what does it mean for an italian literature course to be 200 level northwestern

by Mr. Adam Pouros 9 min read

What do course numbers mean Northwestern?

Numbering System The subject code is followed by the three-digit course number indicating the level of study: 100–199 (as in the example) denote courses primarily for first-year students and sophomores, usually without college prerequisite.

How do credits work at Northwestern University?

Northwestern University credit for undergraduate and graduate programs is awarded in units, rather than credit hours. Courses are most often assigned 1.0 unit of credit. Quarter-long classes typically meet three hours per week on average (three 50-minute sessions per week or two 80-minute sessions) over a 10-week term.

What happens if you fail a class Northwestern?

If your overall performance falls below certain standards, you may be put on academic probation. If you are on probation and you do not correct the academic deficiency within the period of probation—usually the subsequent quarter—you may be dismissed from the University.

What is a unit at Northwestern?

Students may not attempt to improve their grade point average by taking additional courses beyond the number required for graduation. One unit equals 4 quarter credit hours. Students must have a GPA of at least 2.0 in all courses completed at Northwestern to meet the requirements for a bachelor's degree.

What GPA do you need to transfer to Northwestern?

Northwestern University accepts 15.27% transfer applicants, which is competitive. To have a shot at transferring into Northwestern University, you should have a current GPA of at least 4.09 - ideally you're GPA will be around 4.25. In addition, you will need to submit standardized test scores.

How many classes do Northwestern students take?

As noted above, the typical load for a Northwestern student is four 1-unit courses per quarter, sometimes with an additional course worth less than a full unit. You can sign up through CAESAR for a maximum of 4.99 units during the regular registration period. For example, you can sign up for four 1-unit courses and a .

What is a passing grade Northwestern?

All grades of D and above are considered passing grades and satisfy the course requirement.

Is Northwestern graded on a curve?

Northwestern Pritzker Law students are graded on a 4.33 scale. The mandatory grading curve below applies only to courses with enrollment in excess of 40 students, but does not reflect the actual distribution of cumulative GPAs across all courses. To graduate, a student's average must meet or exceed 2.25.

What is a passing grade in Northwestern University?

All grades of C- and above are considered passing grades. Students receiving one of these grades are deemed to have satisfied the corresponding course requirement. No Ds are awarded for graduate work.

How difficult are classes at Northwestern?

Classes are challenging at Northwestern. Unless you are just incredibly gifted, you should come in expecting to work hard. That being said, if you put in effort, good grades are extremely manageable, at least in the liberal arts classes I take.

Can you take 5 classes Northwestern?

Once the term begins, most undergraduates may register for up to 5.5 units of credit. Enrollment in more than 5.5 units of credit, overload enrollment, will result in additional charges.

How many units does Northwestern University have?

Weinberg credit and quarter requirements. All Weinberg College students must earn at least 45 units of credit in order to graduate. Almost all courses taught at Northwestern are worth one unit. Those worth more or less than one unit also contribute to the total.

Why is it important to study French and Italian?

Studies in French and Italian provide unique insights into the language, thought, and character of cultures different from our own. Such knowledge builds an awareness of our own society’s diversity and the ways it resembles and differs from others. Proficiency in language and knowledge of culture are keys to careers in communication, media, business, the arts, and academia and are valuable components of any university education.

How many credits can I get for studying abroad in France?

Students studying abroad in France or other francophone countries may receive up to 7 credits (depending on program length) if the content of courses taken abroad relates in a substantive way to some aspect of French or francophone culture or society.

Language Placement

To fulfill the WCAS Language Requirement in Italian or study Italian for the first time, please follow the instructions below.

Fulfilling the Language Requirement

To fulfill the WCAS Language Requirement in Italian or study Italian for the first time, please follow the instructions below.

How many courses are required for a masters in literature?

Students must complete 9 courses to complete their Master of Arts in Literature degree. Students must complete one core course ( LIT 410-DL Introduction to Graduate Studies in Literary and Cultural Analysis ), seven elective courses and a capstone project. Students can take elective courses that cover such topics as comparative literary studies, English, French and Italian, Slavic languages and literatures, and theatre. There are five specializations: American Literature , British Literature , Comparative and World Literature , Interdisciplinary Studies, and Film, Literature and Visual Culture.

How many specializations are there in Malit?

Students complete four thematically linked courses for a specialization. There are five specializations: American Literature , British Literature , Comparative and World Literature , Interdisciplinary Studies, and Film, Literature and Visual Culture.

What are the four courses required for an English major?

From the four introductory courses for the English major (210-1, 210-2, 270-1, 270-2), you must take either 210-1 OR 270-1 and any one of the three remaining courses. In other words, you may take any two of the four courses except the combination 210-2 and 270-2. The two courses can be taken in any order.

Is English 300 a literature major?

You may. In addition to being a required course for the literature major, English 300 counts as a 300-level literature course toward the creative writing major. We encourage students to take it as early as possible because it teaches the writing and analytical skills they will need in their other 300-level literature classes, regardless of which major they decide to pursue. For the same reason, students usually don’t get much out of English 300 if they postpone taking it until senior year.

Advanced Graduate American Literature Program

Pursue a course of study focusing on American literary texts and other cultural artifacts. Students will deepen their understanding of the role of narrative and literary form in shaping the experiences and articulating the philosophical, political and social questions central to American history and culture.

American Literature Course Schedule

The American Literature Course Schedule page provides you with detailed information on the program's offerings.

American Literature Faculty

You can find a full listing of our instructors in this certificate program on the American Literature Faculty page.

Admission for the American Literature Program

Applicants to this certificate program must hold a graduate degree from an accredited U.S. college, university or its foreign equivalent. A competitive graduate record that indicates strong academic ability is required, though applicants need not have extensive experience in literary studies.

American Literature Tuition

Tuition costs can vary for each of our programs. For the most up-to-date information on financial obligations, please visit our American Literature Tuition page.

American Literature Registration Information

Our American Literature Registration Information page outlines important dates and deadlines as well as the process for adding and dropping courses.

Additional Information

The post-graduate American Literature Certificate may be especially beneficial to educators, students who are thinking of going on to a PhD program, or anyone who wants to focus their literary study more precisely. Students complete four thematically linked courses for a specialization. The certificate will: