what does in the ordinary course of business mean

by Ronaldo Medhurst 4 min read

The ordinary meaning of the expression ‘in the ordinary course of business in dictionaries is part of doing regular business; the regular or customary condition or course of things; as things usually happen.

The ordinary course of business is a standard used to indicate within a specified period, a business: Has been conducted consistently within the scope of past commercial customs and practices. Has not incurred any liabilities outside the day-to-day operations.

Full Answer

What does in the usual/normal/ordinary course of business mean?

Definition of in the usual/normal/ordinary course of business. : as part of doing regular business payments made in the usual/normal/ordinary course of business.

What is the ordinary course of business for a grocery store?

When grocery stores sell produce to consumers, it is considered an 'ordinary course of business'. The ordinary course of business is anything that falls within the scope of activities that would be considered normal for a business.

What makes a transaction within the ordinary course of business?

In order to be within the ordinary course of business, a transaction must adhere to the practices and customs that are considered normal for an industry. It would not be unusual for businesses in the same industry to engage in transactions similar to a transaction under examination.

Is there any special approval required for transactions in ordinary course?

There is no requirement of any special approval for the transactions which are in ordinary course of business. These transactions appear as an exemption under the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”). Below are certain crucial provisions of the Act in which exemption from approvals has been given to transactions in the ordinary course of business.

What does outside the ordinary course of business mean?

Out of the Ordinary Course of Business means in the aggregate, the sale of any assets, property or undertaking out of the ordinary course over any twelve month period with an aggregate fair market value in excess of $250,000;”

What is ordinary course of business as per Companies Act 2013?

In common parlance the term “ordinary course of business” is used to mean usual transactions, customs and practices as a part of doing regular business including the things which usually happen.

What does the rule of the ordinary buyer in the course of business provide regarding the purchase of stolen property explain?

A buyer in the ordinary course of business takes collateral free of any security interests created by the seller.

What is the meaning of usual course?

Usual course of business means the regular and customary work of a business, performed within or upon the premises or worksite of the client employer.

What is ordinary course of business and examples?

Related Content. Normal and routine day-to-day operations consistent with the past practices and customs of the business. It is used in various legal contexts, such as bankruptcy, tax, antitrust, corporate, and commercial transactions.

Which is the income on during the regular course of business?

Revenue profit is the difference between revenue incomes and revenue expenses. It is earned in the ordinary course of the business. It results from the sale of goods and services at a price more than their cost price. Revenue profit is he outcome of regular transactions of the business.

What is a buyer in the ordinary course in a commercial transaction involving a merchant entrusted with property?

§ 1-201(9) defines buyer in ordinary course of business as: [A] person who in good faith and without knowledge that the sale to him is in violation of the ownership rights or security interest of a third party in the goods buys in ordinary course from a person in the business of selling goods of that kind but does not ...

What is the public policy for having the buyer in the ordinary course of business rule?

Under Article 9, a buyer in ordinary course of business, "other than a person buying farms products from a person engaged in farming operations, takes free of a security interest created by the buyer's seller, even if the security interest is perfected and the buyer knows of its existence." U.C.C. § 9-320 (a).

When a seller breaches a contract for the sale of goods by delivering nonconforming goods the risk of loss?

Once a seller breaches by delivering nonconforming goods, which of the following is true? The risk of loss will shift back to the seller even if it had already shifted to the buyer. The risk of loss will shift back to the seller even if it had already shifted to the buyer.

What is ordinary event?

Definition of normal/ordinary course of events : the way things usually happen It's something you would never see in the normal/ordinary course of events.

What is another word for course?

OTHER WORDS FOR course 1 way, road, track, passage. 13a bearing. 6 method, mode. 7 process, career.

How do you use the word course?

Course sentence exampleOf course, he was just a kid. ... The service on Christmas Eve day was, of course, about Jesus. ... She carried a chair to a spot that wouldn't be visible on a course from the path to the door, and sat down. ... Of course I know, and so does he. ... Of course they will be. ... Of course she couldn't go with him.More items...

What is ordinary course of business?

The ordinary course of business is anything that falls within the scope of activities that would be considered normal for a business. When the legality or legitimacy of transactions is challenged, one of the tests used to determine whether ...

What is legal code?

Legal codes pertaining to business matters usually define this terminology for the benefit of people involved in legal disputes, and there may be further definitions in the areas of the legal code that cover specific industries. In order to be within the ordinary course of business, a transaction must adhere to the practices and customs ...

Is it unusual for businesses to engage in transactions similar to a transaction under examination?

It would not be unusual for businesses in the same industry to engage in transactions similar to a transaction under examination. All parties also engaged in the transaction in good faith, with the understanding or belief that the other party was operating within the law and that the transaction was normal. Thus, buying a sack of oranges ...

Is buying oranges at the grocery store a transaction?

Thus, buying a sack of oranges at the grocery store is considered a transaction that is well within the ordinary course of business; grocery stores usually sell produce. Conversely, purchasing financial products from a hairdresser would not be, because this type of transaction is not normal for hairdressers and it does not fall within ...

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What does "in the ordinary course of business" mean?

The ordinary meaning of the expression ‘in the ordinary course of business in dictionaries is part of doing regular business; the regular or customary condition or course of things; as things usually happen. Many Dictionaries define the term as part of doing regular business; the regular or customary condition or course of things;

Is ordinary course of business defined in the Companies Act?

The term ‘ordinary course of business’ has, however, not been defined in the Act and the government also has ruled out defining the term which is used in the Companies Act, 2013 several times. So, boards are left to their different interpretations of the term, thus creating confusion. The lack of definition or framework leaves a lot to ...

Is section 188 applicable to a transaction?

Section 188 will not be applicable if a transaction is in the ordinary course of business and at arm’s length price. To decide whether an activity which is carried on by the business is in the ‘ordinary course of business’, the following factors may be considered (as per guidance note issued by ICSI)-. a).

Examples of In the course of business in a sentence

In the course of business, the Company will collect, record, store, adapt, transfer and otherwise process information by which prospective investors may be directly or indirectly identified.

Related to In the course of business

Ordinary Course of Business means the ordinary course of business consistent with past custom and practice (including with respect to quantity and frequency).
