Social Class refers to divisions in society based on economic and social status. People in the same social class typically share a similar level of wealth, educational achievement, type of job and income.
social class, also called class, a group of people within a society who possess the same socioeconomic status. Besides being important in social theory, the concept of class as a collection of individuals sharing similar economic circumstances has been widely used in censuses and in studies of social mobility.
Six social classes were identified in this work: upper-upper, lower-upper, upper- middle, lower-middle, upper-lower, and lower-lower. This view of the status system crossed over into marketing in the 1950s, and has been forwarded almost intact ever since, although in recent years its currency has been questioned.
Types of social classesThe lower class: The lower classes are classified by homelessness, poverty and or unemployment. ... The Working Class: The working class are the minimally educated people who are engaged in many works which may or may not have prestige. ... The middle class: ... The Upper class:
Membership in a social class can for example be dependent on education, wealth, occupation, income, and belonging to a particular subculture or social network.
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Individuals who come from a higher socioeconomic status, on the other hand, will have a higher probability of success in their careers and will be better prepared for the work environment because of their access to such things as career guidance counselors, better schools and higher quality education.
Social Classes Social perception is a very important attribute that influences the buying behavior of an individual. Example − A person from a low-income group may focus on price while making the purchase while a person from a higher income group may consider the quality and uniqueness of the product.
Researchers generally agree that the population of the United States can be divided into the upper, middle, working and lower class.
Gallup has, for a number of years, asked Americans to place themselves -- without any guidance -- into five social classes: upper, upper-middle, middle, working and lower. These five class labels are representative of the general approach used in popular language and by researchers.
The hierarchical aspect of social class is important to marketers. Consumers may prefer to purchase products favored by their own or higher social class (e.g. imported luxury automobiles). Consumers may avoid certain products because they perceive the products to be lower class products.
Social classes provide their members with distinctive sub-cultures that prepare them for specialised functions in society. It is said that the social class is useful as an efficient means of role allocation in the society. Through role allocation, a society fixes social responsibilities of persons.