what does p in front of course meanss

by Melany Stehr 7 min read

What does par for the course mean?

If you say that something that happens is par for the course, you mean that you are not pleased with it but it is what you expected to happen. He said long hours are par for the course.

What does “campus” mean for a course?

Campus: indicates whether the course is held on the St. George or satellite campuses (UTM and UTSC).

What does the p stand for in P-Metric size?

The obvious answer is the "P" in front of the first size, but just what does the "P" stand for and what does it tell us about the tires? P-metric sized tires are the ones with the "P" at the beginning… Need help choosing the right product for your vehicle? Our team of highly trained experts has the knowledge and passion to help.

What do the letters in course codes mean?

Each course is designated by a seven-character code made up of three letters and four digits. The three letters stand for the subject. For example, CRM stands for criminology. 1000-level courses — those that start with 1 — are first year courses.

What does P mean on classes?

PassAs explained in question #1, if you complete the course at the “C” or better level, you will receive a “Pass (P)” on your transcript. If you finish the course at the “D” or “F” level, you will receive a “No Pass (NP)” on your transcript.

What does P next to a course mean?

no. passing (alternative grade) P. no. passing (pass/fail option)

What does P mean in high school classes?

College Preparatory levelPlease remember that a class must be at the P (College Preparatory level), the H (Honors level) or AP (Advanced Placement) to satisfactorily meet these requirements.

What is a course code?

The course codes are basically a State Department of Education's, a District's and/or school's “shorthand” for course titles. However course codes are determined, they need to reflect a logical system of coding.

What does the P mean at the end of a class?

Pass (P) The "P" grading option is used to indicate a passing grade in a class when an individual student receives permission from both the class instructor and his/her college or school.

What does P mean on a report card?

PROFICIENTPROFICIENT—A score of P means your child is successful. in using the content and processes at the grade level. NOT YET PROFICIENT—A score of I or N means your. child is still working on the content and processes instructed at the grade level.

What does P mean on transcripts?

PassGrade Notations Academic Senate policy did not permit the computation of a grade point average. P. Pass (equivalent to a C or above) Fail. Performance that does not merit a Pass.

What does CP mean in college?

College preparatoryCollege preparatory (CP) courses contain a larger than typical course load and prepare students for college caliber work.

What does CPA mean in school?

The CPA model is a three-year program (grades ten-twelve) structured as a school-within-a-school. Academies incorporate integrated academic and career technical education, business partnerships, mentoring, and internships.

What is a course number?

Courses are designated by two numbers, separated by a colon. The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course.

What is course title?

The name or title of a program consists of the degree (e.g., BS) and the discipline or field of study (e.g., Business Administration). It is also called academic program, degree program, or curricular program.

How are college classes numbered?

There are standard formats that many colleges use to signify dates, levels and titles. Most college courses are identified by three to four numbers. For example, the first digit may indicate the class year, the middle two digits may identify the subject and the last digit may indicate the number of credit hours.

What is a lower division class?

Undergraduate courses are classified as lower division and upper division. Lower-division courses (numbered 1–99) are often surveys of and preliminary introductions to the subject field. They are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores, though upper-division students may enroll for unit and grade credit.

What is a concurrent course?

Concurrent courses (identified by a capital C before the course number) are pairs of courses, usually within a single department or program, for which credit is given at two levels—undergraduate and graduate. Concurrent courses are offered at the same time and place with the same instructor, but work levels and performance standards are evaluated differently for students at each level.

What is a Fiat Lux seminar?

Fiat Lux freshman seminars (numbered 19) are taught by faculty in areas of their expertise. They introduce freshmen to topics of intellectual importance, and enable them to participate in critical discussion of these topics with a small group of peers. The seminar series takes its name from the motto of the University of California: Fiat Lux—Let There be Light!

What is a 300-399 degree?

Graduate courses numbered 300–399 are highly specialized teacher-training courses that are not applicable toward University minimum requirements for graduate degrees. They are acceptable toward the bachelor’s degree only at the discretion of the individual College or school.

What is upper division seminar?

Upper-division seminars (numbered 190–194) are small seminars, with between 15 and 20 students, that focus on research practice or issues. Many are designed to be taken along with a tutorial course in the 195–199 series.

What is 89/189?

Honors seminars and tutorials (numbered 89/189 and 89HC/189HC) are primarily designed for students in the College Honors Program. They are adjunct to lecture courses and explore lecture topics in more depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities.

What is the second digit of a course?

The second digit is for the language of instruction: Courses taught in English are numbered 1 to 4 (e.g., CRM 1301) . Courses taught in French are numbered 5 to 8 (e.g., CRM 1701). Bilingual courses or courses taught in a language other than English or French are numbered 0 or 9 (e.g. ESP 1991, a Spanish course).

How to tell if a course is online or in person?

In order to determine if a course is offered online or in person, you can refer to the course location: An online course will have its location listed as VIRTUAL. An in-person course will have an assigned classroom for its location (ex. 125 University (MNT) 303)

How is the date of your fall and winter course determined?

The date of your appointment to enrol in fall and winter courses is determined by the number of units you have earned, or are in the process of earning, when you were assigned an appointment.

What does "holds" mean in Student Center?

Holds. Holds can be positive or negative. For example, they can give you permission for something or block your access to certain Student Center features. If you have holds on your file, icons will appear at the top of your Student Center home screen. a no-access icon means you have a restriction.

What is a lecture in a classroom?

Lecture (LEC): A professor teaches the subject matter in person in a classroom, online or in a blended format. Discussion group (DGD): A professor or a teaching assistant leads group discussions to go into the lecture subject matter in greater depth. Laboratory session (LAB): You do hands-on work in a laboratory.

Can you put yourself on the waitlist for a course?

When a course is full, you can put yourself on the waitlist and be automatically enrolled if a place becomes available for your program of studies and if it fits in your schedule. Please note that you can put yourself on the waitlist for a course even if no seats are reserved for your program of studies.

Is there a reserved space in University of Ottawa?

One University of Ottawa course can be required for many programs. This is why spaces in courses are reserved for certain student groups. For example, there might be reserved spaces in a chemistry course divided among programs in chemistry, biomedical science, health sciences and more. Even if course enrolment is still open, the spaces reserved for your program might all be taken. Be sure to check the My Available Seats column in your course search results in uoCampus.

par for the course in American English

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

par for the course in American English

Most material © 2005, 1997, 1991 by Penguin Random House LLC. Modified entries © 2019 by Penguin Random House LLC and HarperCollins Publishers Ltd

par for the course

He said long hours are par for the course. `I'm up every morning at six, or even earlier.'

Why are restrictions added to courses?

Restrictions are added to course sections so that only qualified students may enroll in a particular section. View a sample Excel spreadsheet that shows how to format your section restrictions.

Can prerequisites be enforced?

Course Prerequisites. Course prerequisites can be, but are not by default, enforced at the time of registration. If an academic unit would like a course prerequisite enforced at the time of registration, please complete the following:


Undergraduate Course Numbers

  • Undergraduate courses are classified as lower division and upper division. Lower-division courses (numbered 1–99) are often surveys of and preliminary introductions to the subject field. They are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores, though upper-division students may enroll for unit and grade credit. Lower-division courses may not be app...
See more on registrar.ucla.edu

Undergraduate Seminars and Tutorials

  • Fiat Lux Freshman Seminars
    Fiat Lux freshman seminars (numbered 19) are taught by faculty in areas of their expertise. They introduce freshmen to topics of intellectual importance, and enable them to participate in critical discussion of these topics with a small group of peers. The seminar series takes its name from t…
  • Sophomore Seminars
    Sophomore seminars (numbered 88) are department-sponsored courses designed to give sophomores the opportunity to participate in small seminars that enhance writing, verbal, and analytical skills.
See more on registrar.ucla.edu

Graduate Course Numbers

  • Graduate courses numbered 200–299 are generally open only to graduate students who have completed basic undergraduate courses in the subject. Courses and seminars in the 200 series can fulfill the minimum graduate course requirement for any advanced degree. With department and instructor consent, and subject to requirements in the appropriate College or school, underg…
See more on registrar.ucla.edu

Other Course Numbering Conventions

  • Variable Topics
    Variable topics courses do not have a specifically assigned course number. The course title usually indicates that it is a variable topics course (e.g., Spanish 130: Topics in Medieval Studies). Variable topics courses cover material within a defined topic area. They have a general catalog …
  • Concurrent Courses
    Concurrent courses (identified by a capital C before the course number) are pairs of courses, usually within a single department or program, for which credit is given at two levels—undergraduate and graduate. Concurrent courses are offered at the same time and plac…
See more on registrar.ucla.edu

UCLA Extension Xl/Xlc

  • UCLA Extension classes are listed in the Extension catalog available in print and on the Extension website. In general, students may not attend UCLA Extension for degree credit if they are enrolled in UCLA regular session (fall, winter, spring) at the same time. Certain Extension courses (numbered 1–199), prefixed by XL or XLC in Extension class listings, yield credit toward the bac…
See more on registrar.ucla.edu