what does no consent mean in course catalog

by Mrs. Natalie Kilback 10 min read

Is consent available for classes with section codes containing STR?

Consent is NOT available for classes with section codes containing STR, EC1, BCB, BSC, CN, MDY, NS, PF, RIS or ending in 'F', 'H' or 'Q'. Academic department offering the course must enter into CUNYfirst by the department.

Do I need student consent to enroll in a class?

Consent is needed to enroll in the class. The add transaction was not processed. Consent is NOT available for classes with section codes containing STR, EC1, BCB, BSC, CN, MDY, NS, PF, RIS or ending in 'F', 'H' or 'Q'. Academic department offering the course must enter into CUNYfirst by the department.

Where can requirement groups be included in the course catalog?

Requirement Groups can be included on the Course Catalog record (in effect for all sections of the course in all semesters) or on the Schedule of Classes record (in effect for specific sections in specific semesters). When can I add/modify/inactivate courses in the Course Catalog?

What is the difference between the general catalog and course catalog?

The General Catalog contains all information regarding the setup and structure of academics at the UA, including the Course Catalog, official degree requirements, the academic calendar, and academic policies. The Course Catalog houses official course information, which is used to build the Schedule of Classes for each semester.

What does permission NBR mean?

Permission numbers allow students to register in specific classes that they would not otherwise be able to enroll in. You will need a permission number to: Enroll in restricted classes* at all times, even before classes begin.

What does permission of instructor mean?

What it means: In addition to requisites, some classes have a special process that allows the instructor to approve who takes the class.

What are unassigned courses?

Unassigned Courses are courses not assigned to meet specific GE or major/minor/certificate subject requirements. Students are encouraged to contact their Advisors if they believe any of the unassigned courses could satisfy any unmet requirement. Only courses with earned credit will appear in the grid.

What does classification restriction mean?

CLASS RESTRICTION Course or section is restricted to students in a particular class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) Your class level must be the same as the course at the time you take it.

How do I get permission to enroll in a class?

Permission numbers may be obtained from the class instructor or department office. You may also need to obtain a class Number for the following type of classes: independent study, directed study thesis, internships, etc. Permission numbers can be used to override a course prerequisite.

How do I add a class with a permission code?

If you need permission to add the class (because the class is full, there is a restriction, or consent is required), you can obtain a permission number directly from the class instructor. you a permission number, you can go the Student Center and add the class using the permission number.

What does it mean by program restriction?

This means that the section is restricted to students in a specific program (MS-EE, BA-ARTE-FA, etc.). You will need an override, PROGRAM, to bypass this error in order to register.

What is the meaning of student attribute restriction?

Explanation. Student Attribute Restriction. The class you are attempting to register for has an attribute that does not match your student attribute. For example – You are a General student, but you are attempting to register for an Online College course.

What is cohort restriction?

SGASADD SSARRES SSARRES - The Cohort Restriction block specifies that students must be enrolled in a particular college in order to take the section in question.

Who can consider exceptions to the Registrar's Office?

An exception may be considered by a supervisor of The Office of the Registrar for those who have no access to online services or credit/debit cards where extenuating circumstances exist (for example, floods, hurricanes, persons in prison, natural disasters, etc).

Why does my room have a course?

There are a few possible answers for this question. One reason this might happen is because the room already has a course or an event scheduled for that time. Another possibility is that you asked for a room that was too large or too small for the size of your event.

What is an academic organization?

Academic Organization: the department that owns the course or is in charge of offering it for a semester/term. Academic Career: Undergraduate, Graduate, Medical, etc. Course Typically Offered: When a section of the course is most likely to be offered. Not restricted to these.

How many contact hours do instructors need?

Instructor Contact Hours: Instructors must meet with students a minimum of 15 contact hours per unit. Default Section Size: 1. Departments can input correct enrollment number and section size. Workload Hours: Instructors can split the workload hours to all add up to the corresponding unit workload.

Can I appeal a course to be given a direct equivalency?

Can I appeal a course to be given a direct equivalency if it has already been evaluated and deemed non-equivalent ?#N#No, once a Course Equivalency Request has been reviewed by the department faculty, it cannot be appealed.

What are special problems courses?

Special Problems Courses (2900, 2910, 4900 and 4910) are used upon approval of the department chair or dean for individual instruction in any department to cover course content in special circumstances. Courses 5900, 5910, 5920 and 5930 are used in any department that offers graduate work; courses 6900 and 6910 are used in any department ...

What is a 4951 thesis?

Honors College Capstone Thesis (4951) allows a student in the Honors College to complete an honors thesis as a course within the student’s major. The Honors College Capstone Thesis is a major research project prepared by the student with the mentorship of a faculty member in the student’s major department.

What is TCCNS in Texas?

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) has been designed for the purpose of aiding students in the transfer of general academic courses between colleges and universities throughout Texas. Common courses are freshman and sophomore academic credit courses that have been identified as common by institutions that are members of the common course numbering system. The system ensures that if the student takes a course the receiving institution designates as common, then the course will be accepted in transfer and the credit will be treated as equivalent to the course offered by the receiving institution.

What is ENGL 1320?

ENGL is the course prefix. 1320 is the course number. The text in parentheses, (ENGL 1302) is the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) common number, explained under “ Texas Common Course Numbering System .” College Writing II is the title of the course. 3 hours represents the number of semester credit hours earned. (3;0;1) shows that 3 hours will be spent in lecture, 0 hours will be spent in laboratory, and 1 hour will be spent in recitation. Continuation of ENGL 1310. Writing in response to reading and research. Emphasis on perfecting texts through several drafts is the course description. Prerequisite (s): ENGL 1310 or equivalent explains that ENGL 1310 must be completed prior to enrolling in ENGL 1320. Corequisite (s): ENGL 1210 or consent of department shows that ENGL 1210 must be completed before or while enrolled in ENGL 1320. Core Category: Communication (English Composition and Rhetoric) refers to the “ University Core Curriculum Requirements ” in the Academics section of this catalog. Same as COMM 1320 indicates that ENGL 1320 and COMM 1320 are cross-listed. Cross-listed courses are the same course, offered under two different prefixes.

Why is my lecture error occurring?

The error is occurring because the lecture, discussion or lab you are trying to register for is at maximum capacity and there are no seats open for that section. You should try to register for another open section of the same course or register for a different course. Students cannot add into closed courses.

Why is class restriction occurring?

The error is occurring because the course requires a different class standing (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate) than your current class standing. You should choose another course or contact your advisor for assistance.

What is prerequisite chemistry 002?

Example: Chemistry 002, General Chemistry, has a prerequisite of Che mistry 001 or a passing score on the Chemistry Placement Exam or a score of three or better on the AP Chemistry Exam. To learn the prerequisites for a specific course you should look in the University Catalog or though the portal by clicking on the CRN of ...


If you register for any class when you do not have the required class standing and/or haven’t met the stated prerequisites, the department may, at its discretion in the first eight days of the semester, require you to drop that class.

Forty Credit Rule

To receive a bachelor’s degree, you must earn at least 40 credits in courses numbered 300-499.

Graduate Courses

Courses numbered 300/500-399/599 and 400/600-499/699 are offered at two levels. You may take them at the 300- or 400-level for undergraduate credit or at the 500- or 600-level for graduate credit. Realize that only graduate students may enroll for graduate credit. Courses numbered 700-999 are offered only at the graduate level.

GEP Abbreviations

These abbreviations appear at the end of course descriptions for courses that meet one or more of the General Education Program requirements.

Associate of Arts and Science (AAS) General Education Abbreviations

These abbreviations appear at the end of course descriptions for courses that meet one or more of the AAS General Education Breadth requirements. They are listed as “AAS: XXX” in course descriptions.

What happens if you are not in compliance with GCU policies?

If you are not in compliance with policies, requirements or regulations, it may impact your enrollment and ability to graduate from GCU. Browse to find more information about the University Policy Handbook, accreditation, state authorizations and GCU's policies.

What is Title IX?

Browse to find more information about the University Policy Handbook, accreditation, state authorizations and GCU's policies. Title IX prohibits sexual discrimination in education programs that receive federal funding. GCU is committed to upholding this policy and students' rights under Title IX.

Is Grand Canyon University accredited?

Grand Canyon University has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) since 1968. GCU is also authorized in Arizona by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education.
