May 07, 2022 · AMS - American Studies. • AMS 6002 American Lives Credit Hours: 3. • AMS 6026 Florida and Regional Studies Credit Hours: 3. • AMS 6156 Theories and Methods of Cultural Studies Credit Hours: 3. • AMS 6254 Cultural Era Credit Hours: 3. • AMS 6805 Enduring Questions in American Culture Credit Hours: 3.
ENC 1102. Ethical Reasoning and Civic Engagement. High Impact Practice. Human & Cultural Diversity (also requires two Global Citizens Project learning outcomes) Information and Data Literacy. Global Citizens Project. Global Citizens Project Course. Undergraduate Research. Undergraduate Research.
This program is offered as a Fully Online program. This Program of Study is intended to assist in the transfer advising process. Students following a transfer plan (FTACC-TR) will graduate with an Associate of Arts degree from SPC. The following requirements include State Mandated Prerequisite courses and are intended to prepare students for transfer into the Accounting …
May 07, 2022 · AFA - African-American Studies. • AFA 6108 Social Construction of Race and Racism. • AFA 6120 Social Theory and Social Thought. • AFA 6207 African American Historiography. • AFA 6355 African American Community Research: Ethnography. • AFA 6387 Seminar on Genocide and Human Rights. • AFA 6805 African Historiography.
FUSE is a program that guarantees your admission to specific University of South Florida System institution bachelor's programs after you earn your associate degree from St. Petersburg College. Save time and money by starting at SPC and transferring to USF.
transfer plan with a foundation in accounting can prepare you to work in tax preparation, financial management, bookkeeping, auditing, budgeting or accounting. The requirements shown below are valid beginning Fall 2020 (580), and may not reflect degree requirements for current students.
A student may withdraw from the university without grade penalty by the University deadline. Information on the different types of withdrawal (i.e., withdrawing from a single class – see the Drop section, an entire semester, or from the degree program itself) can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office.
Grades for transfer credits accepted toward the degree program will not be counted in the GPA unless the coursework in question was taken as a non -degree-seeking student at USF and meets the requirements stated above (see Institution Based Credit/Transfer of Credit section). Graduate Grading System.
Grade Point Average (GPA) The GPA is computed by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of graded (A-F) hours completed.