what does during the course of your employment mean

by Lloyd Schumm 6 min read

What does “in the course of employment” mean?

The course of employment encompasses the actual period of employment and the period during which the employee, while on the employer's premises, prepares to commence or to depart from work, such as by changing clothes. Employer-sponsored recreational activities are also considered part of the course of employment when organized, encouraged, or supported by the …

What does course of employment mean in workers comp?

“In the course of employment” refers to the time, place, and circumstances under which an accident occurred. An accident occurs “in the course of employment” when it occurs (1) within the period of employment, (2) at a place where the employee reasonably may be in the performance of the employee's duties, and (3) while the employee is fulfilling the employee's …

What does “in the course of employment” mean in a car accident case?

“Course of employment” is a legal consideration of all circumstances that may occur in and during the performance of your job — especially during a period of time where specific objectives are given by your employer to you (employee). In short, any matter related to and connected with your employment for, by and with your company.

What does “arising out of and in the course of employment” mean?

 · The “In the Course Of” Employment Requirement. Second, an employee must suffer an injury in the course of his or her employment to receive workers’ compensation benefits. In other words, the employee needs to show that the injury happened (1) during the time he or she was working, (2) at a location related to work activities, and (3) while the employee was …

What is the course of employment?

Course of Employment. For an injury caused by an accident to be compensable under a workers’ compensation system, the accident must “arise out of employment” and occur “in the course of employment.”. “In the course of employment” refers to the time, place, and circumstances under which an accident occurred. An accident occurs “in the course of ...

When does an accident occur?

An accident occurs “in the course of employment” when it occurs (1) within the period of employment, (2) at a place where the employee reasonably may be in the performance of the employee's duties, and (3) while the employee is fulfilling the employee's duties or is engaged in something incidental thereto. The term “arising out of” is narrower ...

What is the meaning of "arising out of"?

The term “arising out of” is narrower than the term “in the course of”. It refers to the origin or cause of the injury. An accident “arises out of” employment when the employment was the cause of the accident which resulted in the injury. The course of employment is not to be confused with the scope of employment .

Is the course of employment the scope of employment?

The course of employment is not to be confused with the scope of employment . The course of employment is broader than the scope of employment. An injury may occur in the course of employment even though it does not occur in the scope of employment. See also workers compensation.

What is "in the course of employment"?

“in the course of employment” is a catch all phrase with little to no legal standing in most jurisdictions. It is not specific enough to have any value in a court. It tends to attempt to refer to the times you are working for reward. It is often misinterpreted to be 24/7/365 and/or anytime you are performing a task for your employer. However, this is where insurance lawyers, employment lawyers and contract lawyers differ. Company insurance lawyers will identify only the time that the employee is getting paid, while contract employment lawyers identify from start date and time to end-date and t

What is employment related matter?

In short, any matter related to and connected with your employment for, by and with your company.

When do you have to serve a notice period?

Notice period: You have to serve a notice period when you want to leave a company and this notice period different for different companies according to company rules and policy.

Why is confidentiality important in an employment contract?

Confidentiality: Including a confidentiality clause in an employment contract can help protect your company's trade secrets, data, client lists and other sensitive information. There is another contract between employer and employee of non disclosure of agreement.

What makes a good employment contract?

A good employment contract will make it crystal clear what exactly the parameters of the job are and what an employer's expectations are.

Why does an employee not sign a contract?

Where the employee does not sign because he has now changed his mind , then assuming that the contract has not yet been formed, then there is no issue as the employee is simply not accepting the offer made and there is no agreement and consequently no breach.

Can a US company hire foreigners?

As a US-based company, you have a few options when looking to hire foreigners based in a different country. If you have already found the employees you want to hire: You can hire them as contractors which a lot of companies tend to do but can present compliance and legal issues down the roa

What is contract of employment?

contract of employment means a contract of service or apprenticeship, whether express or implied, and (if it is express) whether oral or in writing;

What does "date of employment" mean?

Date of Employment means the first day an Employee performs an Hour of Service.

What is supported employment?

Supported employment services means provision of job training and supervision available to assist an individual who needs intensive ongoing support to choose, get, and keep a job in a community business setting. Supported employment is a service planned in partnership with public vocational assistance agencies and school districts and through Social Security Work Incentives when available.

What is an ordinary course professional order?

Ordinary Course Professional Order means the Order Authorizing the Retention and Compensation of Certain Professionals Utilized in the Ordinary Course of Business [D.I. 765].

What is an employment contract?

Employment Contract means any contract between the Corporation or any Designated Affiliate and any Eligible Employee, Eligible Director or Other Participant relating to, or entered into in connection with, the employment of the Eligible Employee, the appointment or election of the Eligible Director or the engagement of the Other Participant or any other agreement to which the Corporation or a Designated Affiliate is a party with respect to the rights of such Participant in respect of a change in control of the Corporation or the termination of employment, appointment, election or engagement of such Participant;

What is self employment?

Self-employment shall be where a Claimant sets up his/her own business and is responsible for paying his/her tax and National Insurance.

What does "arising out of" mean in employment?

In the course of employment means the time, place, and cir- cumstances under which the injury occurred while “ arising out of ” refers to an injury which has its origin in the employee ’s work - related functions and is sufficiently related thereof to be considered part of employee ’s service to employer.31

What is scope of employment?

Course and scope of employment means an activity of any kind or character engaged in by an employee that has to do with, and originates in, the work activities of the employer and that is performed by an employee while engaged in or about the furtherance of the affairs or business of the employer. The term does not include transportation to ...

Does transportation include transportation to or from the place of employment?

The term does not include transportation to or from the place of employment unless the employee is directed by the employer, as part of the employee’s employment, to proceed from one place of work to another.

How to determine if an employee is in the course of employment?

The key issue in determining whether an employee is in the course of employment is whether the employee is injured while actually engaged in the furtherance of the employer's business or affairs. [Scher v WCAB, 2526 C.D. 1998 (Pa Cmwlth September 23, 1999).] Several examples will indicate the court's reluctance to find that an injury is not within the course of employment.

What is considered an abandoned course of employment?

Another area where the course of employment has been considered to be abandoned is through an intentional act of the employee which is contrary to the employer's interests. An employee who collected cans from the employer's premises with the intention of selling them and was injured when he took them to a car parked on a public street was not within the course of employment.

What is an example of abandonment of employment?

An example of an abandonment of employment would be Carr v WCAB, 671 A2d 780 (Pa Cmwlth 1995). In this case, benefits were denied after the claimant suffered injuries in a motor vehicle accident that occurred while the claimant was driving back to a hotel. The claimant had been staying at the hotel with the approval of the employer; however, the accident occurred after the claimant pursued personal interests, which included sightseeing and drinking. Under these circumstances, the employee was considered to have abandoned the interests of the employer and therefore was not covered.

Is a traveling employee considered a worker's comp employee?

A traveling employee has a much broader scope. A traveling employee must be considered to have abandoned employment in order not to be covered under the workers compensation statutes. Thus, an employee injured in the bathroom of a motel while on layover was held to be in the course of employment. An employee who drowned while engaging in recreational activities after the employee had checked in with the customer and was told that services would not be needed that day was still within the course of employment. [ Evans v WCAB, 664 A2d 216 (Pa Cmwlth 1995).]

What is special circumstances?

Special circumstances are such that the claimant was furthering the business of the employer. These exceptions all indicate that if a fixed place of employment employee is traveling on a mission for the employer, that employer will cover the employee for any injuries suffered while on that mission. In accordance with this rule, a police officer ...

What is the coming and going rule?

However, there are exceptions as follows: The employment contract includes transportation to and from work. The claimant has no fixed place of work. The claimant is on a special assignment for the employer.

Is fixed place of employment covered by workers compensation?

A fixed place of employment employee generally is not paid or covered under workers compensation while traveling to and from work.
