what does de mean on course selection

by Alexane Cassin 4 min read

Full Answer

What is the course selection period?

You can select courses anytime during the Course Selection Period; successful enrolment into desired courses is independent of when you make your choices during this period (i.e., not first-come first-served). You can also modify your requests or change your priorities during the entire period (i.e., as often as you like!).

What happens when I complete the course selection exercise?

Once completed, the course selection exercise generates your class schedule before the Drop/Add Period begins.

What is the early pre-allocation course selection?

The early pre-allocation course selection provides students with an opportunity to review the upcoming academic year's course offerings. Later, after the view-only period, students can list their course preferences. Students must be mindful of the the credit minimum- and maximum limits.

How do I determine when courses are offered?

Determine when courses are offered and avoid conflicts by viewing the online timetable. Before you jump into the course registration system, you’ll probably want to figure out how all your courses will fit together. Here are some worksheets to help you along the way.

What does De mean for classes?

Dual enrollment allows high school students to take college classes while they are still enrolled in high school.

What does DE stand for when you are registering for your classes?

Delegated Examining (DE)

What does course code mean?

COURSE CODE: These identifiers are fairly general but provide enough specificity to identify the course's topic and to distinguish it from other courses in that Course Subject Area. Course Subject Area – the intended major subject category of the course. Each Course Subject Area is represented by a two-digit code.

What does dis mean college?

Directed individual study (DIS) is a college, university or college preparatory school level class providing a more in-depth and comprehensive study of a specific topic than is available in the classroom. Courses may be taken as electives.

What does De mean in college?

Distance education (DE) is defined by the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) as “education that uses one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor.” By allowing students to take classes online in their own locations and on their own schedules, DE ...

Do dual enrollment classes boost your GPA?

Dual credit courses are very unlikely to impact your college GPA, even if you're using the courses as college credits. Most colleges only consider the grades you earn once you're a college student.

How do you read university course codes?

The 3 alphabets are typically followed by 3 or 4 numerical digits. If there are 3 digits (e.g. INF123), that means it is an undergraduate level course. If there are 4 digits (e.g. INF1234), that means it is a graduate level course. You need to choose courses that at the level of study you are in.

What is course subject code?

A subject code is a letter-combination used to designate the area of study in a course. It precedes the course number.

What are S and Y courses?

Section CodeF = fall session or first subsession of the summer session.S = winter session or second subsession of the summer session.Y = fall and winter sessions or first and second subsessions of the summer session.

What is dis in research?

A Directed Individual Study (DIS) is a lot like what it sounds. A student works with a professor to. set up a course of study about a particular topic or research area. A DIS provides students the. opportunity to work one-on-one with faculty mentors through an open-ended, hands-on.

What does dis stand for medical?

dis- disability. disability analysis. Disability Assessment for Dementia Scale.

What does dis mean in slang?

Definition of dis (Entry 2 of 5) 1 slang : a disparaging remark or act : insult was meant as a tribute, not a dis — Vibe. 2 slang : disrespect.

What does Le mean for college classes?

Le. Law and Economics. Economics, Law, University.

What does TBA mean for college classes?

To-be-arranged"To-be-arranged" (TBA) hours require a specific set of requirements, face increased scrutiny for attendance validation and are commonly audited. Of these requirements, students must be informed of the TBA hours, attendance must take place at a specified time and location on campus, and attendance must be recorded.

What does & mean in college classes?

ampersandCourses that are commonly numbered will feature an ampersand (&) after their department name. An example of this is BUS 101, Introduction to Business. It will now be BUS& 101, Introduction to Business. The titles and numbers of some courses may change as part of CCN.

What does OL mean in college?

OL = Old Library. OM = Old Main. ONLINE = Online. ORNBOC = Orange Boces. ORNCC = Orange Community College.

What is course selection period?

What is the Course Selection Period? It is the creation of a wish list of courses you want to take during the next academic term. Your wish list of courses will be used to create a conflict-free class schedule for you, if you are successfully enrolled in the courses. Participating in the Course Selection Period gives you an early attempt ...

What is the recommendation for elective courses?

If the desired course is an elective for your degree or major, the recommendation is that you choose a different course this term.

What to do if required course isn't available online?

If a required course isn't available online and you are not in a position to come to campus to study, contact your academic advisor to find out your options. The course may be offered in a later term, you might be asked to choose a different course this term, or some other accommodation might be available from your academic unit.

What is blended class in fall 2021?

What is a "blended" class (NEW FALL 2021)? A blended class, designated by a campus code of BLND, is a class normally scheduled with both an online and in-person activity ( students must be available to come to campus).

When will Waterloo return to in person classes?

Winter 2022 will see a return to more in-person classes, and pre-pandemic approaches to academic life at Waterloo.

Can you add courses during drop period?

Even if that's not the case, you can add courses during the Drop/Add Period. Be sure to mark your calendar with the dates (you can download them from Important Dates) as course choice will be subject to availability and will be on a first-come first-serve basis.

Can you select courses during the course selection period?

You can select courses anytime during the Course Selection Period; successful enrolment into desired courses is independent of when you make your choices during this period (i.e., not on a first-come, first-served basis ). You can also modify your requests or change your priorities during the entire period (i.e., as often as you like!).

Why is the course selection system closed?

The course selection system will be closed in order to run the allocation. Students will be placed into courses based on the global allocation that meets the highest number of student preferences. After the allocation is completed, students may view the courses for which they have been confirmed and/or waitlisted. The view-only period is brief.

What happens when you drop a course on waitlist?

Waitlist Courtesy to oneself : Students sometimes list a course as a conditional drop and then lose track of them. Weeks or months later they rise to the top of that waitlist, and the conditional drop is triggered. When that happens there is nothing the Records Office can do. Students' seats have been given to someone else, and the only recourse will be to put the student's name back on the waitlist. Please do not let this happen--review your waitlist requests regularly, and eliminate conditional drops if you've decided you do not wish to make that swap!!

What happens if you select conditional enroll?

Students who select conditional enroll courses will be waitlisted until participation is confirmed for ALL students planning to do this course. It is necessary for students to select the required number of credits for the year or term until all courses are confirmed on their course selection.

What is a combined law degree?

Half-year graduate courses are the equivalent of 2 law school credits, and students must adhere to the maximum credit load using that equivalency.

How many credits do you need to take for a half time JD?

Half-Time JD students must take a minimum of 6 credits and a maximum of 8 credits per term; and a minimum of 14 credits and a maximum of 16 credits per academic year. Because students must list twice as many courses as they need each term, half-time JD students must select at least 16 credits for each semester in the course selection process.

Why do students attend classes during the add drop period?

During the add/drop period, many students attend a number of classes in order to get a sense of the courses. Students who are wait-listed for a course often attend these classes in order to keep up with the material.

How many credits are required for a January intensive?

But students enrolled in a January intensive may take 17 credits in the Winter term, and a total of 33 credits in the academic year. Because they must list twice as many credits as they need, full-time students must list at least 28 credits in each semester in the course selection process.

What should I do if the course section that I want is full?

If your desired section is full at the time of your window opening, select another open section that fits your schedule and then continue to monitor WebAdvisor for availability in your desired section. Space may become available if another student drops that section.

When can undergraduate and associate diploma students on the Guelph campus begin selecting Summer 2022 courses?

Course selection windows will begin opening March 8, 2022 . Students are assigned to a window based on the number of completed and in-progress credits, from highest to lowest. To determine your window (i.e., when you can begin selecting courses), you can find your number of completed and in-progress credits by running your Unofficial Transcript or viewing your My Academic Progress page on WebAdvisor.

When will I be able to see what courses will be offered in the Summer?

Summer 2022 course offerings for the Guelph campus will be posted on WebAdvisor on February 23. For help searching for courses, watch the Student Planning video tutorials.

What is Student Planning and how do I select my courses using this new tool?

It is accessed through WebAdvisor and replaces the old process for registering for courses on WebAdvisor. Video tutorials and additional documentation are available to help students through every step of the course selection and degree/diploma planning process. Visit the Student Planning website for more information.

What should I do if a required course is full?

As a first step, please make sure that you have viewed all sections of the course. You may have missed sections that still have seats available. When you're on the "Plan, Schedule, Register & Drop" page of WebAdvisor, the left panel only shows six sections at a time. You need to use the arrows shown in the screenshot below to view the other sections.

When will the Summer 2022 final exam schedule be posted?

The final exam schedule for Summer 2022 courses on the Guelph campus will be posted on WebAdvisor on May 5, 2022.

What courses will be delivered through face-to-face instruction and what do I need to know?

Please check WebAdvisor to determine if your course involves face-to-face instruction (see the "How will courses display on WebAdvisor" webpage for help). Health and safety protocols will be in effect for all face-to-face courses on campus. For more information, visit the University's COVID-19 website.

When should students balance their course load?

Students should attempt to balance their course load between the Fall-Winter Sessions.

What does H mean in math?

H = a half-course, for which one-half credit is given, e.g., HIS 321H1.

How many courses are required for summer session?

The recommended course load during the Summer Session is a maximum of two courses.

What does the + symbol mean in a course?

The ‘+’ symbol next to the course name and number indicates that there is a secondary component (ie. seminar, tutorial, lab). Select the ‘+’ to view available options.

How far in advance do you have to register for Brocku?

Make sure you have your Campus ID and password handy when registering. You should also ensure that you have activated your my.brocku.ca portal at least 24 hours in advance. Now that you’ve done all your prep work, it’s time to actually register for your courses. Log in to your portal at my.brocku.ca.

How many classes are required for a full course load?

Plan your required courses into your schedule first, then context courses, and finally electives. A full course load means you’ll have 3-5 courses each term. Classes may be booked back-to-back (there is typically a 10 minute break between classes) but remember to consider the class locations!

What is a lecture accompanied by?

Remember! Many lectures are accompanied by a seminar, lab or tutorial, so be sure to include all components in your schedule.

Can you view your grades on Brock?

By accessing this option you may view all courses you have registered in or taken at Brock and their grades (up to the current session). Students with overdue fees will be prevented from viewing grades and accessing academic transcripts.

Do you have to sign a course add?

Note: Course adds must be signed and dated by the course instructor prior to sending the form to Records.

Can you drop courses on the web?

You may add, drop or change courses via the web only up to the registration close dates for each session.

What is the Q course in the Army?

The Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) or, informally, the Q Course is the initial formal training program for entry into the United States Army Special Forces. Phase I of the Q Course is Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). Getting "Selected" at SFAS will enable a candidate to continue to the next of the four phases.

How long is the 18X course?

This 19-day performance-oriented course includes physical conditioning, map reading and land navigation instruction; land-navigation practical exercises, and common-task training. The goal is to prepare and condition 18X and REP-63 (National Guard) soldiers to attend Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course and the follow-on Special Forces Qualification Course.

How long is the language program for a military?

Soldiers assigned a Category I or II language will be enrolled in an eighteen-week language program, while soldiers assigned a Category III or IV language attend twenty-four weeks of language training. Students receive instruction in three basic language skills: speaking, participatory listening, and reading (limited).

How long is the Special Forces training course?

The first phase of the Special Forces Qualification Course is Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), consisting of twenty-four days of training at Camp Mackall. SFAS includes numerous long-distance land navigation courses.


Types of de Classes-

  • Online Classes Hawai'i CC online classes offer flexibility for students with challenging schedules. Online classes require minimal requirements for students to come to campus. While classes have deadlines that need to be met, students taking online classes have the ability to access their classes via the Internet and study at times and places that best fit their schedules. Students mu…
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Is de For You?

  • There are no special requirements to take an online course, as long as all prerequisites for the course are met. However, each student learns differently. Some may find that they are more successful in a regular classroom, while others may be more successful in a DE class. To help decide if distance education is right for you, watch the following video. 1. URL: http://screencast …
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Technology Requirements

  • Access to a computer with reliable Internet access is required, especially for online classes. Visit the UH Information Technology Services Web site (http://www.hawaii.edu/askus/585) for information on computer hardware recommendations. Most DE classes will also require use of common word processing and presentation software (e.g., Word, PowerPoint), email, and the Int…
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  • Question: What is Distance Education? Answer: Distance Education (DE) is education that occurs through instruction in which the instructor and student are separated by distance, time, or both. Question: Who can benefit from Distance Education? Answer: ANYONE! Whether you are busy trying to juggle work, family and leisure; live far from campus; can'...
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