what does steer a middle course

by Lamont Daniel 7 min read

To compromise between two extreme or polarizing alternatives; to find a solution, policy, or course of action that is acceptable or agreeable to two different or opposing sides.

What does it mean to steer a course?

steer a middle course. To compromise between two extreme or polarizing alternatives; to find a solution, policy, or course of action that is acceptable or agreeable to two different or opposing sides. The small sovereign nation has gotten along for years by steering a middle course between the two global superpowers on either sides of its border.

What did the fishermen try to steer a course between?

steer a middle course. To compromise between two extreme or polarizing alternatives; to find a solution, policy, or course of action that is acceptable or agreeable to two different or opposing sides. The small sovereign nation has gotten along for years by steering a middle course between the two global superpowers on either sides of its border.

Is it difficult to steer a middle course between competing claims?

Meaning of steer a middle course in English: steer a middle course. phrase (also take a middle course) Adopt a policy that avoids extremes. ‘But the bee takes a middle course: it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and of the field, but …

What is an example of steer?

his teachers steered him through his exams. 3 tr to direct the movements or course of (a person, conversation, etc.) 4 to pursue (a specified course) 5 intr (of a vessel, vehicle, etc.) to admit of being guided in a specified fashion. this boat does not steer properly. 6 ♦ steer clear of to keep away from; shun. n.

What is the meaning to steer a middle course?

to act in a way that is not extreme and that you consider will cause least harm: Most parents steer a middle course between strict discipline and letting their kids run wild.Feb 16, 2022

What does steer the course mean?

verb. If you steer a particular course, you take a particular line of action.

What does get a steer mean?

to give someone advice or information that helps them to do something. Synonyms and related words. To give advice. advise.

What is a steer in business?

In business, the steering is in the tracking, review and corrections of people, tasks, metrics and expected results.Feb 15, 2016

What is course made good?

The Course Made Good is the direction in which a ship or vessel has traveled with the effects of current, wind, and helmsmanship. If a current is flowing in the same direction as the ships heading, then the Course Made Good remains the same, but the current speed and ship speed are added together.

What does good steer mean?

noun. Informal. a suggestion about a course of action; tip: He got a good steer about finding the right job.

Is a steer a cow?

Steer vs Cow: Sex Steers are male and cows are female. Unlike oxen, we cannot separate sex from the creature. Specifically, steers are castrated males that have come into maturity after they have been neutered. Cows are mature female bovines that have already had at least one calf.Feb 18, 2022

What is the difference between a bull and a steer?

steer, also called bullock, young neutered male cattle primarily raised for beef. In the terminology used to describe the sex and age of cattle, the male is first a bull calf and if left intact becomes a bull; if castrated he becomes a steer and about two or three years grows to an ox.

How do you steer a business?

What it takes to steer your business successMake Sure to Create a Solid Marketing Plan For Your Companies Promotions.Hire the right People to Establish Your Company as the Preferred Brand for Your Industry.Poll the Consumers in Your Select Target Audience to See What they Want and Need.More items...•Jul 31, 2018

Are steers aggressive?

A steer is a castrated male bovine. Male bovines are castrated when they are young and before they develop the bull's physical characteristics, according to USDA. Steers are less aggressive than bulls. Steers are normally raised for meat.Jul 30, 2015

What's the difference between a steer and a cow?

Know Your Cattle Terms Cow: A cow is a female bovine who has given birth to a calf. Heifer: A heifer is a female bovine who has not given birth to a calf. Steer: A steer is a male bovine who cannot reproduce.Feb 28, 2019