what does v mean in course schedule

by Dejah Schroeder 8 min read

For V class tickets, the fare type is a series of letters and numbers beginning with the letter V and are codes that associate the fare with certain restrictions. These restrictions might be regarding weekday versus weekend travel, minimum and maximum stays, advance purchase or refund ability.

Full Answer

What is a V class ticket?

V class tickets also carry a booking class code indicated in a separate class box. Entered in the box as a V, this code determines the priority of sale in a sophisticated inventory management system and determines its availability when shopping for a flight.

What is a V code on a flight ticket?

Entered in the box as a V, this code determines the priority of sale in a sophisticated inventory management system and determines its availability when shopping for a flight. Booking class codes are assigned a variety of letters, then are prioritized according to the revenue generated for the airline.

How do you determine the appropriate schedule type to use?

Often, the relationship between the expected learning outcome for a particular organizational part, and the number of class hours or credit hours associated with it, will define the appropriate schedule type to be used.

What do the suffixes mean in course numbers?

A course number may have a suffix denoting the level or type of course. Credit for the course is earned by examination. Contact the department offering the course for the exam date.

What are the abbreviations for college classes?

Course AbbreviationsBIOL – Biology.BLW – Business Law.BUS – Business.CEP – Counseling Educational Psychology.CH – Core Humanities.CHEM – Chemistry.CHS – Community Health Science.COM – Communications.More items...

What is the abbreviation for course?

Abbreviation for Course:21CRSCourse Aviation, Architecture, Construction8CrseCourse + 1 Locations, Technology, Universities1C rse RSECourse Engineering, Construction, Drawings5crsCourse Navigation5csecourse + 1 WW23 more rows

What does C mean after a course?

concurrentWhat does the C mean before a course number? A “C” in front of a course number stands for 'concurrent'. This is when an undergraduate and graduate level course is taught at the same time.

What does S mean on class schedule?

SaturdayM=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday. You may hover your mouse over the abbreviations on our Class Schedule to view a specific class' days.

What does S mean for college classes?

Changing the grading basis of a class to S/U means that if you earn a C- or better in a class, the grade that will show up on your transcript will be an S. You will earn credit for the class, but the S grade will not impact your GPA. If you earn a D+ or below in that class, you would earn a U.

What does R mean on a college class schedule?

The abbreviation for the days of the week are: T = Tuesday. W = Wednesday. R = Thursday.

What does V mean in grades?

No credit earned. The "V" grade is used when a student audits a course. The following grades are used in the cases indicated and are not be included in the calculation of grade-point average (GPA): Grades.

What does W mean in college?

withdrawStudents may withdraw from a course with any of the following grades: Withdraw (W), Withdraw Pass (WP), Withdraw Fail (WF). A grade of W indicates that the student withdrew from a class with no effect to the student's GPA.

Is a Wu worse than an F?

Withdrawal Unauthorized (WU) For purposes of grade point average and progress point computation this symbol is equivalent to an “F.” The instructor must report the last known date of attendance by the student.

What does IV stand for in school?

But what is a Title IV school? A school designated as Title IV is a higher education institution that processes U.S. federal student aid. These schools can be public, private nonprofit and proprietary, and are guided by the rules and criteria set by the Higher Education Act (HEA).

What does Wi mean in college?

The initials WI stand for Writing Intensive. This is also a code which is attached to a course title built into Banner as each semester's course schedule is created.

What does RF mean in college?

Various schools have been using radio-frequency identification technology to record and monitor students.

What is lecture course?

A lecture course consists of classes that meet weekly for a specified number of hours; instruction is delivered in a lecture setting. Brings together a group of students to discuss topics of interest under the direction of a instructor or discussion leader. Often used interchangeably with workshop, institute, or study group.

What is an act in college?

ACT. Activity. Activity during which the student learns a sport, trade, hobby, or other skill through hands-on practice.

What is independent study?

Independent Study. A self-directed approach to the acquisition of knowledge and/or competence in which a student plans and carries out learning activities on his /her own , carried out under the guidance of an instructor . Student works independently.

What is an internship course?

An internship course usually involves a career-related or civic engagement learning experience of limited duration in which an individual takes on responsible roles outside of the traditional university environment where training and supervision are included: in a nonprofit organization , a government office, or a private, for-profit business.

What does the number 1-9 mean in horse racing?

Numbers 1 - 9 indicate the horse’s finishing position if it finished in the top nine. The number 0 indicates that horse didn’t finish in the top nine. The – symbol indicates a break between seasons in one calendar year, or that two races on either side of it took place in different years.

How many races does horse form show?

Horse form only shows up to the six most recent races run by a horse. This means that for horses just starting their careers, the form will show all their races. However, for the majority of horses it is only an indication of their last six results.

What is quick form horse racing?

The most important thing to understand about quick form is that it is designed to give you an overview of each horse in a field and is usually not enough, by itself, to select a horse to bet on.

Why do you use a letter instead of a number in a horse race card?

These letters appear more frequently on National Hunt race cards because it is not unusual for jumps racehorses to fail to complete a race .

What is an instructional activity?

Instructional activities in settings providing specialized facilities or equipment for students to master the subject matter either by performing experiments or practicing the skills being learned. The instructor generally supervises, assists, answers questions, etc., rather than making presentations.

What is WSCH in school?

Many of the definitions refer to weekly student class hours (WSCH) or credit hours that are associated with the type of instruction. Often, the relationship between the expected learning outcome for a particular organizational part, and the number of class hours or credit hours associated with it, will define the appropriate schedule type ...

What is non directed study?

This major category includes those instructional situations where the student is expected to conduct various activities on a fairly regular basis independent of any contact with an instructor. However, physical resources, usually specialized, are required to conduct these activities.

Why is it necessary to divide classes into organizational parts?

In order to facilitate the planning for and scheduling of classes to accommodate these multiple types of instruction, it is necessary to divide courses into organizational parts which reflect the unique combinations ...

What is individual instruction?

Individualized instruction. Hours taken as part of a student's individual research project, generally in preparation for a written presentation of research results and required for completion of a specific degree program or special distinction in that program. Internship. INT.

What is an instructor led course?

Instructor-led course, usually credit-bearing. Research directed all or in part by student (s) with instructor supervision. An instructor-led course, usually credit-bearing, with a small number of students collectively exploring a topic or field of study. May be directed all or in part by the enrolled students.

What is V class?

Although class designators vary from airline to airline, V class is almost always associated with a discounted economy fare. Besides origin and destination cities, flight numbers and departure times, airline tickets show a fare type. For V class tickets, the fare type is a series of letters and numbers beginning with the letter V and are codes that associate the fare with certain restrictions. These restrictions might be regarding weekday versus weekend travel, minimum and maximum stays, advance purchase or refund ability. V class tickets also might limit flight changes or require payment of a fee to do so. Tickets also might restrict advance seat assignment.

What is the Y class code on a flight?

The higher-priced, full-fare economy ticket generally carries a Y booking class code and will be available until all seats have been sold. Tickets associated with a V class booking code might be sold out even though many seats remain on the flight because the airline feels the remaining seats will garner a higher fare.

What is business class on a plane?

According to the same report, published in 2006 and updated in 2011, business class typically accounts for the lion's share of an airline's income on a given flight, with far more seats per plane than in first class.


Non-Laboratory Class Instruction

  • These instructional settings are defined when the subject matter is primarily delivered by the instructor or a fellow student’s verbal or visual presentation rather than through the student’s own active practice or experimentation. Instruction is usually conducted in general-purpose classroom facilities, including lecture halls and seminar rooms. N...
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Laboratory Class Instruction

  • Instructional activities in settings providing specialized facilities or equipment for students to master the subject matter either by performing experiments or practicing the skills being learned. The instructor generally supervises, assists, answers questions, etc., rather than making presentations. Examples: science laboratories, computer laboratories, private lessons, auto-tuto…
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Independent Study

  • This major category includes those instructional situations where students work largely on their own initiative, and contact with an instructor is usually quite infrequent and irregular compared with that in the Organized Class Instruction category above. Instruction may be individualized or in small groups as determined by the instructor. Normally, no pre-defined meeting times are associ…
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Non-Directed Study

  • This major category includes those instructional situations where the student is expected to conduct various activities on a fairly regular basis independent of any contact with an instructor. However, physical resources, usually specialized, are required to conduct these activities. In some cases, these activities are essentially equivalent to homework for traditional classes. Examples: …
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