contents

What Is The Duke TIP 7 th Grade Talent Search? What Do Kids Do During TIP?

What Is The Duke TIP 7 th Grade Talent Search? And What Do Kids Do During It?

Since there is so much to say about the Duke TIP 7 th Grade Talent Search, I've broken it down into who, what, where, and when (the why and the how get their own separate sections).

Why Should You Apply For The Duke TIP 7 th Grade Talent Search?

So what do students get out of the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search? One perk is the opportunity to take what Duke calls 'above-level' tests (that is, you take the SAT or ACT before you're in high school) and compare your results with similarly gifted peers.

How Do I Apply To The Duke TIP 7 th Grade Talent Search?

So after reading all this information, you've been inspired to apply to the 7 th Grade Talent Search, and need instructions. Or maybe you already were inspired, but didn't know how. Either way, I've done the research for you. Read on for instructions on how you can qualify for the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search, and how to apply.

Logistics: Cost

Now you know what the 7 th Grade Talent Search is, why you should do it, and how to apply. What follows are a few more details that might be useful about the cost of the 7th Grade Talent Search.

by Emily Brehe-Gunter

Duke University’s long standing national Academic Talent Search program (Duke TIP as it has previously been known) has permanently ended.

Why Is Duke TIP Cancelled?

According to The Chronicle, the end to Duke TIP was “a direct result of COVID-19.” After the forced cancellation of the 2020 TIP summer sessions, the program was left in an “unsustainable financial position.”

Who Is Affected By This Change?

Many of our academically talented 7th and 8th grade students participated in the Duke Talent Search Program. This would involve students taking the ACT® or SAT® tests in middle school to see how they performed compared to their peers.

What Should We Do Now?

We know that it’s important for any gifted and talented student to feel challenged and engaged in order to grow.

Enrichment Opportunities for Middle School Students

There are endless opportunities for middle school students to challenge themselves outside of the classroom. These options include contests, day camps, weekend camps, summer programs, and mentorship opportunities.

How does the Duke Tip Program work?

Since its inception in 1980, the Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) has assessed, recognized, and rewarded academically-gifted children in grades 4-12. While the 7th Grade Talent Search is perhaps the most well-known program, Duke TIP also identifies gifted students at several grade levels.

What about other academic talent search programs?

Duke TIP isn’t the only academic talent search program out there. Many other university and private programs exist. Most have a minimum GPA requirement, and require nomination by a teacher, counselor, or program alum, while some students are identified through the College Board (PSAT/SAT/AP) or the ACT, or through self-nominations.

Benefits of Academic Talent Search Programs

Academic talent search programs can provide many benefits to students. Some of these include:

Potential Drawbacks of Programs like Duke TIP

But while there are many benefits of these types of programs, there are also a few drawbacks and things to consider when looking to participate in these programs.

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What did I say when I saw the first picture of my son at Davidson College?

When I saw the first photo of our son at Davidson College, I heaved a sigh of relief. “He’s wearing different clothes than we sent him in,” I said. “At least he’s changing his clothes”.

What happens when you are gifted and talented?

Most of the kids at your school will likely not also be gifted and talented; as such, you might find it difficult to make friends who have the same interests. By going to Duke TIP, you will meet a lot of other kids who are into similar things as you. Many students who attend Duke TIP feel that they have found “their people”. Our son was surprised (but maybe not so surprised) to learn that about half of the kids he met at Duke TIP knew how to solve the Rubik’s Cube.

Did Duke TIP have tests?

Here’s something that I thought was a positive thing. At Duke TIP, there were no tests, no final exams. Students were not given letter grades. There was no homework after class, so students could participate in the various extracurricular activities (sports, games, dances, and so on) that were offered by the program.
