what font size should i use in my storyline course

by Myrtis Ernser 4 min read

"They" say size doesn't matter, but in the case of eLearning it does. At least when it comes to the iPad App. If you want your Storyline course to fit nicely on an iPad (iOS), your Story Size needs a 4:3 ratio. This 4:3 ratio is the default in Storyline, which is 720 X 540.

Full Answer

What is the best font size for a poster title?

Dec 29, 2013 · I am encountering an issue with consistent font size in Articulate Storyline. My font sizes are all set up correctly but the size varies depending on the actual size of the text box. For example, size 16 font can look like size 10 or size 30 font, depending on the size of …

What is the best resolution for a storyline screen?

Oct 14, 2020 · You can increase the font size up to 200% in your player settings. Go to the Home tab on the Storyline ribbon and click Player. When the player properties window opens, click Colors & Effects on the ribbon. Enter a percentage in the Player font size field. Click OK. Provide Text-Based Alternatives for Animations

How do I change the size of a story in storyline?

Jun 25, 2013 · And I probably wouldn’t use that font and that size for a real course. Generally for body text, you want a font that is legible. You can do a search for online fonts and find a lot of examples and discussion. Arial and Verdana are popular san serif fonts. Georgia is a good serif font. Fonts generally represent the text that’s read and the aesthetic.

What size should my Story size be on an iPad?

May 18, 2021 · Just create your course and publish. It’s that easy! Existing Storyline 360 Projects Use Classic Text. Existing projects that use classic text will continue to do so, but you can easily upgrade text. Just open your project, go to the Design tab on the Storyline ribbon, click Fonts, and select Upgrade Project Text. This upgrades project text ...

Use Images and Videos That Don't Need to Be Resized

Start with high-quality images and videos that are already properly sized for your course. Scaling media up or down in your course can cause blurriness, especially if your images and videos have text.

Adjust the Compression Settings in Storyline

You can adjust the compression settings Storyline uses for videos and JPG images when you publish your course. Just click the Quality property in the publishing wizard, then drag the Video quality and Image quality sliders to the right to increase the publish quality.

Lock the Storyline Player at Optimal Size

If you're using the classic player style, you can reduce the potential for blurry images by locking the player at optimal size, which is your slide size plus some additional width and height to accommodate the player frame. Here's how:

How to increase font size in Storyline?

You can increase the font size up to 200% in your player settings. Go to the Home tab on the Storyline ribbon and click Player. When the player properties window opens, click Colors & Effects on the ribbon. Enter a percentage in the Player font size field.

How to write alt text?

Here are some tips for writing good alt text (excerpted from page 8 of our accessibility e-book ): 1 Convey the same content and information presented by the object or image. 2 Be concise without skimping on relevant information. 3 Convey only information not already captured in other on‑screen text. 4 Avoid the phrases "image of" and "graphic of" and just provide the information the learner needs. 5 Avoid abbreviations and excessive punctuation. Don’t use punctuation such as ***, which screen readers will annoyingly read as "asterisk, asterisk, asterisk."

What is visual impairment?

Visual impairments cover a wide spectrum, including low vision, color blindness, and total blindness. It could also include learners who find it difficult to read on-screen text due to learning disabilities or because the course language is a second language for them.

Can you use drag and drop in a course?

Drag-and-drop interactions require a mouse for navigation, making them difficult or impossible to use for mobility-impaired learners. If you add them to your course , provide text-based or keyboard-controlled alternatives. For example, you might use a different type of interaction that's keyboard-accessible, such as a matching question or a slider interaction. You could also give learners a detailed text description of the information they need to know from the interaction.

Is there a font that is easier to read?

However, there are fonts that are easier to read so that helps if you have lots of text. Some of that has changed over the years as the computer screens have gotten better. Jane Brotchie. June 26th, 2013.

Can you pair fonts that look the same?

The last rule is to avoid pairing fonts that look the same or very similar. Fonts have a lot of subtle differences. By selecting contrasting fonts, you can play off of the differences. However, if you select fonts that look too much alike, then you introduce a discordant look.

New Storyline 360 Projects Use Modern Text

New projects no longer have the classic text option and use modern text by default, so you don’t have to do any extra work. Just create your course and publish. It’s that easy!

Existing Storyline 360 Projects Use Classic Text

Existing projects that use classic text will continue to do so, but you can easily upgrade text. Just open your project, go to the Design tab on the Storyline ribbon, click Fonts, and select Upgrade Project Text. This upgrades project text all at once and saves a backup copy of the project file with the original settings at the same time.
