what does the acronym sdaie stand for in the course text?

by Reyna Simonis 4 min read

Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) is a teaching approach intended for teaching various academic content (such as social studies, science or literature) using the English language to students who are still learning English.

What does SDAIE stand for in education?

SDAIE stands for Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English. SDAIE instruction is a methodology that synthesizes the best practices of content area teaching and language acquisition.Apr 11, 2016

What is SDAIE lesson plan?

SDAIE stands for Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English. SDAIE lessons are designed for children who are native speakers of a language other than English and are still below grade-level in English.Aug 3, 2020

What is ELD SDAIE?

English Language Development (ELD)

The instruction is designed to promote the effective and efficient acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of the EL student. Service is restricted to the grade level of the document. Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)

What are the six components of SDAIE?

  • Tap into prior knowledge.
  • Contextualize the lesson in a concrete, visual way… which provides scaffolding.
  • Provide a positive affective domain.
  • Teach study stills.
  • Modify the use of the material – differentiate.
  • Use performance assessments that assess student progress toward standards.

What is sheltered instruction or SDAIE?

Sheltered Instruction, also referred to as SDAIE in California, is a teaching style founded on the concept of providing meaningful instruction in the content areas (social studies, math, science) for English Language Learners (ELLs) as they work towards fluency in English.

How do scaffolding and SDAIE strategies support the ELD student?

The benefits of using scaffolding are numerous. Scaffolds help students build on prior knowledge and internalize new information. The goal of the educator when using the scaffolding teaching strategy is for the student to become an independent and self-regulating learner and problem solver.

What are SDAIE strategies?

SDAIE strategies focus on curriculum and teaching content to students, as compared to ESL curriculum, which focuses more on developing students' English language skills. Using SDAIE strategies helps teachers differentiate instruction to suit the learning needs of ELL students.

What is the difference between SDAIE and ELD instruction?

ELD: Follows a sequential process with instruction centering on current levels of proficiency in English. SDAIE: Follows grade-level content and processes.

For which level of language proficiency is SDAIE best suited?

SDAIE requires the student possess intermediate fluency in English as well as mastery of their native language.

What is scaffolding in education?

Scaffolding is breaking up the learning into chunks and providing a tool, or structure, with each chunk. When scaffolding reading, for example, you might preview the text and discuss key vocabulary, or chunk the text and then read and discuss as you go.

How do ELL students learn math?

8 Strategies for Teaching Math to English Learners
  1. Validate ELs' Prior Mathematical Knowledge. ...
  2. Provide Scaffolds to Support ELs' Understanding of Math Problems. ...
  3. Use the Same Types of Scaffolds You Use for Other Content Areas. ...
  4. Preteach Math Vocabulary. ...
  5. Present Math Problems and Concepts Visually.
Feb 14, 2020

SDAIE stands for Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English

This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories:

Samples in periodicals archive

The first phase of the learning cycle, known as engagement, might use such strategies as Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE), language buddies, and pre-assessment.

What is metacognitive development?

Metacognitive Development: Teachers equip students with the skills and vocabulary essential for learning. Modelling: Teachers can set examples for students in the language they want students to use. This includes speaking slowly and clearly, using correct vocabulary.

What is professional learning board?

Professional Learning Board is a leading provider of online professional development classes that teachers use to renew a teaching license or renew a teaching certificate.

How to teach ELL students?

Teachers following SDAIE practices help ELL students by: 1 Analyzing material from point of view of students with limited English proficiency. 2 Activating students background knowledge. 3 Presenting material and lessons orally as well as increasing the use of visuals, graphic organizers, manipulative and hands-on-learning experiences. 4 Using simple language for communicating as well as limiting the use of idioms, jargon and complex sentence structures. 5 Reinforcing learning of language along with content and curriculum. 6 Regularly assessing and monitoring student progress.

What can teachers do to help ELL students?

Teachers may also use peer interactions and student discussions to instill language and communicative skills in ELL students.

Learning English

As an English language learner in middle school, Shin Lee is finding herself faced with choosing between two different programs intended to help her with academics and in the development of her use of the English language. The two programs available at her school include ELD and SDAIE. Both programs have their merits and limitations.


The acronym ELD stands for English language development. ELD is an instructional model designed to help English language learners develop fluency in their use of the English language.


The acronym SDAIE stands for specially designed academic instruction in English. SDAIE focuses on teaching English as part of academic content (such as in Social Studies or Science classes). In most cases, instruction is designed so that students are able to receive support in their primary language as they access English in their academics.