what does fl mean in my course history psu

by Lottie Reynolds 7 min read

What do the codes and abbreviations mean at Penn State?

Course has a final exam (course characteristic) FL: Failure under pass/fail option (grade reporting symbol) FYS: First-Year Seminar: G: Top: G: Course suffix that indicates different versions of the same course, e.g., MATH 140G: G: Special topics courses (x97) reviewed for inter-domain status = GN/GHW: GA: Arts (General Education attribute) GA

What is Penn State University known for?

See the Placement Policy for Penn State Foreign Language Courses. B.A. Fields (9 credits): Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Arts, Foreign Languages, Natural Sciences, Quantification (may not be taken in the area of the student's primary major; foreign language credits in this category must be in a second foreign language or beyond ...

Where can I find information about law courses at Penn State?

These courses are described in the Penn State Law Courses section and Dickinson Law Courses section. Common Course Numbers. The following course numbers for which students may register have been set up for common use by major programs, with University Senate approval, to encourage innovation and provide flexibility in designing programs, but in ...

Where can I find the course registration schedule for Penn State?

Course History . On this page, my course history can be found. The courses are in reverse chronological order by educational institution. An official transcript is available upon request. You may choose to click on the logo of the institution to jump straight to the institution.

What does fl stand for in grading?

What do my marks/grades mean?High Distinction (HD):85%–100%Distinction (DN):75%–84%Credit (CR):65%–74%Pass (PS):50%–64 %Fail:(FL)0%–49 %

What is a passing grade at PSU?

In the majority of instances, a pass grade is equated to a C- grade or better (some departments accept only C or better). Please check with the department. Pass/No Pass grades are not used in computing a student's GPA. A maximum of 45 credits graded P may be applied toward Portland State's baccalaureate degree.

What is failing at Penn State?

F (FAILURE) indicates work unworthy of any credit, and suggests that the student may not be capable of succeeding in graduate study. The grade-point equivalents for the above marks are: A, 4.00; B, 3.00; C, 2.00; D, 1.00; F, 0. A +/– grading system is also in effect which includes A–, B+, B–, and C+.

What happens if you fail a class Penn State?

Students who received either a D or an F in a class will be able to retake the course, attempt to receive a better grade, and have the failed class removed from their GPA calculation. Students can only request for grade forgiveness after they have retaken the course and received a better grade.Dec 7, 2019

Is a 68 passing?

C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle. C is anywhere between 70% and 79% D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69%Jan 10, 2022

Is D passing at PSU?

Graduate Grading System * D (Poor/Failure): This is a failing grade for a graduate student and cannot be used to meet graduate degree requirements and will not count toward total credits earned.

Is an 88 an A or B?

PercentLetter Grade94 - 100A90 - 93A-87 - 89B+83 - 86B8 more rows

What GPA puts you on academic probation Penn State?

2.00To earn a degree from Penn State, all students must have a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade-point average. Students go in Academic Warning status when their cumulative grade-point average has fallen below a 2.00.

What is an A GPA Penn State?

A student's grade-point average (GPA) is the weighted mean value of all grade points earned by enrollment in a course at Penn State....Grade-Point Average.GradeGrade PointA4.00A-3.67B+3.33B3.005 more rows

How many times can you retake a class at PSU?

Students may have the opportunity to repeat a course, but they are limited to a maximum of two attempts for any given course. Attempts are defined as earning a grade in a course or late-dropping the course.

How do I know if I was academically dismissed?

What Is Academic Dismissal? Academic dismissal is what happens if your student cannot get their GPA above 2.0 by the end of their probation period. The length of academic probation varies from school to school, but is typically just one or two semesters long.

Is it possible to remove classes from transcript?

The transcript displays the official record of classes students enroll in during school, so most grades cannot be changed or removed. Courses changed before the drop/add date do not appear on the transcript, but any classes you do not drop after that date are part of the permanent record.

What is the course number system?

If any course cannot be located readily, refer to the index. Courses are numbered as follows: Undergraduate Courses (1 to 399): General courses accepted in fulfillment of requirements for the bachelor's degrees.

What is formal course?

Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject that may be topical or of special interest. Several different topics may be taught in one year or semester. A specific title may be used in each instance and will be entered on the student's transcript.

What is subj 601?

They may be used for dissertation preparation work during its later stages, when the academic activity of the candidate consists partly (611) or solely (601) of work on the completion of research and writing of the dissertation. SUBJ 601 and SUBJ 611 do not carry academic credit.

What is a prerequisite for a course?

Prerequisites are courses or other requirements that must be completed prior to the start of a given course. Concurrent Courses are similar to prerequisites except that they may be taken prior to, or in the same semester as, the given course.

What are suffixes in a course?

Suffixes are letters that follow a course number and allow for easier identification of a course's characteristics. Not all attributes and characteristics are captured in available suffixes and suffixes are not the feature used to determine if a course satisfies a requirement.

What is attribute value?

Attributes and attribute values are course designations that are used to define specific characteristics for courses. The search for specific types of courses uses attributes and attributes are the most important notation for a course to satisfy a given requirement.

What is the number for thesis research?

In registering for thesis research, a student uses the appropriate number (600, 610) preceded by the abbreviation designating the major field. The numbers 600 (on campus) and 610 (off campus) are available for credit in thesis research in all graduate major programs.

Why did Penn State have undergraduate campuses?

An even greater segment of the Commonwealth's population had opportunities for engagement in the 1930s when Penn State established a series of undergraduate branch campuses, primarily to meet the needs of students who were location-bound during the Great Depression.

What was Penn State's mission in the 1900s?

In the early 1900s, Penn State introduced cooperative extension and additional outreach programming, extending the reach of its academic mission .

What is the mission of Penn State?

As Pennsylvania's only land-grant university, Penn State has a broad mission of teaching, research, and public service. But that mission was not so grandly conceived in 1855, when the Commonwealth chartered it as one of the nation's first colleges of agricultural science, with a goal to apply scientific principles to farming. ...

When did Penn State merge with Dickinson?

In 2000, Penn State and the Dickinson School of Law merged, meaning the University now operates two law schools— Dickinson Law (in Carlisle, Pennsylvania) and Penn State Law (on the University Park campus). Penn State's online World Campus graduated its first students in 2000 and now enrolls more than 20,000.

View Class Search

Penn State offers a large selection of courses each semester which can be viewed in the LionPATH Schedule of Classes.

Instruction Modes

Each semester, classes are offered in a variety of delivery methods, which can be viewed in the "Class Details" section of a given class in the LionPATH Schedule of Classes.

Enforced Prerequisites

Prerequisite requirements are enforced during the course registration process. Students who do not meet the prerequisites for a course will not be able to register for that course.

Late Registration

Registrations that occur after the regular add period are classified as late registrations and apply certain conditions to students who register late.

Multiple Campus Registration

Students can enroll in courses at both their assigned home-campus and additional campuses during the same semester with permission from the non-home campuses.

What does a warning message mean on a course history?

Warning Messages. Your Course History immediately notifies you if a course is not counting towards your continuing education. A warning message will display in an event where the course was not approved at the time of completion, not approved for your profession, or was taken outside your renewal period.

How to find a certificate in a course?

To retrieve a certificate, locate the course in question in your Course History. Courses are listed in reverse chronological order. You can use the search bar to type in the name of the course you are looking for. Filters are also available to search for courses in a specific date range.

What is transfer credit at Penn State?

Credits earned from tests, like AP or IB exams, are considered transfer credits and are included in the cumulative credit total. If the credits you are transferring or have transferred to Penn State place you above 59.1 cumulative credits after the start of the semester, your tuition will increase immediately.

What are general credits in AP?

General credits may be awarded for an AP Exam that covers material that is not the substantial equivalent of material covered in a specific University course. General credits may be used to fulfill degree requirements in any area; such use is not necessarily limited to General Education or elective requirements.

Can you duplicate AP credit?

The credit must be useful in a student's program of study. Duplicate credit in the same subject is not awarded in any case. Undergraduate students interested in receiving credit for AP Exams should arrange for their official grade reports to be sent directly from the College Board to us.
