what does the author mean by sing a new song course hero

by Elenor Haag MD 8 min read

What does it mean when a song springs forth unrehearsed?

A new song springs forth unrehearsed from the heart of a worshiper who has been struck anew with wonder at the greatness of God and the salvation He has provided. When we see the mighty hand of God working in a way we’ve never observed before, we can’t help but burst forth with a song we’ve never sung before.

What does it mean to sing unto the Lord?

Singing unto the Lord a new song is the natural reaction of an individual who is newly saved and transformed by the Lord: “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD” ( Psalm 40:3, ESV ). The “new song” we sing does not have to be a newly composed worship number.

Why is Psalm 96 important?

Answer. Psalm 96 may hold the key to understanding why worship has continuously evolved throughout history, and new songs have ever been written and sung to the Lord. The psalmist declared, “O sing unto the LORD a new song: Sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name” ( Psalm 96:1–2, KJV ).
