what does the defensive driving course do in ca?

by Telly Kris 3 min read

Even people with a lousy driving record can find affordable car insurance—and a defensive driving course is a great place to start. Key Takeaway By completing a defensive driving course, you can remove points from your record and lower your car insurance premium.Oct 14, 2021

How many months does a defensive driving course take off?

This 9 hour defensive driving course is for Restricted or Learner Licence holders. Once completed it takes 6 months off their Restricted Licence time.

How long is defensive driving course California?

2.5-hourDefensive Driver Training Online A 2.5-hour course designed as a catalyst to stimulate drivers to think in terms of minimizing their risks in order to survive in today's highway transportation system.

How much is defensive driving course in CA?

Save money with a defensive driving insurance discount. Refresh and improve your road knowledge to become a more confident driver. 24/7 Online access for anytime, anywhere learning. All course features available for only $24.95.

Is defensive driving course good?

The short answer is yes, defensive driving courses are worth the money. Defensive driving courses give drivers a new perspective on viewing the road. They help drivers identify dangerous situations before they unfold. Defensive drivers can determine and mitigate risky behavior from other drivers.Mar 6, 2021

Does defensive driving lower insurance in California?

Key Takeaway By completing a defensive driving course, you can remove points from your record and lower your car insurance premium.Oct 14, 2021

Which defensive driving course is easiest?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Does California offer defensive driving?

The state of California allows you to complete a defensive driving course to avoid marks on your record. This article will be your guide on everything you need to know about California Traffic School. Our course helps you learn quickly and easily, using state-specific questions and easy-to-understand answers.Dec 7, 2021

Is Idrivesafely CA DMV approved?

I Drive Safely's California traffic school courses are fully licensed by the California DMV and meet all state requirements in safety and education. Our course is available throughout the state, spanning counties such as: Alameda. Butte.

What is defensive driving course online?

Defensive Driving Course Online (4-hour and 2-hour course) The course presents real-life driving situations, hazard recognition scenarios and defensive driving techniques to motivate drivers to change risky driving habits and behaviors to avoid collisions and traffic violations.

What are defensive driving courses?

Defensive driving is a particular style of road driving that utilises a variety of techniques and tactics to keep you and everybody else safe on the road. By attending a defensive driving course, you will learn how to minimise the risk of being involved in an accident.

Which online defensive driving course is best?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... IDriveSafely.com has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a DriversEd.com Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•Dec 21, 2021

What are the 3 basic principles of defensive driving?

Find out more.3 Basic Techniques. BLR's Interactive CD Course: Defensive Driving highlights three basic defensive techniques that can help employees avoid the majority of traffic accidents.Two-second rule. Stay at least two seconds behind the driver in front. ... Pass to stay alive. ... Keep cool and alert in traffic.May 11, 2009

What is DriveSafe online?

DriveSafe Online courses merge unique graphics and animations, interactive scenarios with narrated stories and video demonstrations—including in-car and drone footage—to deliver safe driving information like no other online defensive driving course available today.

Does California have a point off your driving record?

Yes. According to California guidelines, when you complete traffic school for a qualifying violation before the due date, the point should not appear on your driving record. Keep in mind that completing traffic school only keeps a point off your record.

What Our Students Say

It was great. The videos made sure I didn’t get bored with the material and kept me focused on learning.

California Defensive Driving Done Right

There's no need to stress if you've received a California traffic ticket - I Drive Safely is here to help! We know that getting a citation can be a hassle, and we want to make things easier on you.

What to look for in a defensive driving course?

1) The California online defensive driving course should be licensed by the DMV and accepted by all courts. Be wary of national providers that may not be licensed in California. The last thing you want to be doing is to spending your entire day earning a traffic school certificate ...

Can you take points off your driving record?

Get the points taken off your driving record the easy way. Yes, you can even complete our CA defensive driving course by midnight of your due date and we will report to the DMV and court for you!

List of best cheap online defensive driving schools in California

You can take a defensive driving course at any of the traffic schools on the following list.

Can a defensive driving course remove points from my record?

If you only have a single point on your record, then attending traffic school in California could potentially remove it.

California traffic school eligibility

Traffic school isn’t quite like college, where you have to apply with a personal essay and pay tens of thousands of dollars. Nearly anyone can enroll.

Auto insurance discounts for senior drivers

Over 55 years old? You can take a traffic school course to unlock a discount on your car insurance. Yes, you do have more experience than all the other drivers on the road—but you’ve also been out of driver’s school the longest. That’s why senior drivers get a discount for taking a defensive driving course and refreshing their skills.

Mature-driver improvement course providers in California

There are affordable online and in-person options in California, including the AARP’s Safe Driver course.


Defensive driving courses usually vary by state, but in California, the standard defensive driving course is 2.5 hours long plus assessment time.

Final tips

The schools mentioned in this article are DMV-approved, affordable, and they will e-file your certificate of completion to make sure you get results fast.

How long is defensive driving school?

You can choose to go in person and sit in a classroom or go to an online traffic school. Since the course is only eight hours long, an online course can save you money and time.

What do you need to know before you take California traffic school?

California Traffic School Basics. Before you take the course, there are a couple of things you need to know. This section covers everything you need to know before you begin California traffic school. The last thing you want to do after paying a fine is pay for a course you’re not eligible for.

What happens if you don't go to traffic school?

If You Don’t Go. If you don’t go to traffic school after receiving a notice or miss the deadline, there are consequences. You may have your license suspended, you may have to pay additional insurance fees, and future employers may see the violation on your background check.

How to register for traffic school?

The first step in registering for a traffic school is to pay that fee. You can do this in-person at the court, by mail, over the phone, or on the internet. After this, the court will send you (or hand it to you, if you came in person) an agreement document, ensuring you attend driving school.

What are the topics covered in the DMV?

Some of the topics that are covered are traffic laws, emergencies, vehicle maintenance, highway safety, and information about alcohol. There is a final exam at the end of each course that you need to pass. To help you pass your test, make sure you read our DMV handbook.

What to do after paying a fine in California?

To go to defensive driving school, you must: have a valid non-commercial driver’s license in the state of California, pay all your fees to the court, and not have taken traffic school in the last 18 months.

Is defensive driving course good?

If you’ve committed a minor infraction, you don’t need to worry about it forever. Whether in person or online, a defensive driving course is a good way to save you money and legal troubles.

What is a defensive driving course?

Traffic schools, or defensive driving courses, are approved and licensed by the California Department of Motor Vehicles ( DMV). They are available to you if you've received a moving traffic violation or want to earn a discount on your car insurance. If you've received a traffic ticket, your California county traffic court may allow you ...

How long does a 55 year old driver get a safe driver discount?

If you are 55 years old or older and complete a defensive driving course for mature drivers, your car insurance company will likely apply a safe driver discount for up to 3 years. While these safe driver discounts are often aimed towards elderly and young driver, drivers of all ages may be eligible.

How long does it take to get into traffic school?

Most traffic school programs, whether completed online or in the classroom, may take about 6 hours to complete. Your course will cover topics including: Defensive driving techniques. California traffic laws. Tips to become a safer, more responsible motorist. Generally, you'll need to pass a final exam in order to complete the course.

Can you take traffic school if you have a ticket?

If you've received a traffic ticket, your California county traffic court may allow you to complete traffic school to dismiss the citation and avoid having points added to your driving record. If you decide to enroll in traffic school voluntarily, your car insurance provider may award you with a safe driver discount.

Can you take defensive driving school?

Your eligibility to take traffic school/defensive driving will depend upon your specific circumstances. Even if your traffic ticket cannot be dismissed or you will not earn a car insurance discount, traffic school can still be a beneficial investment to improve both your driving knowledge and behavior. Regardless of your reason for taking traffic ...
