what does costly discipleship look like in luke’s gospel? course hero

by Miguel Rowe 6 min read

Why is Luke interested in discipleship?

Nov 21, 2018 · View full document What does costly discipleship look like in Luke’s gospel? In my opinion a costly discipleship means that we are to make God our priority and he becomes first above all other things in our life. We must sacrifice many things in …

What are some examples of discipleship?

Jul 24, 2020 · Luke's context as a historian helps to understand the concept of discipleship better. He gives a detailed account of Jesus' life, His travels to Jerusalem, and His final days. This type of narration allows the reader to understand the cost of leaving their families, possessions, and following Jesus through these journeys.

Is discipleship free?

Jun 16, 2020 · In the gospel of Luke costly discipleship looks like dying to yourself. In Luke 17:33 Luke writes, “whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.” In order to die to or selves or lose your life, we must be willing to leave behind everything we love because of our greater love of Christ.

What did Paul say about discipleship?

Apr 16, 2018 · A costly discipleship means to understand that we need to sacrifice what we have , and by doing so we make God first priority above everything else in our life . In Luke 14:26 - 27 , “ Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother , wife and children , brothers and sisters , yes , and even life itself , can not be my disciple .

What is discipleship in Luke's Gospel?

Discipleship is to be an active enterprise, comprising both words of hope (“proclaim the kingdom of God”) and proactive deeds (“heal … and cure diseases”). The cost of following Jesus is emphasised throughout Luke's writings—especially in the section of the Gospel where Jesus journeys towards Jerusalem.Feb 5, 2019

Why is discipleship so costly?

It is costly because it compels a man to submit to the yoke of Christ and follow him; it is grace because Jesus says: "My yoke is easy and my burden is light."

What is the cost of discipleship of Jesus?

The price of discipleship to the Lord Jesus Christ is obedience to His gospel. Obedience requires self-discipline and self-control, both of which are consistent characteristics of followers of Jesus.

How is discipleship portrayed in the Gospel of Mark?

In Mark the life of the disciple is presented as being essentially continuous with that of Jesus (Waybright 1985:287). A disciple is one who is able to willingly accept the dislocations and disorientations which come with following the Son of Man (Barton 1994:150).

How do you become a disciple?

How to Be a Disciple of ChristLet us be humble; let us pray to our Father in Heaven with all our heart and express our desire to draw close to Him and learn of Him.Have faith.Seek and you will find. ... Serve the Lord by serving others.Become an active participant in your ward or branch.More items...

What is the meaning of Luke 14 33?

Like a person planning to build a tower or a king contemplat- ing war, discipleship demands sober evaluation. In Luke 14:33 Jesus says, "So therefore, whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my dis- ciple" (RSV).Jan 1, 1998

What is the difference between cheap grace and costly grace?

It is forgiveness from God without repentance. People who accept cheap grace are not going beyond, which is really what God has called us to do when he gave up his son. verse from John 3:16 displays the concept of costly grace. Costly grace is most important because it cost Jesus his life and it cost God his son.

What the Bible says about the cost of discipleship?

Counting the Cost, or in the NIV: The Cost of Being a Disciple or in the NRSV: The Cost of Discipleship or in the NKJV: Leaving All to Follow Christ, are titles given to the Gospel of Luke passage Luke 14:25–33 which includes a pair of parables told by Jesus.

Can salt lose its saltiness?

We have emphasized that in its natural form, without additives, salt doesn't lose its saltiness or flavor. Consumable salt is a mineral compound consisting of sodium and chloride (NaCI). It is extremely stable and therefore cannot lose its savor or degrade over time, unlike spices.Feb 4, 2021

What does Mark 10 35 45 mean?

Important Message of the Gospel The gospel from Mark 10:35-45 reminds us that we all have our desires for recognition and rewards. These are all things from the world which we can't bring to heaven. We need to remind ourselves that Jesus died for our sins, He comes to us to serve.

What is the nature of discipleship?

The Nature of Discipleship According to Mark's Gospel When a disciple is healing a person, they are serving them, as he serving Jesus and God. So discipleship can be summed up; to follow, to learn, to preach, to believe, to serve. All factors are important to be a true disciple.

Did the disciples misunderstand Jesus?

Jesus' disciples did not misunderstand Jesus as political messiah. The disciples must have had unwavering trust but could not prevent Jesus from being arrested and crucified.Jan 21, 2019

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Why was Paul beheaded?

Along with the twelve disciples, Paul gave up his life to be a disciple for Christ. He was imprisoned, stoned, and ultimately beheaded for sharing the gospel. In his letters to different churches, he often writes about the cost of the gospel.

What did Paul say about discipleship?

Paul also understood discipleship and boldly told the churches he wrote to in the New Testament what the cost of following Christ would be. Today, we are called to follow the examples set before us: to put up our cross daily and follow Jesus. Let’s begin with the examples Jesus has given us of discipleship.

How many disciples did Jesus call?

Jesus provides us with many examples of discipleship throughout his life on earth. He calls his twelve disciples, tells many parables about discipleship, and in the end, lays down his life for us. We can learn the cost of discipleship through these stories.

Where is the cost of discipleship found?

The cost of discipleship is found in Luke 14:27, “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me, cannot be My disciple.” If you want to be a disciple, you must give up everything. Being a disciple means giving up your life and living for Christ.

Is it easy to be a disciple of Christ?

We are called to lay down our lives and pick up our cross every single day. There is no “easy” way to be a disciple of Christ. He calls us to follow him and give him everything.

What does Jesus say about following Jesus?

He tells them in verses 10-11, “Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’ .

What did Jesus say to his disciples after he was crucified?

After Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead three days later, he left his disciple with this message in Mark 16, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

What does God do in the Bible?

God, who began that good work in you, will perfect it unto the day of Christ Jesus ( Phil. 1:6 ). The new life God imparts inevitably results in a new way of life in accord with its nature, namely growth in holiness. The seed of the Word will bear fruit unto eternal life.

What does the Bible say about the seed of the word?

The seed of the Word will bear fruit unto eternal life. While believers must grow as disciples and while we never perfectly arrive in this life ( Phil. 3:12 ), if a person claims to be a believer, but he isn’t seeking to grow in obedience to Christ, he is fooling himself.

What does Verse 25 mean?

Verse 25 is crucial for interpreting what follows. “Great multitudes were going along with Him.” Every pastor would love to have that kind of congregation. Every ministry desires more followers. Pastors with large congregations get their books published and are invited to speak all over the world because they are successful. We measure success by numbers.

What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ?

To believe in Jesus Christ as Savior necessarily entails following Him as Lord. Salvation is not just a decision that a man makes, but it is the mighty power of God in raising a dead soul to eternal life. God, who began that good work in you, will perfect it unto the day of Christ Jesus ( Phil. 1:6 ).

What does Paul say about followers of Christ?

In Paul’s words, “They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient, and worthless for any good deed” ( Titus 1:16 ). Thus it is possible to follow Christ superficially and it is to such followers that Jesus lays out the cost of discipleship.

What is careful thinking?

Both refer to careful, detailed, rational thinking in which you consider all aspects of what you’re getting into before you make the commitment. Such careful thinking is opposed to an impulsive decision made in a moment of intense emotion, without much thought about the consequences.

What does the cross mean in Luke 9:23?

The cross was not an implement of irritation or inconvenience. The cross was an implement of slow, tortuous death. Jesus here is looking at the process of daily death to selfish desires and of the willingness to bear reproach for His name’s sake.

What does it mean to give up everything?

"The giving up of 'everything' means recognizing that God has claim on all areas of our lives.

Is Luke a Gentile?

He is, de spite the possibility of being a Gentile, a master in his knowledge of the Old Testament as well. Luke frames his book in a way different than the other three Gospels. He states in the beginning, his purpose for writing the accounts of Jesus' life. Kee frames Luke's introduction this way: Luke himself at the beginning ...

What is the road to discipleship?

The road to true discipleship is a costly one. A disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ must be willing to sever any tie, walk any road, and carry any cross demanded by his Master. The fluff religion peddled by the church today fails to even resemble the rigorous demands placed on the Christian life in Luke 14:25-35.

What does Luke 14:25-35 mean?

The one who seeks to follow the plan for discipleship that Christ Himself lays forth in Luke 14:25-35, has counted the cost and found that it does not outweigh the blessing that comes from a life that is truly devoted to the commands of the Father.

What is cheap grace?

With the Nazi regime on the rise, a regime that would eventually order his death, he wrote, "Cheap grace is preaching forgiveness without repentance; it is baptism without the discipline of community; it is the Lord's Supper without confession of sin; it is absolution without personal confession.

Is salt good for food?

Salt as, "long as it was salty…was good for the purposes…as a condiment and a preservative.". Also it was used as a, "fertilizer, as weed killer and as a catalyst in certain kinds of ovens.". Long before the time of refrigerators and freezers, salt was the best way to keep food fresh while it was being stored.

Did Jesus sinned?

But Jesus never sinned. No one could convict Him of any sin. It is easy, however, to convict religious people of sin since many of them lie, do not pay their debts, are proud, backbite their neighbors, are partial, etc.

Can't be my disciple?

Note what is written: “Cannot be My disciple.” “If anyone comes to Me …”. In other words, it is possible to come to Him without becoming His disciple. It is possible to have your sins forgiven without having victory over sin, and this is the state most Christians find themselves in. But Jesus never sinned.

What is the goal of disciples?

The goal of disciples, on the other hand, is to follow their Master. Disciples listen carefully for the Spirit's guidance and hate all well-meaning but human advice from father, mother, siblings, wife, and children. They even hate their own lives in this world, and therefore they live in constant self-judgment.