what does myers say about our social worlds? course hero

by Prof. Earline Reichert 5 min read

What is social psychology?

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. The scientific study of the ways in which the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of one individual are influenced by the real, imagined, or inferred behavior or characteristics of other people.

What is the Great Person Theory?

Great person theory -Theory that leadership is a result of personal qualities and traits that qualify one to lead others. Industrial/organization psychology - Division of psychology concerned with the application of psychological principles to the problems of human organizations, especially work organizations.

What is the tendency for an individual to observe the situation for cues about how to react?

Self-monitoring - tendency for an individual to observe the situation for cues about how to react. Prejudice - an unfair, intolerant, or unfavorable attitude toward a group of people. Discrimination - an unfair act or series of acts taken toward an entire group of people or individual members of that group.

What is a course hero?

Course Hero is an online platform that provides study resources that supplement college courses and help students learn more effectively. By offering web based expert tutoring, a repository of user-submitted study materials as well as a customizable Flashcards app, Course Hero gives students 24/7 access to the tools they need to achieve their goals. Course Hero offers both paid and unpaid membership options.

Does Course Hero care about you?

Course Hero, like any criminal organization, doesn’t care about you. The work they provide is shoddy and easily detected. I currently have 2–3 academic conduct cases involving Course Hero for contract cheating. these students will be thrown out of their course, will have a really bad stain on their record, future career in ruins.

Is Course Hero a good website?

so i think this is wrong information that you can get in trouble. Course Hero is a good website where you can access 20 million documents for free. There are many other online tutorial website but this is the best. Chegg is another alternative for Course hero but i think you can trust on Course Hero they are amputated company and they do not leak your personal information to another people.

Can a school find you on Course Hero?

No, they don’t notify your school, but your school can easily find you. My organization has an account, and we have a script written that regularly checks the site and we find everyone! If you’ve accessed it, we find you. We then know who to look at when marking submission - not that we need to, Course Hero are a bit Mickey Mouse at hiding themselves and providing quality work. We pick most of it up automatically.

Is Course Hero legit?

Course Hero is legit! We know the Internet can be a sketchy place, so here’s some info about the company behind the website. Course Hero is a mission-driven edtech company headquartered in Redwood City, California. Since its inception in 2006, the company has built a community of over 1 million paid users and more than 20,000 educators who contribute to the site. In fact, one in 20 college students uses Course Hero. Heck, we are even verified on Instagram, which you can visit to see who we are and what we have to offer.

Can you use flashcards in class?

It's intended use is for you to make flashcards and review them. Your class can collectively make flash cards and use them to study for test. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Does Course Hero notify schools?

No, Course Hero do not notify your school. if you want you can create your profile private. and when you upload documents and anyone check these documents and read your name then they know about this otherwise why Course Hero notify your school that this guy create a account in Our website and upload some documents in our website. and he found study metrical. thousands of people use Course Hero for their study. this is the best platform where you can get good stuff for studies. if you dont believe then you can go with Chegg answers. but i think Course Hero is good because here you can upload your documents and get access of 20 million free documents access.