Below are some of the commonly used abbreviations on class schedules. Days of the Week M = Monday T = Tuesday
Sep 07, 2018 · T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday. Abbreviations can be combined. For example: TR means the class meets on Tuesday and Thursday every week. MWF means the class meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.-----Section codes. The 2- or 3-digit number after the course code is the section number or code for the course.
WB = Web Course (Asynchronous): Does not meet at regular dates and times. The course may have a regular schedule and pre-established deadlines. While not every course has requirements for proctored exams, your instructor may require you to come to campus or make arrangements with a proctoring center to take proctored exams.
COURSE TITLE Describes the class. MEETING TIME Most classes meet three times a week for an hour, two times a week for an hour and a half, or once a week for three hours. MEETING DAYS M Monday T Tuesday W Wednesday R Thursday F Friday S Saturday U Sunday LOCATION Online Downtown Campus LSC-CyFair LSC-Kingwood LSC-Atascocita Ctr. UHD-Northwest UH ...
Each semester and summer session, the Registrar's Office publishes a schedule of classes offered during the current or upcoming semester. Detailed class schedules are generally available for viewing (only) approximately 1-1/2 months prior to pre-registration, to assist students in determining course availability and planning schedules.
TuesdayM=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday.Apr 16, 2020
TuesdayThe abbreviation for the days of the week are: T = Tuesday. W = Wednesday. R = Thursday. F = Friday. S = Saturday.
Days of the Week CodesMMondayTTuesdayWWednesdayRThursdayFFriday2 more rows•Apr 12, 2013
TR means that the class meets on Tuesday and Thursday.Oct 30, 2013
Course Reference NumberCRN is an acronym for Course Reference Number. It is the number that identifies a specific section of a course being offered.Feb 1, 2022
ofcAdverb. ofc (not comparable) (Internet slang, text messaging) Abbreviation of of course.
Building Proficiency through Language (Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education) Students are able to learn best through their first language, their Mother Tongue (MT).
OL = Old Library. OM = Old Main. ONLINE = Online. ORNBOC = Orange Boces. ORNCC = Orange Community College.
= An "I" means "incomplete." An "I" is not calculated into the student's GPA, except for certain careers. An incomplete is subject to lapsing to a failing grade ("ILE", "ILF", "INC" "ILP") for certain careers. The “I” can only be removed if it is permissible according to school or college policy.Dec 15, 2004
Guide to Abbreviations Used In The Class ListingsCodeDay of WeekRThursdayFFridaySSaturdayUSunday4 more rows
Re-enroll No creditR Re-enroll No credit. Student must re-enroll in the course in order to complete the course objectives.
randomIt means random as in they can call you in at times.Feb 24, 2019
Most classes are held at TMCC's Dandini Campus (RDMT, SIER and VSTA buildings), Meadowood Center (MDWS and MDWN buildings), Applied Technology Center (EDSN), and Pennington Health Science Center (HSC). Other classes are held at various locations throughout the community. Check your class listing for location and verify the address.
Dynamic Classes are a blend of both traditional classroom instruction as well as Web-based instruction.#N#Dynamically Dated Session (DYN): a 6-14 week class.#N#Dynamic Extensive Session (DYE): a 15-week class that does not fall within the regular academic calendar, or a class that meets more than 15 weeks.#N#Dynamically Intensive Session (DYI): a class that is less than 6-weeks long and can be scheduled in any term or session.#N#Dynamic Classes can start and end at any time during, before, or after regular term dates. Pay close attention to drop and refund dates for these classes. 1 Dynamically Dated Session (DYN): a 6-14 week class. 2 Dynamic Extensive Session (DYE): a 15-week class that does not fall within the regular academic calendar, or a class that meets more than 15 weeks. 3 Dynamically Intensive Session (DYI): a class that is less than 6-weeks long and can be scheduled in any term or session. 4 Dynamic Classes can start and end at any time during, before, or after regular term dates. Pay close attention to drop and refund dates for these classes.
Corequisites are courses that must be taken at the same time as another course. For example, some science lecture courses may also require that students enroll in a lab section, such as PHYS 180 and 180L.
Other Definitions and Abbreviations. 5W1/5W2 Session (Summer): 5W1 means the class is held in the first Summer Session; 5W2 means it is held in the second Summer Session. Note that even though they are 5-weeks, their refund deadlines are treated as if they are 6-week classes.
Prerequisites are test scores and/or courses that must be completed with a passing grade prior to enrolling in a specific course. For example, students must either test into ENG 102 or complete ENG 101 with a passing grade prior to enrolling in ENG 102.
WB = Web Course (Asynchronous): You need access to a computer and to the internet. Classes open to students the first Monday of the semester or the first official day of the class. You should complete an online tutorial prior to the start of classes. To access the tutorial or for more information, visit WebCollege.
7W1/7W2 Session: 7W1 is a 7-week long class in the first half of a semester; 7W2 is a 7-week long class in the second half of a semester. TMCC often has Math or Biology Fast Track classes back-to-back in this category so that students can complete them faster.
Students, especially those who register well in advance of the start of classes, are advised to review their registrations and detailed class schedule just prior to the start of classes, since class meeting times may have changed or classes may have been added or cancelled.
Users do not have to log in to the secure area to search for classes from the LEO Online home page. However, login to the secure site is required to register for classes. Class schedules are subject to change due to budgetary restrictions or other contingencies.
A "tee time" is a reservation at a golf course to begin your round of golf at the specified time. If your tee time is 10:07 a.m., then at 10:07 a.m. you (or someone within your group) should be hitting the first tee shot of your round. (Hence the term: The tee time is the time at which you tee off.) (In professional golf, a tee time is the ...
Tee times are spaced at regular intervals — typically from 7 to 15 minutes apart, depending on a given golf course's policy—so that groups of golfers are beginning their rounds in an organized fashion.
Tee times are available but not required; Tee times are not available and not accepted. If you are visiting a golf course for the first time and are unsure of its tee time policy, visit its website (or call the pro shop) well in advance to determine its policy.
It might offer the ability to reserve a tee time online. If it doesn't, it will likely provide information on how to get a tee time, which, if online reservations are unavailable, will probably involve calling the course. The most common practice is for golf courses to accept tee time reservations several days in advance, but that policy, too, ...
Although most golf courses will try to fit you in at some point, even if you do get to play, it could be a long wait. So if you have a tee time, don't miss it .
Whether or not a tee time is required to play any given golf course is entirely up to that course. Golf courses set their own policies when it comes to tee times, and fall into one of three categories: Tee times are required; Tee times are available but not required; Tee times are not available and not accepted.
You Show Up Without a Tee Time. As noted, some golf courses don't require tee times, others don't even accept them. So there are plenty of golf courses where if you show up without a tee time, you'll probably be able to play golf anyway. But not always!
Clear Round. When rideing a course against the clock, a clear round means there were no faults (downed rails or extra time) incurred.
Jumping Order#N#The order of the class is determined by a drawing before the class begins. Riders later in the class have the advantage of watching previous rounds before attempting their own.
If a hunter or jumper deviates from the prescribed course they are off-course. If a horse (or rider) makes contact with a fence and subsequently a rail falls. This is only a knockdown if it lowers the height of a fence.
There are several types of jumps and each one has several components. Verticals. Essentially these are vertical board or pole jumps. Oxers. These are wide fences sometimes square and sometimes uneven.
Courses are posted in advance so the riders can learn them prior to riding their round. Riders are allowed to walk out the course route on foot to examine the fences and pace out strides between fences. More than one jump in a row. If a hunter or jumper deviates from the prescribed course they are off-course.