what does the section mean after the course uc davis

by Dr. Candida Hills 3 min read

What if the course section does not have seats available?

If the course section does not have seats available, or if the section switch occurs after the add and/or drop deadlines, undergraduate students use the Undergraduate Course Change form to request the add and drop of the same course. Section Switches after the drop and/or add deadline should not be processed by obtaining a PTA and PTD number.

What is a passed or not passed course at Davis University?

Not more than one-third of the units taken in residence on the Davis campus and presented for graduation by an undergraduate student may be in courses taken on a Passed or Not Passed basis, including courses graded in accordance with Davis Division Regulations A545 (C) and A545 (D).

Can I switch sections of the same course after the deadline?

If you are attempting to switch sections of the same course after the add/drop deadline, approval from the instructor is required to add the new section. To drop the old section of the course, approval from your program graduate advisor with signature authority and the dean of Graduate Studies is required.

What is the honors box on the UC application form?

The honors box on the UC application form is used to designate a course for which an extra grade point is awarded for a letter grade of C or better. There are four different types of honors courses: Advanced Placement (AP) Designated International Baccalaureate (IB) courses; College courses (CL); applies only to UC-transferable college courses

How do you change sections in UC Davis?

Using the Undergraduate Course Change form, students obtain permission and signature of instructor for the course and sections they are attempting to switch, and submit the completed form to the Office of the University Registrar, in 3100 Dutton Hall, during business hours, M-F 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (PT).

What happens if you fail a class in college UC Davis?

Repeated course units excluded in a student's GPA is removed from the number of units attempted, as well as balance points so in computing the GPA, only the grade and corresponding grade points earned the second time a course is taken are used.

Is a C passing UC Davis?

Definition of Grades & Marks The work of each student shall be reported in terms of the following grades: A (excellent), B (good), C (fair), D (poor), F (failure), I (incomplete), and IP (in progress).

What is considered upper division UC Davis?

UC Davis offers over 300 lower division courses that are appropriate for new students. Lower division courses are numbered 1-99. Upper division courses are 100-199 and are generally taken beginning in third year.

Is a 72 AC minus?

Traditionally, the grades are A+, A, A−, B+, B, B−, C+, C, C−, D+, D, D− and F, with A+ being the highest and F being lowest. In some cases, grades can also be numerical....Grade conversion.Letter GradePercentageGPAC+77–79%2.3C73–76%2.0C−70–72%1.7D+67–69%1.39 more rows

What happens if I fail a class twice UC Davis?

When a course is repeated, it will be notated as either being "REPEATED, INCLUDED IN GPA" or "REPEATED, EXCLUDED FROM GPA." Repeated course units that are excluded in a student's GPA will be removed from the number of units attempted; the balance points will also be removed.

What is a B+ at UC Davis?

B+ 3.300. B 3.000 "Good" B- 2.700.

Will an incomplete affect my GPA?

Incomplete Courses The following are not considered passing grades: F, NC, WU, or W. Incomplete (I) grades are not included in the GPA calculation and are considered a noncompletion of attempted coursework until the grade is replaced with a permanent grade and academic progress can be re-evaluated.

What is an incomplete class?

An Incomplete (I) grade may be issued for a course in which a substantial portion of the course work has been satisfactorily but not entirely completed as of the end of the semester.

What does upper Freshman mean?

Upper Freshman: 15–29.9 credits. Lower Sophomore: 30–44.9 credits. Upper Sophomore: 45–59.9 credits. Lower Junior: 60–74.9 credits. Upper Junior: 75–89.9 credits.

What means senior standing?

Senior standing means one year or less of credit hours remaining in order to meet high school graduation requirements.

What does upper division standing mean?

An undergraduate student with 90 or more cumulative units is considered to have Upper Division Standing.

Variable Unit Change

Students may modify the number of units of a variable-unit course by the 25th day of instruction. Obtain permission from the instructor and using Schedule Builder:

Grading Variance Change

Students can reinstate the original grade mode for Grading Variance courses by completing the Undergraduate Course Change form by the 25th day of instruction.

Where to find UC transferable courses?

UC-transferable courses taken at a CCC can be found on Assist.org under the “College courses taken while in high school” section.

What is the honors box on UC application?

The honors box on the UC application form is used to designate a course for which an extra grade point is awarded for a letter grade of C or better. There are four different types of honors courses:

What is the academic record for UC?

Your academic record is the core of your application. It’s important to report all your UC-approved college preparatory coursework — whether taken at a high school or college — completely and accurately. Include courses in which you have enrolled, regardless of grades, transferability, withdrawal or if they were repeated.

What to do if you didn't take a CCC?

If college/university courses were not taken at a CCC, enter each course and grade earned as it appears on the official academic record from the college/university attended.

Can you get extra grade points for honors in high school?

Only UC-approved courses that are listed as honors are eligible to receive an extra grade point.

Do you add college information after high school?

If any college/university-level courses were completed while in high school, add the college information after the high school information.

Do non-residents need to check honors box?

Nonresident applicants should check the box for both AP, IB and UC-transferable college courses—you should mark the honors box (AP, IB, CL) as appropriate for all of the above.

When to change unit value of a course?

To change the unit value of a course after the 25th day of instruction, but on or before the last day of instruction, approval of a graduate advisor with signature authority and the dean of Graduate Studies is required.

How to drop a course in graduate studies?

To drop the course of the old section a graduate advisor with signature authority must endorse the Permission to Drop Petition Form. Submit the petition to drop form to the Graduate Studies for dean's approval. If permission is granted, Graduate Studies will issue a PTD number.

What is a graduate advisor's permission to drop petition?

A graduate advisor with signature authority must endorse the Permission to Drop Petition Form. Submit the form to Graduate Studies for Dean's approval. If permission is granted, Graduate Studies will issue a PTD number.

How to add a course after the PTA deadline?

To add a course after the PTA deadline, submit a Retroactive Change Petition.

What happens if you don't show up for a waitlist class?

Registered students or those rolled from a waitlist who do not show up or who do not submit any work for a class will receive a failing grade. All students are responsible for reviewing their course schedule and should check and adjust their schedule accordingly during the designated registration and schedule adjustment periods.

How to drop a course after add/drop deadline?

If you are attempting to switch sections of the same course after the add/drop deadline, approval from the instructor is required to add the new section. To drop the old section of the course, approval from your program graduate advisor with signature authority and the dean of Graduate Studies is required.

When does Schedule Builder shut down?

The Schedule Builder registration system shuts down at this time for students not enrolled in any courses for the current term.

When are provisional grades replaced with final grades?

Provisional grades shall be replaced by final grades if the student completes the full sequence. The student may receive final grades, grade points, and unit credit for completed terms when he or she has not completed the entire sequence if the instructor certifies that the course was not completed for good cause.

What happens if a student does not complete the work and file the petition by the end of the third term of?

If a student does not complete the work and file the petition by the end of the third term of enrollment succeeding the term in which the I grade was assigned , the I changes to an F, NP, or U.

What is an incomplete grade?

The grade Incomplete shall be assigned only when the student’s completed work (judged by itself and not in relation to the work required to pass the course as a whole) is of passing quality and represents a significant portion of the requirements for a final grade, but is incomplete for good cause as determined by the instructor. "Good cause" may include illness, serious personal problems, an accident, a death in the immediate family, a large and necessary increase in working hours, or other situations deemed to be of equal gravity. The student is entitled to replace this grade by a passing grade and to receive appropriate grade points and unit credit provided he or she satisfactorily completes the work of the course in a way specified by the instructor before the end of the third succeeding term of the student’s academic residence as defined in Regulations of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate 610. If a degree is conferred upon the student before the expiration of the time limit for conversion, the time limit for conversion for the graduated student shall be the end of the third regular term succeeding the term in which the Incomplete grade was assigned. If the time limit for conversion expires before a degree is conferred upon the student and the Incomplete grade has not been replaced, the grade shall revert to an F, a Not Passed, or an Unsatisfactory, depending on the grading system in effect in the particular instance. If the time limit expires after a degree has been conferred and the Incomplete grade has not been replaced, the Incomplete grade shall remain on the student’s record. If the degree has not been conferred, and the work has not been completed before the end of the term three calendar years after the grade Incomplete has been assigned, and during which the student has not been in academic residence as defined in Regulations of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate 610, the grade Incomplete shall remain on the student’s record, unless the course is repeated. This time limit for the completion of courses assigned the grade Incomplete shall apply to all and only those courses in which the grade Incomplete is assigned on or after September 1, 2010.

What is deferred grade?

Deferred grading is used for a series of courses where the student should receive the total number of units for each course in the series at the end. When the grade is submitted after completion of the final course, that grade will roll back to the previous courses and the student will receive credit for the total number of units. For example, if a student completes a series of courses, 100A-100B-100C, where 100A and 100B have deferred grading, and each course is worth 4 units, the student will receive 12 units of credit after completing 100C.

How many points per unit is A+?

The grade of A+ shall be assigned 4.0 grade points per unit, the same as for an unsuffixed A; but when A+ is reported it represents extraordinary achievement.

What is multi term grading?

Multi-term grading is typically used for a single course that spans multiple terms; the student earns credit only once upon completion of the course. The student must enroll in the course in each term to complete the course. For example, course 101 is taught over three terms and carries 3 units of credit. A student enrolls in course 101 in fall, ...

How to change mode of grading?

Instructors may request a change in the mode of grading for a course through the Academic Senate’s Committee on Courses of Instruction. Requests for a grading variance must include the course number, section, and title; the term; the CRN; and an explanation of the request.

What is repeating course on transcript?

Repeated courses are annotated on the transcript as either being “REPEATED, INCLUDED IN GPA” for the second time a course is taken and “REPEATED, EXCLUDED FROM GPA” the first time the course is taken .

How many units can you repeat in a college?

Undergraduate students are permitted to repeat and replace up to 16 units. Undergraduate students may only repeat courses in which they received a letter grade of D+ or below, or Not Passed, and I under certain situations ( DD Reg A540.F ). Courses in which a letter grade of D or F was received may not be repeated on a P/NP grading basis. Courses in which a grade of NP was received may be repeated on a P/NP or letter graded basis.

Can you repeat a course on a letter graded basis?

Courses in which a grade of U was received may be repeated on an S/U basis or letter graded basis. Degree credit for a repeated course is be given only once, but the grades assigned for both the first and second time a course is taken appear on the student’s transcript.

Can you repeat a course in a graduate school?

Graduate students may repeat any course in which they received a C , D, F or U, up to a maximum of three courses repeated ( DD Reg A540F). Please note: this policy change went into effect Sept. 1, 2011. Prior to Sept. 1, 2011, Graduate Students could only repeat a maximum of 9 units for all courses. Courses in which a letter grade of C, D or F has been earned may not be repeated on an S/U basis. Courses in which a grade of U was received may be repeated on an S/U basis or letter graded basis.

Can you repeat a course more than once?

Repeating a course more than once requires approval by the appropriate college dean for undergraduate students or Graduate Studies for graduate students. Departments may restrict the repetition of a course if it is a prerequisite to a course the student has already completed with a grade of C– or better.

Can you repeat calculus?

Prior to Fall 2010, the Mathematics Department allowed students to repeat a grade of less than C- in certain courses from one of the three calculus sequences with a specified course from a different sequence. Effective Fall 2010, students wishing to repeat a grade of less than a C- in Math 016ABC, 017ABC, and 021ABC, may do so only by retaking the same course. This repeat policy applies uniformly to all Mathematics courses unless otherwise stated in the General Catalog.

Can a course be repeated for credit?

Some courses are repeatable for credit if the content of the current course enrollment differs from that of the previous enrollment or may be repeated for credit for a limited number of units or number of times enrolled in the course. If a course is approved to be repeated for credit, the description of the course as published in ...

Where are college course restrictions listed?

College course restrictions are listed in Schedule Builder and in the Class Search Tool. Some restrictions may be added late at the request of the department offering the course. Please note most course restrictions are removed starting with Pass Two registration.

How long is a FRS section restricted?

If the restriction is waived, the department can issue you a PTA number. All Freshman Seminar (FRS) sections are restricted to freshmen until after Pass Two.

What is a student level restriction?

A student-level restriction refers to undergraduate, second baccalaureate, graduate, etc. Some restrictions may be added late at the request of the department offering the course. Please note most course restrictions are removed starting with Pass Two registration.

What is class level in a class?

Class-level course restrictions are listed in Schedule Builder and in the Class Search Tool. A class-level refers to freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, etc. Some restrictions may be added late at the request of the department offering the course. Please note most course restrictions are removed starting with Pass Two registration.

Can you add a course that conflicts with another course on your schedule?

If the restriction is waived, the department can issue you a PTA number. Schedule Builder does not allow you to add a course that conflicts with another course on your schedule. If you wish to add a course that has a time conflict with another course in your schedule, you need to obtain permission from the instructors of both courses involved in ...

Can you enroll in illegal repeat courses?

Undergraduate students will be prevented from enrolling in courses that are considered an illegal repeat. Please review the information for the specific illegal repeat error; you may be eligible to enroll after you have resolved a pending grade or obtain appropriate approval.

Can you enroll in more than one section of a course?

You may not enroll in more than one section of a course or a course equivalent, including cross-listed courses.


Adding Classes

Adding After The Deadline - Permission to Add

  • Departments generate PTA numbers for their courses and each PTA number is a unique, randomly-generated four-digit number associated with the course registration number (CRN). Each PTA number is to be assigned to a specific student using the student's ID number and can be used only once. A $3.00 fee is charged to the student account for late actions. PTA's are prov…
See more on registrar.ucdavis.edu

Dropping Classes

  • Undergraduate and graduate courses scheduled in the quarter terms are designated using the day of instruction as either a 10-day or 20-day drop course. See the Quarter Dates & Deadlines Calendarfor the drop dates each quarter. For Graduate programs or Professional Schools that schedule classes in the semester terms, see the program or professional school calendar.
See more on registrar.ucdavis.edu

Dropping After The Deadline - Permission to Drop

  • At any time after the add deadline and before the close of business on the last day of instruction for the term, approval may be granted upon petition by the student and certification by an appropriate authority that, due to unexpected circumstances beyond the student’s control, one or more courses should be dropped. For the full text see Regulations of the Davis Division of the Ac…
See more on registrar.ucdavis.edu

Add & Drop of The Same Course - Section Switch

  • Before the add and drop deadlines, students can use the "Swap Section/Course" function to switch from one section to another section of the same course by using Schedule Builder provided the desired section has seats available in the section they wish to add. If the course section does not have seats available, or if the section switch occurs after...
See more on registrar.ucdavis.edu